Order Entry > Screen Guides > Transactions > Credit/Debit Note Entry

O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry Screen

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Use the O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry screen to credit or debit customer accounts for returned merchandise, items not included on an invoice, and other price adjustments. More...

On the O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry screen, you can:


In the header area of the Credit/Debit Note Entry screen, you specify information about the credit note (or debit note) and the customer number. More...

On this screen, you can:

Customer Tab

Use the Customer tab to specify information about the customer, including shipping method, price list, and eligibility for discounts. More...

On the Customer tab, you can specify:

Credit Note or Debit Note Tab

The name of this tab is Credit Note or Debit Note, depending on the document type you selected. It provides separate sections, where you can enter or view document information, as follows:

Tip: To open a separate detail entry screen to view and change information for a selected detail, click Detail Taxes.

Optional Fields Tab

If optional fields are assigned to the screen, use the Optional Fields tab to enter optional field information that applies to the entire document. More...

Optional fields and values appear automatically on this tab if you selected the Auto Insert option for those fields on the O/E Optional Fields setup screen.

If you use identical optional fields in Order Entry transactions and Accounts Receivable invoices, the information in the Order Entry fields is sent to Accounts Receivable.

For more information, see About Optional Fields and Adding Optional Fields to Transaction Entry Screens.

Rates Tab

The Rates tab becomes available only if you use multicurrency accounting and you are entering a document for a customer who does not use your company’s functional currency. You use this tab to view and edit rate information for currency conversion.

If you are shipping goods, you can also change the rate information for converting the shipped amount from customer's currency.

The Rates tab can show the following groups of exchange rate information:

  • Order Exchange Rate (if you are creating or have created an order)
  • Credit Note Exchange Rate or Debit Note Exchange Rate (if you are creating a credit note or a debit note)

If the tax group for this document uses a different currency than the customer's currency or your functional currency, the tab also shows the rates for converting document amounts to the tax reporting currency.

You use the Rates tab to:

  • Change the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate for converting the order, credit note, or debit note amounts from the customer's currency to your company's functional currency.
  • If you are reporting taxes in a different currency than you collect them, enter or derive the rate for converting amounts to the tax reporting currency.

    If Order Entry automatically calculates amounts in the tax reporting currency, it uses the tax reporting currency exchange rate that appears on this tab.

For more information, see About Exchange Rates .

Sales Split Tab

Use the Sales Split tab to calculate sales commissions by allocating transaction totals to up to four salespersons.  More...

You can assign portions of each transaction to the salesperson or salespersons responsible for the customer account or sale. If you track commissions for sales staff, Order Entry uses this information to update commission data when you post invoices and run Day End Processing.

When you enter a transaction in Order Entry, the salespersons assigned to the customer account in Accounts Receivable appear on the Sales Split tab by default. If you select a ship-to location, the salespersons associated with that ship-to location are used instead.

Note: You assign default salespersons to customer records and to ship-to locations in Accounts Receivable.

The salesperson listed on the first line in the table is the primary salesperson for the transaction. Some Order Entry reports list only the primary salesperson, while others allow you to sort information by primary salesperson.

You can assign the transaction to other salespeople by changing the percentage of the transaction total allocated to each salesperson. The amounts in the Percentage column must total 100 (or 0 if you do not assign salespeople to the transaction).

For more information, see Managing Sales Splits.

Taxes Tab

Use the Taxes tab to review and change tax information and customer tax class for the credit or debit note. More...

On the Taxes tab, you can:

For information about manually entering and distributing tax amounts, see Entering and Distributing Tax Amounts .

Totals Tab

Use the Totals tab to review and edit discounts, totals, and other final document details.  More...

On the Totals tab, you can: