Accounts Payable > Printing Reports > Transaction Reports > Printing a Single Check When You Pay a Vendor

Printing a Single Check When You Pay a Vendor

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About Printing Checks

A/P Print Checks Screen

Printing Checks for a Batch of Payments

Printing Accounts Payable Reports

You can print a check for a payment or a prepayment when you enter the transaction using the A/P Payment Entry screen or the A/P Invoice Entry screen.

You can also print all the checks in a payment batch together using the A/P Payment Batch List screen. For instructions on printing checks for batches, see Printing Checks for a Batch of Payments.

You can print checks and advices on different types of check stock, including forms that include an advice slip listing the details of the payment. For information about the check and advice formats that come with Accounts Payable, see About Printing Checks.

You can print checks while other users are printing checks, provided the check runs are for different payment batches.


When to Print

Use the A/P Payment Entry screen or the A/P Invoice Entry screen to print a check for a payment or a prepayment when you enter the payment or prepayment.

To print a check for a prepayment you enter using the Invoice Entry screen:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Invoice Entry.

  2. Display the invoice that you are prepaying, or add the invoice, as usual.

    Note: If you are entering a new invoice, you must click Save after entering all the invoice information

  3. Click Prepay.

  4. On the Prepayments screen, select the payment batch and the payment, or enter a new payment, as usual.

    Note: If you are entering a new prepayment, you must click Save after entering all the payment information

  5. Make sure that the Print Check option is selected for the payment.
  6. Click Print Check to display the Print Checks screen.
  7. Continue at step 5 of the following instructions for printing a check from the Payment Entry screen.

To print a check for a payment or a prepayment when you enter it on the Payment Entry screen:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Payment Entry.
  2. Display the payment for which you want to print a check, or enter a new payment, as usual.
  3. Make sure that the Print Check option is selected for the payment.
  4. Click Print Check to display the Print Checks screen.
  5. On the Print Checks screen, review the settings and the list of checks the program is ready to print. More...

    You can change the following items if they are not correct:

    • Check stock. The check stock is set in Bank Services, but you can change it, if necessary.
    • Next check number.
    • Number of leading checks. Although nothing is printed on the leading checks, Bank Services needs this information to assign check numbers to the blank forms, to keep the audit trail intact.

    • Report format for printing the check and/or advice forms.

      You cannot proceed to print and post checks unless the report format is valid.

  6. To print a test copy of a check to verify that your check forms are aligned correctly in your printer, make sure your printer is ready, and then click Preview.

    You can repeat this step as often as needed.

    Tip: If you are not ready to print this check, close the Print Checks screen. When a message appears warning you "Not all checks have been printed," click Yes to leave the Print Checks screen, cancel the check run, and void the printed checks. (None were printed.)

  7. When you are ready to print the check, click Print.

    Accounts Payable asks whether the check was printed correctly.

  8. Review the printed check, and it was printed correctly, click Yes.

    If the check was not printed correctly:

    1. Click No.
    2. Reset the print status in one of the following ways:

      • Double-click in the Print Status column for the payment.
      • Click the Select Reprint Range button, and then specify the number of the check you printed.
    3. Click Print again.

      Important! If you cannot reprint the check at this time, close the screen and then click Yes when asked to confirm that you want to cancel the print run and void the current check number. If you do not cancel the check run, Accounts Payable sets the batch status to Check Printing In Progress, and you cannot edit the batch until you reset the status to Open.

  9. If you are also printing a payment advice, Accounts Payable asks whether the advice forms are in the printer.

    1. Click Yes to print the advice form.
    2. If the advice printed correctly, click Yes again when asked.

      If the advice was not printed correctly click No, and then reset the print status, as before.

    When you accept the check and the payment advice, if you printed one, Accounts Payable posts the check information to Bank Services, and closes the Print Checks screen.