A/P Vendors Screen

Note: Fields that appear on the screen but are not described in this list are in development and not yet functional.

Use this field to record the name of the vendor, using up to 60 characters.
Type the name in the order in which you want it to appear in Accounts Payable screens and on reports (for example, first name, followed by surname).
You must type a name for each vendor record before you can add the record.

This field identifies the vendor in Accounts Payable.
To create a new vendor record, enter a unique code of up to 12 characters, using any combination of letters, digits, symbols, and spaces.
To open an existing vendor record, type or select the vendor in the Vendor Number field.

Accounts Payable automatically updates information on this tab as you post transactions to the account.

The Amount column lists the total amount of each of the transaction types in the left column.
You can edit the amounts if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move from field to field.

This field displays the average number of days it has taken your company to pay all the vendor's invoices that have been fully paid in the current year.
The figure is calculated by dividing the Total Days To Pay figure by the Total Invoices Paid figure. You can alter this number only by editing the other two figures.

If you use multicurrency accounting, you use this field to select the currency in which to display statistical totals.
In a multicurrency system, activity statistics are recorded in the vendor's currency as well as in their equivalent values in the functional currency. You can choose whether to view or edit statistics in the vendor currency or the functional currency.
If you select Vendor in this field, Accounts Payable displays the vendor's currency code and description in the adjacent fields.

The Document Date column lists the date each type of transaction (shown in the Statistics column) was posted to the vendor's account.
Accounts Payable updates these dates when you post transactions to the vendor's account. You can edit the dates if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.

This field lists the total number of payments that your company has sent to the vendor in the current year to date.

This field shows the current number of open (unpaid) invoices in your company's account with the vendor.
You cannot edit the figure.

This field displays the current net amount owed to a vendor, including all invoices, credit notes, debit notes, payments and adjustments posted to the account.
You cannot edit the figure.

This field shows the outstanding retainage balance for the vendor.

This field on the Vendor Activity tab displays the total amount of outstanding prepayments that your company has sent to the vendor.

This field displays the number of outstanding prepayments that your company has sent to the vendor.

The Activity tab lists the amount and date for the following statistics: the highest balance this year and last year, the largest invoice this year and last year, and the last invoice, payment, credit note, debit note, adjustment, and discount.
Accounts Payable updates these figures each time you post transactions for the account. You can edit the amounts and dates of each of the transaction types if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.

This is the total number of days your company has taken to pay all outstanding invoices from the vendor that have been fully paid in the current year to date.
Accounts Payable updates this figure when you post transactions to fully pay the vendor's invoices. You can also change the figure, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen. For example, you may want to change the number if it has been inflated by unusual circumstances, and so gives an inaccurate impression of your payment record with the vendor.
Important! If you are entering this number when setting up vendor records, do not enter figures from invoices and payments that you will post for the vendor when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions.

This field shows the total number of invoices that were fully paid in the current year to date.
Accounts Payable updates this figure when you post transactions to fully pay invoices in the vendor's account. You can also change the figure, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
Important! If you are entering this number when setting up vendor records, do not include the numbers of invoices and other types of transactions you will post for the vendor when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions.

The address in the vendor record is usually the address to which you send payments for the account. You can print the address on checks, letters and labels for the vendor.

Enter the business registration number for the vendor. This number is required for tax purposes in some jurisdictions (such as Malaysia and Singapore).

Type the name of the city in which the vendor is located. Although you can enter the name of the city in other address lines, this field is more useful if you use it consistently for the city.

This field contains the name of the country where the vendor's business is located. You can type up to 30 characters in the field, including spaces.

Enter a primary email address for the vendor.

This field contains the vendor's fax number, if any, at the address.
The field contains area code parentheses and hyphens if you selected the Format Phone and Fax Numbers option on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.

This field identifies the vendor group to which the vendor is assigned.
Type or select the group code. You must specify a vendor group for each vendor.
If you change the vendor group for an existing vendor, the settings in the existing vendor record remain the same, except for the group code. If you use multicurrency accounting, you can change the vendor group to one that uses the same currency or a different currency.

Select this option if you do not want to post any new transactions to the vendor's account—usually because you plan to delete the account.
You can select Inactive only if the account balance is zero and there are no outstanding transactions.
You can make the account active again at any time.

This field displays the date of the last change made to the vendor record.
You cannot make an entry in this field.

