About Creating Payment Batches Automatically
About Entering Optional Fields on Payments
About Entering Prepayments Using the Payment Entry Screen
Click this button to adjust a payment. For more information, see Writing Off Small Differences During Payment Entry.
Click this button to clear the A/P Payment Entry form in order to create a new payment batch.
Click this button to clear the A/P Payment Entry form in order to create a new payment entry.
Click this button to delete the entry that is currently displayed in the Payment Entry screen.
Note: If you delete a payment for which the check has already been printed, Accounts Payable voids the check.
Click this button to view the history of an invoice, credit note, or debit note while applying a payment or credit note. For more information, see Viewing Document History when Applying a Payment or a Credit Note.
Click this button to print a check for a payment. For more information, see Printing a Single Check When You Pay a Vendor.
Click this button to view and edit currency and exchange rates.
If you edit a payment you applied previously, click this button to record your changes.
Click this button to void a check. For more information, see Voiding a Printed Check.
The vendor's account set appears as the default in this field, but you can change the account set to another one that uses the vendor's currency.
Note: You cannot specify an account set for apply transactions, for miscellaneous payments that have no vendor number, or for adjustments you make in Payment Entry.
This field is available if you select Prepayment as the transaction type.
Enter the date on which you want the payment activated. This is the date from which they are included when calculating amounts due for payment.
Prepayments are not used to calculate account balances or amounts due to vendors (when you use the Create Payment Batch screen) until they reach their Activation dates.
This field is available if you selected Payment as the transaction type.
You use it to record a credit for goods that you have returned, for which the vendor has not yet sent you a credit note. For more information, see Entering an Advance Credit for Goods You Return.
The invoice to which advance credit is applied will appear as if it is fully paid. However, because the advance "credit" is actually a separately numbered debit document, it reflects the true unpaid balance in the vendor account, until you record the "real" credit note.
This field is available if you selected Prepayment as the transaction type.
Select how you want to identify the document for which you are entering the prepayment.
You can identify it by its document (invoice) number, by the sales order number, or by the purchase order number. An additional field appears if you choose to apply by purchase order, listing all the existing POs posted for the vendor.
Specify a default method for allocating partial payments to details on job‑related invoices that use different contracts, projects, and categories:
Note: If you use this method to apply a payment to an invoice that uses a multiple payment schedule, you may have to adjust the amounts manually. For invoices that use a multiple payment schedule, it is preferable to prorate the payment by amount.
Enter the invoice number, PO number, or sales order number for the invoice you are prepaying (depending on your choice for Document Type). Accounts Payable uses this number to identify the invoice to which you are applying this prepayment.
Specify the bank on which you are writing the checks for the batch.
Initially, this field displays the default bank code specified on the Transactions tab of the A/P Options screen, but you can change it.
This is usually the date on which the batch was created.
The program uses the batch date as the default document date for new documents you add to the batch.
Accounts Payable displays the session date as the default batch date when you create a new batch. You can type a different date in the field, or select a date using the calendar. (Click the button beside the Batch Date field to display the calendar.)
You can change the batch date any time before you post the batch, provided the Ready To Post option is not selected for the batch.
Once the batch is posted, the batch date becomes part of your audit trail. You use it to select batches to print on the batch listing and batch status reports.
Enter the number of an existing batch, or click the Create New Batch button to create a new batch. In the field to the right, enter a description for the batch.
Tip: Click the Details link to view more information from the record.
This display-only field lists the total number of entries and the total amount of the selected batch.
If you selected Cash as the payment type, use this field to select the necessary cash account code.
This is the language for printing the amount of the check in words only. All other text on the check or advice comes from the check report screen.
If you are recording a manual check that you issued earlier, enter the check number in this field.
If you are printing the check from Accounts Payable, you do not enter a number. Bank Services assigns the check number when you print the check.
Check numbers must be unique for each bank.
This field appears only in multicurrency ledgers.
