A/P Vendor Activity Screen

Click this button to view the details for a selected document.

This button appears on the following tabs:
- Payments. You can select any payment, and then click Document to view the original entry in the A/P Payment Entry screen.
- Transactions. You can select any transaction, and then click Document to view the transaction in the original entry screen.

This button appears on the Transactions tab.
You can select any transaction, and then click Open to view details about the history of the transaction. For more information, see A/P Document Information Screen.

This button appears on the Payments tab.
Payments. You can select any payment, and then click Open to view details about the payment. For more information, see A/P Payment Information Screen.

This button appears on the Transactions tab.
Click the Optional Fields button to view optional fields assigned to a selected transaction.

Use this field to select the vendor whose account activity you want to view. You must enter a vendor number.
You can type the number in the field, or select it.
Tip: After you specify the vendor number, you can click the Add/Edit link to display the vendor record in the A/P Vendors screen, where you can view or edit it.

In multicurrency ledgers, use these fields to select the currency in which to display information. You can display amounts in the functional currency for the ledger or in the vendor's currency.
Type F to select Functional currency, or type V to select Vendor currency. You can also click your choice, or use the Up or Down arrow key on your keyboard to select your choice, and then press Enter.

This field displays the amount of the credit limit that the selected vendor allows your company.

This field indicates whether the vendor account is active.

This field displays the amount of the last invoice that was posted to the vendor's account.

This field displays the document date entered with the last invoice you posted to the account.

This field displays the amount of the last payment you sent to the vendor and posted to the account.

This field displays the date of the last payment that was posted to the account.

This field indicates whether the account is on hold.

This field shows the current number of open (unpaid) invoices in the account. You cannot edit the figure.

This field displays the current net amount owed to a vendor, including all invoices, credit notes, debit notes, payments, and adjustments posted to the account. You cannot edit the figure.

This field shows the outstanding retainage balance for the vendor.

This field displays the total amount of outstanding prepayments that have been posted to the vendor account. You cannot edit the figure.

This field displays the current number of outstanding prepayment transactions in the account. You cannot edit the figure.

Specify whether to age balances by the document dates used in the transactions or by the due dates:
- Due Date. Select this option to display outstanding balances.
Current transactions are those with due dates that are later than the Age As Of date. The first period starts at one day past the due date.
- Document Date. The first period includes transactions with document dates that are earlier than the Age As Of date.
Current transactions are those with the same date as or a later date than the Age As Of date.

Type the date from which to age (count back) to determine the balance to display in each aging period. All outstanding transactions will be listed unless they were posted after the cut-off date.

Aging periods are assigned for Accounts Payable on the A/P Options screen, but you can temporarily change the lengths of the periods when viewing individual accounts on this tab.
The aging periods you specify in the Vendor Activity screen have no effect on the aging periods set on the A/P Options screen.
If your vendor accounts include credit notes, debit notes, and prepayments that have not been applied to specific documents, you can also specify (on the A/P Options screen) whether to report the amounts in the aging periods that contain their document dates or group them all in the current (not due) period.
These options have no effect on credit notes, debit notes, and prepayments that are applied to specific document numbers. Applied amounts are always included in the same aging periods as the documents to which they apply.

The cutoff date lets you include or exclude transactions that are more recent than the Age As Of date.
Type the last date for which to include transactions in the balances. Only transactions that were posted to the vendor's account on or before that date are selected.

Select this option if you want to include prepayments in the statistics.

Select this option if you want to include in the statistics transactions that are on hold.

The code for the bank from which you issued this check.

The payment batch is the one to which you added and posted the payment or prepayment transaction.

This is the check number Accounts Payable assigned when it printed the check, or the number entered manually in the Payment Entry screen.
Bank Services uses the check number to identify all checks in Sage 300.

This field displays the currency in which the check was written.

This is the entry number of the payment or prepayment transaction in the batch. (You can identify it as a payment or prepayment if you select the check, and then click the Open button.)

Specify whether to list payments in order of check number or document date.

This is the amount that appeared on the check, in the currency that the check was written.
To see the check amount in the vendor currency or the functional currency, select the check on the table, and then click Open.

This field displays the date you made the payment.
If you paid by check, this date was on the face of the check.

