If you selected the Calculate Taxes option, this field displays the amount of tax that is due for each authority.
For each authority, Order Entry calculates a sales tax amount if: The customer is subject to tax.The order contains taxable items or taxable miscellaneous charges.Tax rates are specified for the tax authorities and classes in Tax Services.
If you are entering taxes manually, enter the total tax amount you calculated for each tax authority. Ensure that the amounts you enter agree with the sum of the tax amounts for the details, for each tax authority.
These columns lists descriptions for tax classes that are assigned to the tax authority. On this screen, you can change the tax class, but not the description.
To change the tax class description or make other changes to the information for the specified tax group, use the Tax Services screens.
Tax classes determine whether customers are subject to or exempt from particular taxes.
Use the O/E Detail Taxes screen to add, edit, and delete items and charges, and to change tax information for items and charges.
On the tax table on this screen, you can change a tax class to another tax class that is assigned to the authority, and you can double-click the Tax Included field to specify Yes or No.
If you are entering taxes manually (that is, if you did not select the Calculate Tax option), you can also change the tax base and the tax amount.
Note: On the Totals tab of each transaction entry screen, you can review tax amounts for a document and compare the totals on the screen with the totals on the source document.