Type the legal name of your company.
Sage 300 uses this name when creating 1099 and T5018 information returns for electronic filing.

Select this option to place a vendor account on hold.
Accounts Payable warns you when you start to enter a transaction for a vendor whose account is on hold. You can then choose whether to continue entering the document.
You can always enter and post invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and payments whether a vendor account is on hold or not.

You can enter a short name for the vendor in this field.
Accounts Payable automatically displays the first ten characters (including any spaces) of the vendor name. You can type another short name or erase the default name and leave the field blank.
Short names are a means by which you can list vendors in alphabetical order or another order on reports, and still include the full vendor name in the vendor record.

In this field, record the date on which you first started to do business with the vendor.

This field contains the name of the state or province where the vendor's business is located. You can type up to 30 characters in the field, including spaces.

This field usually contains the telephone number at the vendor's place of business.
The field contains area code parentheses and hyphens if you selected the Format Phone and Fax Numbers option on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.

This field usually contains the name of a contact person, position, or department at the vendor location. You can also leave the field blank or enter other information in it, using up to 100 characters.

Type the ZIP code or postal code for the vendor's address.

Use a separate line on the Comments tab for each comment.

You can enter up to 2,500 characters for each comment.
Select the comment line on the table, and then click the Edit icon to view or edit a comment in a separate screen. To start a new line (when you reach the right side of the screen), press Ctrl+Enter. Or, you can type the complete comment on a single line. The text will scroll to the left when you reach the right margin.
Comments are printed on reports exactly as you format them on this screen.

Type the comment entry date, or use the system date that is displayed.
Accounts Payable stores comments by entry date.

Type the date used for marking the comment for deletion.
You use the A/P Clear History screen to remove comments that have reached their expiration dates. You can also delete comments individually in the Vendors screen.

Type the date on which you want to check on the comment.
Tip: On the Vendors report, you can select comments to print by entering a range of follow-up dates.

This field usually contains the name of a contact person, position, or department at the vendor location. You can also leave the field blank or enter other information in it, using up to 60 characters.

Enter a secondary email address for the company contact person in this field.

This field contains the fax number for the vendor's contact person.
The field contains area code parentheses and hyphens if the Format Phone Number option is selected on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.

This field usually contains the telephone number of the contact for the vendor company.
The field contains area code parentheses and hyphens if the Format Phone Number option is selected on the Company Profile screen in Common Services .

If you use the Multiple Contacts (M/T) program, this section appears on the Contact tab, allowing you to assign multiple contacts to a vendor. For more information, see Setting Up Multiple Contacts for Vendors.

Click this button to create a new contact record and assign the new contact to the vendor.

This field displays All by default, and the table includes a column for each type of document that can be sent to contacts. If you select a specific program in this field, the table includes columns for only documents for the selected program.

Select a contact in the table and then click this button to view and edit the contact's details.

Select the 1099/CPRS code that matches the type of goods or services you purchase from this vendor.
Note: This field appears only if you selected 1099 or CPRS in the Tax Reporting field for the vendor.

Select the method by which to distribute invoice amounts to general ledger accounts for invoices from the vendor. You can change the method for individual invoices.
You can distribute amounts by distribution code, distribution set, or general ledger account number. You can also select None if you prefer not to use a default distribution on invoices from this vendor.

To distribute transactions with the vendor to a single general ledger account that is represented by a distribution code, select Distribution Code in the Distribute By field, and then type or select the distribution code.
You can specify a different distribution code on individual invoices you enter from the vendor, or use another distribution method.

To assign a distribution set (a defined group of distribution codes) as the default distribution method for the vendor, select Distribution Set in the Distribute By field, and then specify the distribution set.
The distribution set appears as the default when you enter transactions for the vendor in the A/P Invoice Entry screen. You can use the default distribution set, select another set, or use another distribution method. You can also add detail lines to distribute invoice amounts to additional general ledger accounts that are not included in the selected distribution set.

Specify how you want Accounts Payable to check for duplicate invoices, debit notes, and credit notes from this vendor.
Accounts Payable can ignore duplicates, warn you, or stop you from posting invoices that might be duplicates according to two criteria that you specify separately: Vendor and Amount and Vendor and Date.

To distribute transactions to a single general ledger account, select G/L Account for the Distribute By option, and then type or select the account number.
You can specify a different general ledger account on invoices you enter for the vendor, or use another distribution method.

Type your tax registration or exemption numbers, if any.

You can specify on the vendor record the default percentage to use for calculating retainage on original documents. You can always change the retainage percentage when you enter an invoice, debit note, or credit note for the vendor.
When you add a new vendor record, the retainage percentage specified on the A/P Options screen appears as the default, but you can change the percentage for a particular vendor.

You can specify on the vendor record a default terms code to use for original documents. You can always change the retainage terms when you enter an invoice, debit note, or credit note for the vendor.
When you add a new vendor record, the retainage terms code specified on the A/P Options screen appears as the default, but you can change the code for a particular vendor.

You can specify on the vendor record the default retention period to use on original documents. You can always change the retention period when you enter an invoice, debit note, or credit note for the vendor.
When you add a new vendor record, the retention period specified on the A/P Options screen appears as the default, but you can change the period for a particular vendor.

When you select the vendor's tax group, the associated tax authorities are displayed. (Tax authorities are the types of taxes that you may be subject to on invoices from the vendor. For example, state and provincial sales taxes are tax authorities, as are GST and VAT.)
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update tax authorities and enter other taxation information.

Select your tax class for each of the tax authorities in the tax group.
Tax classes identify the tax rates used to calculate taxes when you enter invoices, debit notes, and credit notes from a vendor.
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update tax classes and enter other taxation information.

Select the code for the tax group to which you belong when invoiced by this vendor. The taxing authorities in the group appear on the screen so you can enter tax classes for each authority.
If you use multicurrency accounting, you must select a tax group that uses the same currency as the vendor, and you can change a vendor's tax group only to another group that also uses the same currency.
Tip: The Finder displays only the tax groups that use the vendor's currency.
You must assign a tax group to every vendor record.
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update tax groups and enter other taxation information.

Specify whether this tax is typically included in the total invoice amount or listed separately.
Note: You can change the Tax Included option only if the tax authority (in Tax Services) permits it.

Enter the vendor's 1099 or CPRS tax number.
This field appears only if you select 1099 or CPRS in the Tax Reporting field for the vendor.

This option appears in vendor records only if the Use 1099/CPRS Reporting option is selected on the A/P Options screen.
Select 1099, CPRS, or None, depending on the type of tax forms you are required to submit for each vendor, if any.
Note: If you select 1099 or CPRS, you also enter the vendor's 1099 or CPRS tax number and type, as well as the 1099 or CPRS code that matches the type of goods or services you purchase from the vendor.

Specify the type of tax number (Unknown, Social Security Number, Employer ID Number, GST Registration Number, Business Number, Social Insurance Number) you entered in the Tax Number field.
Note: The only types of tax numbers allowed for CPRS reporting are GST Registration Number, Social Insurance Number, or Business Number (the 15-character "RZ" account number).

Select the method, if any, you want Accounts Payable to use to warn you when you enter two or more invoices for the same amount from this vendor.

Select the method, if any, you want Accounts Payable to use to warn you when you enter two or more invoices for the same date from this vendor.

This field is available if you turned on 1099 or CPRS reporting for the selected vendor. Specify whether you want the program to display a warning when you save an invoice, debit note, credit note, or interest document with a zero 1099/CPRS amount.

When you add a new record, the Optional Fields tab displays any optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion in this type of record. If default values are defined for any of these fields, they are also displayed.
You can remove optional fields, and you can add optional fields that are set up for use with this screen. You can also change any default values.
For more information, see About Accounts Payable Optional Fields.
- If you use exactly the same optional fields for vendors as for invoices, the optional field data you enter in a vendor record appears on new invoices you enter for the vendor.
- If the optional fields for a vendor match those used by the vendor group, values from the vendor group record appear as defaults. Otherwise, the default values from the optional field record are used.

Accounts Payable displays the account set assigned to the vendor group as the default for a new vendor, but you can change it.
Note: Multicurrency account sets identify the vendor's currency and general ledger exchange gain and loss accounts. You can change the account set for a multicurrency vendor only to another set that uses the same currency.
To assign an account set to a vendor, type or select its code in this field.
The account set specifies the general ledger payables control, purchase discounts, and prepayment accounts to which a vendor's transactions are distributed.
If you change a vendor's group, the new group's account set replaces the set in the vendor record, but you can select another account set if you do not want to use the group set.

Type or select the code for the bank from which you normally issue checks to the vendor.

Select the language in which you print checks for a vendor.
The language you select is used only for the check amount when it is written out.

