Entering Withholding Tax Rates

You can enter withholding tax rates for each set of sales or purchases tax classes.

Note: When you enter a new withholding tax rate or change an existing withholding tax rate, the new rate will apply only to invoices entered after you save your changes.

To enter withholding tax rates:

  1. Open Tax Services > Tax Setup > Withholding Tax Rates.
  2. Select a Tax Authority code, and then specify the Transaction Type (Sales or Purchases), a Withholding Tax Base, and a Withholding Tax Account.

    Also, if you are entering withholding tax rates for purchases, optionally specify a 1099/CPRS Code.

  3. For each combination of item tax class and customer/vendor tax class, enter the applicable tax rate as a percentage. (For example, to enter a tax rate of 6%, enter 6.00.)
  4. When you are finished, click Add or Save.