Specify the currency code to use for the batch. You can pay vendors in any currency, but all the transactions you enter in a single payment batch must be in the same currency.
You can change exchange rate details for a batch. For more information, see A/P Batch Information Screen (Payment Entry).
Accounts Payable assigns a document number for payment, miscellaneous payment, and prepayment transactions.
The assigned number uses the prefix and next sequence number specified on the Numbering tab of the A/P Options screen, and you cannot edit the document field.
For Apply Document transactions, you enter the document number of the prepayment or credit note you want to apply in this field.
Use this field to select the appropriate document type to generate.
To create a new entry, click the Create New Entry button.
To work with an existing entry, specify its number in the Entry Number field.
The entry number identifies the payment entry on batch listings and posting journals. You can also include this number in transactions you send to the general ledger (if you do not consolidate transactions).
Entry numbers are assigned sequentially by the program.
Enter additional information to include with a transaction (for example, an EFT transaction number).
Note: This field appears for payments, prepayments, miscellaneous payments, and apply document transactions.
Select this option to enable the ability to sort documents by type, order, and due date.
The Optional Fields check box indicates whether optional fields are assigned to the currently selected payment. If you marked any payment optional fields for automatic insertion, the field is selected when you add a new payment entry.
For more information, see Changing Optional Fields.
Use the Order By field when applying payments in Select mode to specify the order by which to list the vendor's documents. You can choose Document (number), Purchase Order Number, Due Date, Order Number, Document Date, or Current Balance.
You set the default order for this field by your choice for the Default Order Of Open Documents option on the A/P Options screen.
If you selected Other as the payment type, use this field to specify the alternate account code.
A description of the specified account will display in the Other Account Description field.
Accounts Payable displays the amount of the payment transaction in the bank currency, letting you quickly identify payments and check amounts when reviewing or editing entries.
The payment code specified in the vendor record appears as the default in this field. (If none exists in the vendor record, Accounts Payable displays the default payment code specified on the A/P Options screen.)
You can change the code if you want to use a different method of payment for this entry.
If you select a code that uses a Cash payment type, enter the cash account from which to disburse the payment. If you do not enter a cash account, Accounts Payable credits the bank account.
If you select a code that uses a Check payment type, fill in the following fields:
Accounts Payable uses this date to:
If you are recording a check that you have already issued, enter the date from the check.
If you are printing a check from Accounts Payable, this is the date that will appear on the check when you print it.
If you are entering an Apply Document transaction, the Payment Date field is not available. Accounts Payable assigns the date of the document being applied.
This date appears as the Document Date in the Vendor Activity screen and on reports that include payments and apply document transactions.
You can enter the following types of transactions:
Prepayments pay for a purchase before you are invoiced for it. When you enter and post the invoice, Accounts Payable automatically applies the prepayment.
The posting date is used to record the date the document was applied to another transaction and when it is actually posted to General Ledger. It does not affect the determination of the discount or the days to pay statistics.
The field to the right displays the fiscal year and period to which the transaction will be posted. You cannot change this field except by changing the posting date.
Select this option if you want to print the check using the Accounts Payable program.
If you are recording a manual check you have already issued, do not select this option. You must enter the number of the manual check in the Check Number field. (If Accounts Payable prints the check, it assigns the check number when you print the check.)
Accounts Payable treats a check with a number as printed once you save it. This means that you cannot edit the check later unless you zero the Check Number field and select the Print Check option.
If you selected Miscellaneous Payment as the transaction type, use this field to specify the necessary remit-to location.
A description of the selected remit-to location will display in the Remit-To Description field.
The name of this field varies according to your selection in the Order By field.
Use the field to type the number, amount, or date of the first record you want to see in the list of the vendor's open documents. Leave the field blank to start with the first outstanding document.
Use this field to specify the starting due date from which to order documents in the payment entry batch.
