Entering Tax Rates
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You enter tax rates for each set of sales and purchases tax classes.
When you enter a new tax rate or change an existing tax rate, the new rate will apply only to invoices entered after you save your changes.
To edit the tax already calculated on invoices in open (unposted) batches, use the
Before you start
Before you enter tax rates, you must add tax authorities and tax classes.
To enter tax rates:
- Tax Services > Tax Setup > Tax Rates.
- In the Tax Authority field. specify a code.
- Select Sales or Purchases as the transaction type.
- For each item tax class, enter the applicable tax rates as a percentage. (For example, to enter a tax rate of 6%, type 6.00.)
- When you are finished, click Save.
After entering tax rates
You can print a list of the tax rates you have entered. For more information, see Tax Rates Report.