Order Entry > Setting Up Order Entry > Posting and Processing > About Order Unit of Measure

About Order Unit of Measure

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About Backorder Quantities

Order Entry Options for Posting Accounts Receivable Batches

O/E Options Screen

Selecting Transaction Processing Options in Order Entry

On the O/E Options screen, you can specify whether to use the stocking unit or the pricing unit as the default order unit of measure on Order Entry transaction entry screens. The unit of measure you specify is used by default, but you can select another unit of measure while entering each transaction if necessary.

Stocking units and pricing units are defined for individual items in Inventory Control, and they may be different. For example, you may use "dozen" as the stocking unit for an item, but "each" as the pricing unit.

Note: Sage 300 supports multiple pricing units of measure, but you must set one as the default on the I/C Item Pricing screen in Inventory Control.