Order Entry > Entering Transactions > Taxes > Entering Taxes Manually

Entering Taxes Manually

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About Taxes

Changing Tax Amounts for Order Entry Documents

Changing Tax Groups and Tax Classes for Order Entry Documents

Entering and Distributing Tax Amounts

Entering an Order

Entering a Quote

For each transaction you enter, and for each detail line included in the transaction, you can enter taxes manually or Order Entry can calculate taxes automatically. More...

When you enter taxes manually, you must enter the following information for each authority within the tax group:

You can enter the total tax amount for each authority and then enter the tax for individual details, or you can enter the taxes for each detail first and then enter the total amounts.

Important! The total tax amounts must equal the sum of the detail taxes entered for each authority.

To enter taxes manually for a transaction:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions.
  2. Open  Order Entry.
  3. Clear the Calculate Tax option if it is selected.
  4. Enter order information and item details. More...

    For more information about entering information and details, see Entering an Order .

    For more information about specific fields and controls on the O/E Order Entry screen, see O/E Order Entry Screen.

  5. On the Taxes tab, enter the tax base and total tax amounts for each tax authority.

    Note: You can review tax amounts for document details on the O/E Detail Taxes screen. For more information, see O/E Detail Taxes Screen .

  6. If you want to prorate the total tax amount to document details, click Distribute Taxes.

    Note: If you click Calculate Taxes, Order Entry calculates tax amounts and replaces any tax amounts you have entered manually.

    Order Entry automatically prorates and allocates to document details the total tax amount you entered.

    You can also enter tax amounts manually for each detail line, as described in the next procedure.

  7. Review remaining transaction information and details, and then post the transaction.

Tip: To allocate the total tax amounts automatically to individual items, click the Distribute Taxes button on the Taxes tab.

To enter taxes manually for a detail line:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions.
  2. Open  Order Entry.
  3. On the Detail table of the first tab, select the detail line for which you want to adjust taxes, and then click the Edit icon .

    The O/E Detail Taxes screen appears.

  4. In the Tax Base and Tax Amount columns, enter the tax base and tax amount you have calculated for the detail line.

    Important! After entering the tax base and tax amount for all detail lines, ensure that the sum of the taxes for the details equals the total tax amount you entered in the Tax Amount column on the Taxes tab of the O/E Order Entry screen.

  5. Review remaining information and details, and then post the document.