Use this field to enter the credit limit the vendor allows your company.
In multicurrency ledgers, you enter the credit limit amount in the vendor's currency.

If you have a multicurrency ledger, the vendor's currency is displayed when you select the account set. You enter all invoices, credit notes, and debit notes from the vendor in this currency, but you can pay in any currency the vendor accepts.

Specify how purchase orders, returns, and letters are delivered to the vendor:
- Mail. Print to your usual print destination.
- Email (vendor). Print to a file and email the file to the email address specified for the vendor on the Address tab.
- Email (contact). Print to a file and email the file to the contact email address specified for the vendor on the Contact tab.
- Email (multiple contacts). If you use the Multiple Contacts (M/T) program, you can use this delivery method to print to a file and email the file to all the contact email addresses specified for the vendor in the Multiple Contacts section on the Contact tab.
Note: If you select Vendor as the delivery method when printing purchase orders or returns, the program uses the delivery method specified in the vendor record.

Select this option if you want Accounts Payable to generate separate checks for each invoice when you process payments automatically.
If you do not select the option, Accounts Payable creates a single check to cover the total outstanding amount of all invoices from the vendor each time you process payments for the vendor.

On the Vendor Group record, you use this field to specify the default payment code for new vendors you add to the vendor group.
You can change the payment code for a vendor in the vendor record. When you process a new payment for the vendor, the code specified on the vendor record appears as the default payment code.

For multicurrency vendors who do not use the functional currency, you specify the default rate type to use to convert transactions into the functional currency.
You can change the rate type when you enter transactions for the vendor, if necessary.
To specify the rate type, type or select its code.
Note: You must specify a rate type that is defined for the company on the Currency Rate Types screen in Currency.

In this field, type or select the terms code to use.
You must assign a terms code to every vendor and vendor group.
Terms codes determine invoice due dates, set discount rates and periods, calculate discount bases, and specify the number of payments in multiple payment schedules.
You can select any valid terms code when entering invoices from a vendor.
Accounts Payable displays the terms code from the vendor group when you create a new vendor record, but you can change the code.
If you change a vendor's group, the new group's terms code replaces the previous group's code in the vendor record, but you can change it again, if necessary.

Use this column to view, edit, or add the total amount of the invoices, payments, discounts taken discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid that were processed for the account during the displayed period.
In multicurrency ledgers, you use the Currency Type field to specify whether to enter and view totals in the functional currency or vendor currency.
Important! If you are entering statistics when setting up an Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post when you enter historical and year-to-date transactions. If you do, the amounts will be added twice to the statistics.

Accounts Payable keeps track of the average number of days it takes your company to pay each invoice from a vendor, and displays the figure in this field. You cannot change the figure.
Note: The Statistics tab on the Vendor Groups screen displays a similar statistic for all vendors in the group.
The figure for each period is calculated by dividing the total number of days it took to pay the invoices that were fully paid in the period by the number of invoices that your company received from the vendor, both in the displayed period and in prior periods.

Use this column to view, edit, or add the total number of invoices, payments, discounts taken discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and invoices paid. that were processed for the account during the displayed period.
Important! If you are entering statistics as part of the setup of your Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post for the vendors when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions. If you do, the amounts will be added twice to the statistics.

If you use multicurrency accounting, you use the Currency Type field to select the currency in which to display statistical totals.
In a multicurrency system, period statistics are recorded in the vendor's currency as well as in their equivalent values in the functional currency. You can choose whether to view or edit statistics in the vendor currency or the functional currency.
If you select Vendor in this field, Accounts Payable displays the vendor's currency code and description in the adjacent fields.
After selecting the year, period, and currency type, you click the Refresh button to display the corresponding statistics.

Select the fiscal period for which you are entering or viewing statistics.
The selection for the Period Type option on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen determines type of period for which Accounts Payable accumulates statistics. (The period type can be weekly, seven days, bi-weekly, four weeks, monthly, bi‑monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or fiscal period.)
After selecting the year, period, and currency (in multicurrency ledgers), you click the Refresh button or press F7 to display the corresponding statistics.

This column lists the types of transactions for which totals and numbers are kept.
You can edit, view, and add total amounts and numbers of invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid.
Important! If you are entering statistics while setting up your Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post to the account when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions. If you do, the amounts will be added twice to the statistics.

