Accounts Receivable > Screen Guides > Transactions > Invoice Entry

A/R Invoice Entry Screen

Learn more

About Entering Invoice Information

About Entering Multicurrency Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes

About Entering Optional Fields on Invoices

About Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes

About Invoicing Interest

About Processing Retainage

Journal Entries Generated by Accounts Receivable

A/R Post Batches Screen


Use the A/R Invoice Entry screen to:

Document Tab

You use the Document tab to:

Optional Fields Tab

Note: This tab appears if you have defined optional fields for Accounts Receivable invoices.

You use the Optional Fields tab to:

Rates Tab

Note: This tab appears only if you use multicurrency accounting and you are entering a document for a customer who does not use the functional currency.

You use the Rates tab to change the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate for converting the document amount from the customer's currency to the functional currency.

Retainage Tab

Note: This tab appears if the Retainage Accounting option is selected for Accounts Receivable (on the A/R Options screen) and you selected the Retainage option on the Invoice Entry Document tab.

You use the Retainage tab to specify how to process retainage for the invoice, debit note, or credit note you are entering. More...

Accounts Receivable displays the retainage percentage, retainage rate, and the retainage terms from the customer record. You can change these retainage factors for a particular document.

Accounts Receivable calculates and displays the retainage amount and retainage due date for the selected document, but you can change them.

Sales Split Tab

You use the Sales Split tab to allocate document totals to salespeople.

You can assign portions of each transaction you enter in the Invoice Entry screen to each salesperson who is responsible for the customer account or sale.

You can assign up to five salespersons per transaction.

If you track statistics for sales staff, Accounts Receivable uses this information to update the statistics when you post the transaction.

Taxes Tab

You use the Taxes tab to:

If you assign a tax group that uses a different currency from the customer currency, additional fields appear on the tab.

Use the Calculate Tax Reporting option to specify whether Accounts Receivable will calculate the tax reporting amounts for the document and its details. If you turn off the option, you must enter the tax amount for each authority, both for the document and for the details.

The fields in the Tax Reporting Currency Rates section show the currency for the tax group (which you cannot change), and they let you enter the rate date, rate type, and exchange rate for converting the tax reporting amount.

If you enter the tax reporting amounts manually, use the Derive Rate button (in the Tax Reporting Currency Rates section) to compute the exchange rate for the tax reporting currency.

Terms Tab

Use the Terms tab to:

Accounts Receivable adds a payment schedule to the Terms tab if you assign a terms code that uses a multiple payment schedule (for a number of payments over a period of time, such as six monthly payments).

The payment schedule divides the invoice total into the number of payments specified by the terms code. Each payment has its own due date, payment amount, and discount period, which is displayed on the tab. If you want, you can change any dates on the schedule, as well as increase or decrease the number of payments.

Tip: You can print payment schedules on batch listings if you select the Show Schedules option on the A/R Batch Listing screen.

Totals Tab

Use the Totals tab to check the totals for the document, including the document, tax, prepayment, and discount amounts, as well as the total amount due.