Accounts Receivable > Entering and Posting Transactions > Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes > Adding, Editing, or Deleting an Invoice Batch

Adding, Editing, or Deleting an Invoice Batch

You can create batches using the Invoice Batch List screen or the Invoice Entry screen.

To create a new invoice batch using the Invoice Batch List screen:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Invoice Batch List.

  2. Click Create New to create a new invoice batch and open the A/R Invoice Entry screen, where you can enter the batch date and description.

To create a new invoice batch using the Invoice Entry screen:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Invoice Entry.

  2. Click the Create New Batch button.

    Accounts Receivable assigns a new batch number.

  3. Enter a description for the batch.
  4. Accept the session date in the Batch Date field, or type over the date if you want to change it.

To display an existing invoice batch for editing or deleting:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Invoice Entry.

  2. Specify the batch number in the Batch Number field.

  3. If you want to delete the batch:
    1. Click the Delete button.
    2. If you see a message asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

    All transactions in the batch will be deleted and the batch will be listed as deleted on the A/R Batch Status report, You cannot reuse the batch number.

    Note: To clear the data for the deleted batch from Accounts Receivable, select the Clear Deleted And Posted Batches option when you clear history using the Clear History screen.


You can also open existing batches from the A/R Invoice Batch List by:

To view header information for a batch:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Invoice Entry.

  2. Specify the batch number in the Batch Number field.

  3. Click the Details link to display the A/R Batch Information screen.