A/P Vendor Groups Screen

To display an existing vendor group record, type or select the group code.
To create a new vendor group record, enter a unique code using up to six characters, including letters and digits.
Note: If you are creating a new vendor group, also enter a description for the vendor group in the Group Description field.

To specify an account set for the group, type or select its code in this field.
The account set specifies the default general ledger payables control, purchase discounts, and prepayment accounts to which you distribute transactions from the vendors in the group.
In multicurrency systems, the account set also determines the currency for vendors assigned to the group.
If the currency is not the functional currency, the account set also specifies the exchange gain, exchange loss, and exchange rounding accounts to use when

Type or select the code for the bank from which you normally issue checks to the vendors in the group.

Select this option if you usually generate separate checks for each invoice for vendors in this group when you process payments automatically.
Do not select the option if you want to create a single check to cover all outstanding amounts owing to an individual vendor.
You selection is used as the default for the option in vendor records you add to the group. You can change the choice for individual vendors.

Select this option if you do not want to post any new transactions to the vendors that are assigned to the group, usually because you plan to delete the group.
When a vendor group is inactive, you cannot save changes to the vendor records that use the group, except to select another vendor group.
You can make the group active again at any time.

This field displays the date of the last change made to the vendor group. You do not make an entry in this field.

On the Vendor Group record, you use this field to specify the default payment code for new vendors you add to the vendor group.
You can change the payment code for a vendor in the vendor record. When you process a new payment for the vendor, the code specified on the vendor record appears as the default payment code.

If you use multicurrency accounting, type or select the rate type normally used to convert invoice amounts for the group's vendors to your functional currency.
To specify the rate type, type or select its code.
Note: You must specify a rate type that is defined for the company in the Currency screens in Common Services.

In this field, type or select the terms code to use as the default terms codes for new vendor records.
You can select a different terms code for any vendor you assign to the group.
Terms codes determine invoice due dates, set discount rates and periods, calculate discount bases, and specify the number of payments in multiple payment schedules.
Note: You must assign a terms code to each group.

Select the 1099/CPRS code that matches the type of goods or services you purchase from this group of vendors.
Note: This field is available only if you selected 1099 or CPRS in the Tax Reporting field for the vendor group.

Select the method by which you usually distribute invoice amounts to general ledger accounts for invoices from the vendors in this group. You can change the method for individual vendors.
You can distribute amounts by distribution code, distribution set, or general ledger account number. You can also select None if you prefer not to use a default distribution on invoices from vendors in this group.

This field is available if you selected Distribution Code in the Distribute By field.
To distribute transactions for the group's vendors to a single general ledger account that is represented by a distribution code, select Distribution Code in the Distribute By field, and then type or select the distribution code.
You can specify a different distribution code or use another distribution method for vendors assigned to the group.

This field is available if you selected Distribution Set in the Distribute By field.
To assign a distribution set (a defined group of distribution codes) as the default distribution method for vendors in this group, select Distribution Set in the Distribute By field, and then specify the distribution set.
You can specify a different distribution set or use another distribution method for vendors assigned to the group.

Specify the default method of checking for duplicate invoices, debit notes, and credit notes for new vendors you assign to this group.
Accounts Payable can ignore duplicates, warn you, or stop you from posting invoices that might be duplicates according to two criteria that you specify separately: Vendor and Amount and Vendor and Date.
You can change the method for individual vendors in the group.

This field is available if you selected G/L Account in the Distribute By field.
To use a single general ledger account as the default distribution method for the vendors in the group, select G/L Account for the Distribute By option, and then type or select the account number.
You can specify a different general ledger account or use another distribution method for individual vendors you assign to the group.

When you select a tax group for the vendor group, Accounts Payable displays the associated tax authorities. (Tax authorities are the types of taxes that you may be subject to on invoices from the vendor. For example, state and provincial sales taxes are tax authorities, as are GST and VAT.)
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update records for tax authorities and enter other taxation information.

Select your tax class for each of the tax authorities in the tax group.
Tax classes identify the tax rates used to calculate taxes when you enter invoices, debit notes, and credit notes from a vendor.
You can change the classes for individual vendors and on invoices.
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update tax classes and enter other taxation information.

Select the code for the tax group that are applied to the purchases you make from vendors in this group. The taxing authorities in the tax group appear on the screen so you can enter tax classes for each authority.
You must assign a tax group to each vendor group.
Note: You use the screens in Tax Services to define and update tax groups and enter other taxation information.

Specify whether this tax is typically included in the total invoice amount or listed separately.
Note: You can change the Tax Included option only if the tax authority (in Tax Services) permits it.

This option appears in vendor records only if the Use 1099/CPRS Reporting option is selected on the A/P Options screen.
Select 1099, CPRS, or None, depending on the type of tax forms you are required to submit for the vendors in this group.
When you select 1099 or CPRS, you also enter the 1099 or CPRS code that matches the type of goods or services you typically purchase from this vendor group.

Select the method, if any, you want Accounts Payable to use to warn you when you enter two or more invoices for the same amount from individual vendors in this group.

