Using Update Earnings/Deductions

Before you start

  • Make a backup of your data.
  • Unless you want to correct existing timecards, make sure you have processed the employees' outstanding timecards with Calculate Payroll.
  • Unless you want to correct existing manual checks, make sure you have entered and posted manual checks.

You can change employee information even when outstanding timecards and manual checks exist for the employee. Keep in mind that changes made with the Update Earnings/Deductions process may produce different results if you run Calculate Payroll or Process Manual Checks after making the changes from the results you would obtain from processing before making the changes.

To Update an Employee's Earning/Deduction

  1. Open Payroll > Tasks > Update Earnings/DeductionsPayroll > Payroll Employees > Update Earn/Ded for All Emp.
  2. In the Earning/Deduction field, choose the earning/deduction for which you want to make changes. The window then displays the fields that can be globally modified for the earning/deduction.
  3. On the upper part of the window, enter the fields to specify which employees you want to update.
  4. In the table portion of the window, choose a field you want to modify, and enter the information for the chosen field: 
    1. In the Type of Change column, select how you want to change the chosen field.
    2. To restrict the change to employees who currently hold a specific value in the field:
      • In the Match Cur Value? column, double-click in the field (or press the spacebar) to choose Yes.
      • If you are changing the Workers' Compensation Code of your chosen earning/deduction, enter the WCC Group To Match field (enter the WCC group by which to restrict the change).
      • In the Current Value To Match field, enter the value by which to restrict the change.
    3. If you are changing the Workers' Compensation Code of your chosen earning/deduction, enter the new WCC Group that will replace the existing WCC group.
    4. Enter the New Value or Change by which to replace, increase, or decrease the value of the chosen field. For example, to change the workers' compensation code ADMIN of the WCC Group "BC" to code ADMIN of the WCC Group "AB", you would enter:
    5. Type of Change:


      Match Cur Value:


      WCC Group to Match:


      Current Value to Match:


      New WCC Group:


      New Value or Change:


  5. If you want to modify another field listed in the Field column, repeat step 4.
  6. When you have completed the window, click the Update button to make the changes you specified on the window.

After You Update Earnings/Deductions

To verify that the modifications were made, review the Update Employee Earn/Ded Audit report:

  • After the update completes a message asks if you want to print the report (choose Yes).
  • You can also print this report from Reports > Payroll > Employee ReportsPayroll > Payroll Employee Reports and select Update Employee Earn/Ded Audit.