Tax groups specify the authorities that tax the vendor and assign the vendor's tax classes in each authority. (Tax classes determine the specific classification for a tax, such as which rate is applied or whether the vendor is exempt.)
The vendor's tax group appears in the field when you enter the vendor number. You can assign a different tax group, or you can change the tax information for the document on the Document Totals screen. You can also change the detail tax class or tax included status for any of the detail lines you enter with the document.
To change the tax rates for a tax authority, however, you must use the Tax Services screens.
In multicurrency ledgers, if you change the tax group to one that uses a different currency than the vendor, you can choose whether to let the program calculate the tax reporting amount, and you can change the tax type, rate date, and exchange rate for the tax reporting currency.
The program displays the total tax calculated or entered for all the details and tax authorities used on the document.
This field shows how much of the selected prepayment or credit note has not yet been applied to the vendor's account in the detail entry table. Use it to check that you have applied as much of the prepayment or credit note as you intended.
Note: If you have a multicurrency ledger, the unapplied amount is in the vendor's currency—as are the invoices to which you are applying the prepayment or credit note. The exchange rate in effect is the rate that you entered with the prepayment or credit note. You cannot change it at this time.
The field shows the amount you have applied using the table on the Payment Entry screen, unless you are entering a prepayment.
In multicurrency ledgers, the payment amount is converted from the vendor currency to the bank currency using the exchange rate information on the Rate Override screen. To change the exchange information for a selected payment, open the Rate Override screen by clicking the Rates button at the bottom of the Payment Entry screen.
If you are entering a prepayment, you use this field to type the amount you are prepaying. If you have a multicurrency ledger, enter the amount in the vendor currency—not in the bank currency. The amount is converted to the bank currency for the check amount, using the rates shown on the Rate Override screen.
Use this field to specify the account to which to post the payment.
This is the person or company name that will appear on the check.
You can enter another name or select a remit-to location (if the vendor has alternative payment addresses).
Press the Edit link to view or change the remit-to information.
This column displays the amount of an adjustment you entered to the document in this payment batch. You cannot change the amount in this column.
You can enter adjustments in payment batches if the option to allow adjustments in payment batches is selected on the A/P Options screen.
After saving the transaction, you adjust the document by highlighting the line to which you are applying the payment, and then clicking the Adjust button
Type the amount you want to apply to the selected document.
Accounts Payable automatically applies the full outstanding amount when you select the document, but you can change the amount.
You cannot enter an amount that is greater than a document's outstanding or pending balance.
If you are applying a prepayment or credit note, you cannot apply an amount that is greater than the total for the document you are applying.
This column displays the current balance in the document in the vendor's account. The amount is calculated from the transactions that have been posted to the account, and does not include pending (unposted) transactions.
This column shows the amount of the discount that is available for the document, if any. You cannot change this amount and you cannot enter a larger discount amount in the Discount Taken field.
You can change discount amounts using the Control Payments screen.
Use this column to enter the amount of any discount that applies to the document.
You can take a discount on a document, even if the applied amount is zero.
If the discount period has expired, this field will show zeros.
You can change discount amounts using the Control Payments screen.
The Document Number column shows the numbers of outstanding documents that you can pay at this time, or to which you can apply a prepayment or a credit note.
The field indicates whether a document is job‑related or not. (The program sets the entry in this field; you cannot change it.)
This column displays the document balance net of the current unposted applied amount, adjustment, and/or discount.
This column displays the original document total.
This column displays the payment number for the corresponding document. This payment number is 1 unless the document contains a multiple payment schedule, then it is the number for the particular payment.
This column displays the total amount of unposted adjustments that have been entered for the document in any other unposted entries or payment batches.
This column displays the total amount of discounts taken for the document in other unposted entries in payment batches.
This column displays the total of any payments that have been applied to the document in other unposted batches or entries.
Use the A/P Payment Entry screen to:
Note: The fields that appear on the Document section of the A/P Payment Entry screen depend on the type of transaction you are entering.