Accounts Payable records the length of time it takes your company to fully pay each invoice from a particular vendor, and displays the total in this field.
Note: The Statistics tab on the Vendor Groups screen displays a similar statistic for all vendors in the group.
The total that appears for a period is the number of days it took to pay all the invoices that were paid in full during the selected period.
You can edit this total, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.

Type or select the year for which you want to enter or view statistics.
The type of year by which you keep statistics is determined by the selection for the Accumulate By field on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
After selecting the year, period, and currency (in multicurrency ledgers), you click the Refresh button to display the corresponding statistics.

Accounts Payable keeps track of the average number of days you take to pay each vendor invoice, and displays the average for the year in this field. You cannot change this figure.

This is the total number of days you have taken to fully pay all outstanding invoices for this vendor in the current year to date.
Accounts Payable updates this figure when you post transactions to fully pay the vendor's invoices. You cannot change this figure.
Use the A/P Vendors screen to:
- Add new vendor records.
Change or delete existing records.
Note: You cannot delete a vendor that is used in an unposted document.
- Review period and activity statistics.
For more information about vendor records, see About Setting Up Vendor Records.
Activity Tab
Use the Activity tab to:
View current-year and previous-year account activity for the selected vendor.
Account activity includes the current balance of your account with the vendor and the current number of open documents, the number and amount of outstanding prepayments, and the amount and date of the highest and lowest balances and largest invoices for the current and previous years, as well as the amount and date of the last posted invoice, payment, credit note, debit note, adjustment, and discount posted for the vendor.
- Edit activity statistics when setting up vendor accounts.
Address Tab
Use the Address tab to change the vendor's group, short name, site address, telephone number, fax number, start date and company email address.
You cannot change the vendor number, but you can change all other information on this tab with a few restrictions. For more information on these restrictions, see About Editing Vendor Records
Comments Tab
Use the Comments tab to:
- Add any number of comments to the vendor record, along with follow-up and expiration dates for each comment.
- Make changes to existing comments.
For more information on vendor comments, see About Vendor Comments.
Contact Tab
Use the Contact tab to enter the name of a contact person for the vendor, and an email address and telephone and fax numbers for the contact.
If you use the Multiple Contacts (M/T) program, this tab includes a Multiple Contacts section that allows you to assign multiple contacts to a vendor. For more information, see Setting Up Multiple Contacts for Vendors.
Invoicing Tab
Use the Invoicing tab to:
- Specify the default method by which you distribute the vendor's invoices to general ledger accounts.
- Select options to specify how to identify duplicate invoices you enter from the vendor and whether you print a separate check for each invoice from the vendor, or pay several invoices with a single check.
- Select the tax group and tax classes to which your company belongs when invoiced by this vendor.
- Enter your company's tax registration or tax exemption number, if any, for each tax class.
- Specify whether the vendor is subject to 1099, CPRS, or no tax reporting, and enter the 1099 or CPRS tax number, type, and code for vendors that use 1099 or CPRS reporting.
You can change your choices for these options at any time.
Optional Fields Tab
On this tab, you can:
- Accept the default optional fields that appear on the tab, or delete them.
When you add a new vendor record, the tab displays optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion in vendor group and vendor records, along with their default values.
- Assign different optional fields that are set up for vendors and vendor groups.
If you assign the same optional fields to the vendor as you assigned to the vendor group, values from the vendor group record appear as defaults. Otherwise, the default values from the optional field record appear.
- Accept or change any default values that appear.
Note: If an optional field requires validation, you can select only a value that is assigned to the optional field. (If the optional field allows blanks, you can leave the default value field blank.)
For more information about optional fields and how they are used in Accounts Payable, see About Accounts Payable Optional Fields.
Processing Tab
Use the Processing tab to:
Select the vendors account set, which identifies the general ledger accounts to which to post transactions for the vendor.
In multicurrency ledgers, the account set also determines the vendor's currency.
- Select the terms code to enter with invoices from the vendor.
- Select the bank code from which you usually issue checks to the vendor.
- Specify whether to generate separate checks for each invoice, or create a single check to cover all outstanding invoices, when you create payments automatically for the vendor.
- Enter the credit limit the vendor allows your company.
- Select the rate type to use for converting transactions for the vendor to the functional currency (in multicurrency ledgers).
Statistics Tab
Use the Statistics tab to:
- List the number and amount of all transactions processed for the vendor in the year and period selected.
- List the total days to pay figure and displays the average days to pay figure for the account and period.
- Change statistical information (if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen).