Update Earnings/Deductions Field List
For information about the fields on the Update Earnings/Deductions window, click the links below listed by field name.
Fields at the top of the window
Type the earning/deduction code for the earning/deduction you want to update and then press Tab on your keyboard, or select the code from the Finder.
In the Update By field, choose a method by which you will select employees for the update.
When you choose a method, the program enables additional fields that are related to your choice. Enter the additional fields.
The options in the Update By field are:
- Employee Number. Choose this to update only employee numbers that fall within the range which you specify in the Employee From and To fields.
- Class. Choose this to update only the employees who have been grouped into a certain class. Choosing this option enables the Class field and the Class From/To fields, in which you enter the class and the range of class codes.
- Selection List. Choose this to update only employees that belong in the selection list that you specify in the Selection List field.
- Set Criteria. Choose this to update only employees that match selection criteria that you define. Choosing this option enables the button. Click the button to enter your selection criteria.
If you choose an option other than Set Criteria, you can further narrow the selection of employees by entering the Employee From and To fields.
When using the Update Taxes for U.S. or
In the Selection List field, choose a selection list that contains the employee numbers you want to process. You create selection lists by using the Employee Selection task.
In the Employee From and To fields, enter the range of employee numbers that you want to select for the process. For example, to select employees 1 to 10, enter 1 in the Employee field, and 10 in the adjacent To field.
To select all employees, the Employee From field should be blank and the To field should be filled with ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
When you choose an option in the Class field, the From Class and To Class fields let you specify a range of class codes within your selected Class.
To process all class codes, the From Class field should be blank, and the To field should be filled with all ZZZZZZ
If you choose Set Criteria as the method by which to select employees for processing, the
button is enabled on the window.Click the button to open a Set Criteria dialog box that lets you use virtually any field associated with employees to select a subset of employees for processing. For example, you may want to process only employees within a specific range of hire dates.
For help on how to set up criteria for selecting records, press F1 while positioned in the Set Criteria dialog box.
When you close the dialog box, the criteria you have set up, if any, are displayed in the Employee Criteria field of the originating window.
If the earning/deduction is configured for Sage 300 Project and Job Costing, select the billing currency of the earning/deduction.
Fields in the table
The Field column on both the Update Earnings/Deductions and the Update Taxes windows lists the names of the fields you can update for the earning/deduction or tax using an Update task or process. You do not make any changes in this column but instead it is for informational purposes.
In the Type of Change field, indicate how you want to update the selected field.
To select an update method, do one of the following:
- Double-click and select the down arrow to display a list of methods, or
- On your keyboard, press the spacebar and then press the down arrow key to display a list of methods, or
- Type the first letter of the type of change you want to make.
The update methods provide you with a variety of ways to tell the system to replace a value or calculate a new rate or amount based on information you specify.
Depending on the type of field you want to update, you can choose:
You can replace the information for any type of tax or earning/deduction field. When you select this update method, you type the new information in the New Value or Change column or, if applicable, you can select the new information from the Finder.
You can use the Increase update method to change a tax or earning/deduction amount field. When you select this update method in the New Value Or Change column enter the amount by which to increase the current amount.
You can use the Decrease update method to change a tax or earning/deduction amount field. When you select this update method, you enter in the New Value Or Change column, the amount by which to decrease the current amount.
Pct Inc (Percent increase)
You can use the Percent Increase update method to change an earning/deduction (or tax) amount or percent field. When you select this update method, you enter in the New Value or Change column, the percent by which to increase the current amount or percent.
Pct Dec (Percent decrease)
You can use the Percent Decrease update method to change an earning/deduction (or tax) amount or percent field. When you select this update method, you enter in the New Value or Change column, the percent by which to decrease the current amount or percent.
When using the Update Taxes or the Update Earnings/Deductions tasks, the Match Current Value field is used.
After you have selected an update method in the Type of Change column, the Match Current Value option lets you restrict an update to only those employees with specific values currently in the fields you want to change.
To do this, double-click the Match Current Value field to choose . Then, in the associated Current Value To Match column, enter the value by which you want to restrict the update.
For example, if you choose Match Current Value column, then enter the Current Value To Match of 2 percent, then enter a new value of 2.5 percent, processing the update will change the rate to 2.5 percent only for employees whose current value in the field is 2 percent.
inTo change the entry in the field (between Spacebar.
and ), double-click in the field, or press theThis field is enabled if you have chosen Workers' Compensation Code in the Field column, entered the Type of Change column and entered Yes in the Match Cur Value column.
In the WCC Group To Match field, type the WCC group by which to restrict the change, or click the Finder icon to choose from a list of WCC group codes.
For example, if you are replacing the workers compensation code field of an earning called BONUS, and you enter GRP1 in the WCC Group To Match column, then the program will change only the employees whose BONUS earning is currently set with the WCC Group GRP1.
When using the Update Taxes or the Update Earnings/Deductions tasks, the Current Value to Match field is used.
The Current Value to Match field is enabled if you have entered information in both the Type of Change column and entered Yes in the Match Cur Value column.
In the Current Value To Match field, enter the value by which to restrict the change.
For example, if you are modifying the distribution code field of an earning (or tax), and you enter ADMIN in the Current Value To Match column, then the program will change only the employees whose earning (or tax) is currently set with distribution code ADMIN.
For certain types of fields (for example, the Distribution Code), you can display a list of choices in the Current Value To Match field, by double-clicking, pressing the spacebar, or typing a letter. Then click on the Finder (or down arrow) icon to display the list.
When using the Update Earnings/Deductions task, the New WCC Group field is used.
This field is enabled if you have chosen Workers' Compensation Code in the Field column, and have entered the Type of Change column.
Enter the new WCC Group to be assigned to the earning/deduction that you want to update. You can display a list of choices in the New WCC Group field, by double-clicking, pressing the spacebar, or typing a letter. Then click on the Finder icon to display the list.
The value you enter in this field depends on the update method you selected:
- If you chose Replace at the Type Of Change field: At the New Value Or Change field, enter the new value with which you want to replace the current contents of the field.
- If you chose any of the Increase or Decrease options (amount or percent), enter only the amount of the increase or decrease. Do not enter a value that you want to result from applying the increase or decrease. For example: if the existing amount is 10 and you want the end result to be 12, enter 2 as the amount of the increase.
For certain types of fields (for example, the Distribution Code), you can display a list of choices in the New Value or Change field, by double-clicking, pressing the spacebar, or typing a letter. Then click on the Finder (or down arrow) icon to display the list.