Order Entry > Setting Up Order Entry > Setting Up Order Entry

Setting Up Order Entry

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O/E Options Screen

Setting Up Order Entry

Setup Screens

This article lists the steps for setting up a new Order Entry system.

Important! Follow the "Before you start" steps before setting up your Order Entry system.

To set up your Order Entry system:

  1. Select Order Entry options. More...

    The options you select on the O/E Options screen determine how your Order Entry system operates and the types of data it stores and displays. You can also use the screen after setup to review your entries and, as needed, change most of them.

    You use the O/E Options screen to perform the following setup tasks:

    • Verify the prefixes and numbers you want Order Entry to assign to orders and invoices, if you want the numbers assigned automatically.
    • Select the options to use when processing orders and invoices.
    • Specify a default order template (optional).
    • Specify the default order unit of measure.
    • Define any optional fields you want to add to transaction entry screens.

    For more information, see O/E Options Screen and About Numbering Order Entry Documents.

    Note: After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.

  2. Add setup records. More...

    Before you can process orders, invoices, and credit notes in Order Entry, you need to set up records for ship-via codes, miscellaneous charges, and email messages.

    You can also define templates to speed up and simplify order entry, add optional fields to be used in transactions, and use the O/E Options screen to set up processing and General Ledger integration options for transactions.

    For more information, see Setup Screens.

  3. Enter outstanding orders if they exist. More...

    When you set up Order Entry, you should enter all outstanding orders into the new system so you can track them effectively.

    • If you were using a computerized order entry system, you may be able to use Order Entry's import utilities to import records.
    • If you are transferring orders from another Sage 300 Order Entry company, you can export records from the other company, use spreadsheet software to change codes, amounts, and other information, and then import the records into the new Order Entry system you are setting up.

    Note: After importing, you should print the O/E Transaction List report for orders and invoices to verify the imported records. You can also enter outstanding orders directly on the O/E Order Entry screen.

  4. Enter sales statistics. More...

    Order Entry maintains sales statistics for the current year and for all previous years for which you store data.

    If you set up before fiscal year end, you need to enter sales statistics from previous periods of the current year if you want to view these statistics online or print reports that include them.

    You can also enter any sales statistics from previous years that you want to view online, or for which you want to print reports.

    After you set up sales statistics, Order Entry automatically updates statistical information each time you run Day End Processing.