About Printing Checks
You can print vendor checks in one of the following ways:
From the A/P Payment Entry screen, when you enter a payment for a vendor. More...
Open the Payment Entry screen, add a payment or open an existing one, and click the Print Check button to print a check for the payment.
From the A/P Payment Batch List screen, for all the checks in a selected payment batch. You also post the payment batch to vendor accounts after printing the checks. More...
Select the payment batch, and then click the Print button to print checks for all the payments in the batch.
When you click the Print and Post buttons, Accounts Payable performs the following tasks:
Makes sure that the batch has been listed, if the Force Listing Of Batches option is selected on the A/P Options screen.
If you use the option and the batch has not been listed, you must list it before you can print and post the checks.
- Makes sure that the batch you selected is set Ready To Post. If it is not, prompts you to set it to Ready To Post and continues with posting.
Posts the batch immediately if all checks in the batch have been printed, or if the payment batch does not contain checks.
If the batch includes unprinted checks, Accounts Payable displays the Print Checks screen where you can print the checks. More...
You can review the settings in the Print Checks screen before you proceed, and review the list of checks the program is ready to print.
You can change the following items if they are incorrect:
- Check stock.
- Next check number.
- Number of leading checks. Although is printed on leading checks, Bank Services needs the information to assign check numbers for the blank forms, to keep the audit trail correct.
- Report file used to print the check and/or advice forms. You cannot proceed with printing and posting checks without a valid check report file.
Once the check data has been posted, you cannot reprint the checks or advices.
For step-by-step instructions for printing checks, see
Print Formats for Checks
Sage 300 Accounts Payable comes with several SAP Crystal ReportsĀ® formats for checks with attached advice slips.
For a list of the sample check-printing formats that come with Accounts Payable, see Customizable Formats for Printed Accounts Payable Forms.
For instructions on printing checks, see Printing Checks for a Batch of Payments or Printing a Single Check When You Pay a Vendor.
Canceling the Printing and Posting Process
Accounts Payable does not post to vendor accounts until you confirm that:
- Checks (and advices, if printed separately) were correctly printed.
- Accounts Payable can post the batch.
If the checks were not printed properly (and you cannot reprint them at this time), you can cancel the print run as follows:
- Answering No when the program asks whether the checks were printed properly.
- Setting the check status to Not Printed.
- Clicking the Close button on the Print Checks screen.
You then have the option to void all checks that were printed.
- If you void checks, the check numbers will be marked as void in Bank Services, and a subsequent printing will issue all new check numbers.
- If you do not void checks, you will be able to specify which checks you want reprinted the next time you choose Print/Post for this batch.
- The status for the batch will be set to Check Creation In Progress, and you will have to complete check printing in future before posting can proceed.
Void and Reversed Checks
You cannot reprint a check once the check information has been posted to Bank Services. However, if you delete the payment from the payment batch after you print the check, Accounts Payable changes the status of the check to Void in Bank Services.
You can delete payments (void checks) until you post the batch. Deleted checks do not appear on the Accounts Payable Check Register.
If you need to put a stop-payment on a check for which you have posted the payment to vendor accounts, you can reverse the check using the Reconcile Statements screen in Bank Services. Accounts Payable will reverse the payment application associated with the check when you do the reversal.