Select the method, if any, you want Accounts Payable to use to warn you when you enter two or more invoices for the same date from individual vendors in this group.

When you add a new record, the Optional Fields tab displays any optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion in this type of record. If default values are defined for any of these fields, they are also displayed.
You can remove optional fields, and you can add optional fields that are set up for use with this screen. You can also change any default values.
For more information, see About Accounts Payable Optional Fields.

Accounts Payable automatically updates statistics as you post transactions for the vendors in the group.

Use this column to view, edit, or add the total amount of the invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid that were processed for the vendors in the group during the displayed period.
You can also change the amounts, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
Important! If you are entering statistics as part of the setup of your Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post to the group's vendors when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions.

Accounts Payable keeps track of the average number of days it takes your company to pay invoices from the vendors in a group, and displays the figure in this field. You cannot change the figure.
The figure for each period is calculated by dividing the total number of days it took to pay the invoices that were fully paid in the period by the number of invoices that were issued to your company by the group's vendors, both in the displayed period and in prior periods.

Use this column to view, edit, or add the total number of invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid that were processed for all the vendors in the group during the displayed period.
You can also change the figures, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
Important! If you are entering statistics as part of the setup of your Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post for the group's vendors when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions.

Select the fiscal period for which you are entering or viewing statistics.
The selection for the Period Type option on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen determines type of period for which Accounts Payable accumulates statistics. (The period type can be weekly, seven days, bi-weekly, four weeks, monthly, bi‑monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or fiscal period.)
After selecting the year and period, you click the Refresh button to display the corresponding statistics.

This column lists the types of transactions for which group totals and numbers are kept.
You can edit, view, and add total amounts and numbers of invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid that were posted during the selected period for all vendors in the group.
Important! If you are entering statistics while setting up your Accounts Payable ledger, do not include amounts you will post for the group's vendors when you enter historical and year-to-date Accounts Payable transactions. If you do, the amounts will be added twice to the statistics.

Accounts Payable records the length of time it takes your company to fully pay invoices from the vendors in the group, and displays the total in this field.
The total that appears for a period is the number of days it took to pay all the associated vendor invoices that were paid in full during the selected period.
You can edit this figure, as needed, if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.

Type or select the year for which you want to enter or view statistics.
The type of year by which you keep statistics is determined by the selection for the Accumulate By field on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
After selecting the year and period, you click the Refresh button to display the corresponding statistics.

Accounts Payable calculates and displays the total amount of the invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid processed for the vendors in the group during the selected period.
You cannot edit the figures in this column.

Accounts Payable keeps track of the average number of days it takes you to pay each invoice for vendors in a vendor group, and displays the average for the year in this field. You cannot change this figure.

Accounts Payable calculates and displays the total number of invoices, payments, discounts taken, discounts lost, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, and total invoices paid processed for all the vendors in the group during the selected year.
You cannot edit the figures in this column.

Accounts Payable records the length of time it takes you to fully pay invoices for vendors assigned to a vendor group for the year to date, then displays the total in this field.
You cannot change this figure.
Use the A/P Vendor Groups screen to create vendor groups to which you can assign vendors.
You use vendor groups to:
- Classify vendor records by common characteristics.
- Set default entries to speed up the task of adding records for vendors.
- Select records for processing.
For more information about vendor groups, see About Vendor Groups.
Group Tab
Use this tab to:
- Assign the account set, terms code, and bank code to use for new vendors you add to the group.
- In multicurrency ledgers, specify the default rate type to assign for vendors who do not use the functional currency.
Invoicing Tab
Use this tab to:
- Specify the default distribution method to assign to vendor records you add to the group.
- Select the default tax group and tax classes to which your company belongs when invoiced by vendors in this group.
- Select options to specify how to identify duplicate invoices for this vendor group and whether to print separate check for each invoice or pay several invoices with a single check to a vendor.
- Specify whether vendors in the group are normally subject to 1099/CPRS reporting and enter the 1099/CPRS code for the group.
You can change your choices for these options at any time.
Optional Fields Tab
You use this tab to specify default optional field values for vendor records you assign to the vendor group. You can:
- Accept the default optional fields that appear on the tab, or delete them.
When you add a new vendor group record, the tab displays optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion in vendor group and vendor records, along with their default values.
- Assign different optional fields that are set up for vendors and vendor groups.
- Accept or change any default values that appear.
Note: If an optional field requires validation, you can select only a value that is assigned to the optional field. (If the optional field allows blanks, you can leave the default value field blank.)
The values you assign to the vendor group appear on new vendor records you add to the group, if you assign the same optional fields to the vendor records.
For more information about optional fields and how they are used in Accounts Payable, see About Accounts Payable Optional Fields.
Statistics Tab
- Lists the number and amount of all transactions processed for the vendor group in the year and period you select.
- Lists the total days to pay figure and displays the average days to pay figure for the group and period.
- Lets you change statistical information (if the Allow Edit Of Statistics option is selected on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen).