About Update Earnings/Deductions

This window enables you to modify, in one step, certain information about the earnings/deductions that have already been assigned to all (or a selected range of) current employee records. This saves you from having to modify the earnings/deductions information on each employee record, one record at a time.

Use the Update Earnings/Deductions window when you want to change an earning or deduction rate, amount, start date, or other field that is controlled at the employee level.

The Update Earnings/Deductions window modifies the earnings or deductions that have already been assigned to current employees only.

The modifications you make in Update Earnings/Deductions do not affect the actual earning or deduction record itself. If you want to change an earning or deduction for future assignments to employees, use the Earning/Deduction Codes setup window (under Setup > Payroll > Earnings/Deductions/TaxesPayroll > Payroll Employees > Update Earn/Ded for All Emp) to change the master record.

Learn how to use the Update Earnings/Deductions window here.