This field displays the remit-to name that appeared on the check.

Depending on your selection for the Order By field, specify the check number or the document date with which to start the list of payments.
- If you are ordering by check number, you can select a check number using the Finder
- If you are ordering by document date, you can select a date using the calendar button.

Select the status of the payments you want to review:
- All
- Cleared
- Outstanding
- Reversed

The check status can be outstanding, cleared, or reversed.

In multicurrency ledgers, use these fields to select the currency in which to display information. You can display amounts in the functional currency for the ledger or in the vendor's currency.
Type F to select Functional currency, or type V to select Vendor currency. You can also click your choice, or use the Up or Down arrow key on your keyboard to select your choice, and then press Enter.

This field displays the vendor's currency code.

Specify the type of documents to display:
- All
- Invoices
- Debit notes
- Credit notes
- Interest charges
- Unapplied cash
- Payments
- Prepayments
If you select Order Number or PO Number in the Order By field, transactions that do not include an order number or PO number are listed:
- In ascending document number order and before transactions that include an order number or PO number, if you display the list in ascending order.
- In descending document number order and after transactions that include an order number or PO number, if you display the list in descending order.

Select this option to include fully paid invoices, credit notes, and debit notes in the list of documents.

Select this option to include information for pending transactions, including the pending payment total, pending discount total, and pending balance for each document.

Specify how to list documents. You can list documents by:
- Document number
- PO number
- Sales order number
- Due date
- Document date
- Current balance

This field indicates the retainage amount that was posted for the document, before any outstanding retainage was invoiced.

This column shows whether a document has an On Hold or Forced status.

This field appears if you selected the Include Pending Amounts option on the Transactions tab.
The Pending Adjustment Total field shows the adjustment total for a selected document, including adjustment transactions that you have entered but not posted.

This field appears if you selected the Include Pending Amounts option on the Transactions tab.
The Pending Balance field shows the balance for a selected document, including transactions that you have entered but not posted.

This field appears if you selected the Include Pending Amounts option on the Transactions tab.
The Pending Discount Total field shows the discount total for a selected document, including transactions that you have entered but not posted.

This field appears if you selected the Include Pending Amounts option on the Transactions tab.
The Pending Payment Total field shows the payment total for a selected document, including transactions that you have entered but not posted.

This field indicates the outstanding retainage balance that remains for the document.

This field displays the due date entered with the original retainage document (the date that retainage is due).

Depending on your selection for the Order By field, specify the number, amount, or date with which to start the list of transactions.
Use the A/P Vendor Activity screen to view a variety of information about the current status of your vendor accounts.
Activity Tab
This tab displays summary information about the current status of the account for a selected vendor, and shows the most recently posted transactions.
Aging Tab
This tab displays your company's account balance with the vendor in each of the aging periods used in your Accounts Payable system, selected by the aging and cutoff dates you specify. Use it to:
Display the vendor's outstanding transaction balances aged into the periods you specify. More...
Specify the date as of which you want to age transaction balances (such as by today's date).
You can choose whether to age transactions by their due dates or their document dates for each type of report.
Specify a cutoff date, so you can include or exclude transactions that are more recent than the As Of Date .
Payments Tab
Use this tab to view a list of payments made to a selected vendor. For each payment, the tab displays the:
- Bank code.
- Check number and check date.
- Check amount in the functional currency or vendor currency (if you have a multicurrency ledger).
- Check status (outstanding, cleared, or reversed).
- Payment batch number and entry number.
- Payee (name on the check).
Transactions Tab
Use this tab to:
View summary and detailed information about the transactions (invoices, debit notes, credit notes, and payments) currently posted to vendor accounts.
Accounts Payable displays a single line of summary information for each invoice, credit note, debit note, prepayment, and payment that has been posted to the vendor's account.
You can choose the types of documents to display, the order of their appearance, and the starting document number. You can include pending amounts in the display, if you want.
View completed (fully paid) documents that you have not yet cleared from Accounts Payable. You choose whether to include or exclude fully paid transactions.
View information about pending transactions, including pending document balances.
Open a separate screen to view detailed history for each displayed document.
In multicurrency ledgers, you can view amounts in the functional currency or the vendor's currency.