Accounts Receivable > Entering and Posting Transactions > Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes > About Entering Invoice Information

About Entering Invoice Information

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About Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes

A/R Invoice Entry Screen

Invoices, credit notes, and debit notes contain two types of information:

Invoice Information

Certain information, such as the customer number, document number, and document type, is the same for all details in a single invoice, credit note, or debit note. You enter this information on the Document tab of the A/R Invoice Entry screen.

Invoice information for all three types of documents includes:

For invoices, you also specify the payment terms, including the due date and discount information. On summary documents, you can also indicate whether to calculate tax for the document.

Entering Optional Field Information on Invoices

If you use optional fields, you can also edit or add any optional fields that have been set up for use with invoices or invoice details.

For more information, see About Entering Optional Fields on Invoices.

Changing Invoice Information

You can change the following information on the Document tab after you save an invoice:

You cannot change the following information: