Order Entry > Entering Transactions > Shipments and Invoices > Invoicing Shipments

Invoicing Shipments

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O/E Order Entry Screen

O/E Prepayments Screen

Shipping Orders and Items

You can use the O/E Order Entry screen to invoice goods as you ship them.

To invoice goods when shipping:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions.
  2. Open Order Entry.
  3. In the detail table, enter an amount in the Quantity Shipped field for at least one detail line.
  4. On either the Order tab or the Totals tab, select the Create Invoice option.
  5. On the Totals tab, review invoice information. More...
    1. Enter an invoice number if you do not want one to be assigned automatically.
    2. Change the invoice date if you want to use a date other than the current date.
  6. Click Post.

When you try to post an invoice that will put a customer account over its credit limit, Order Entry displays a warning message and the following customer information:

If you use security, you or your supervisor must enter a user ID and password to approve credit before you can post the invoice.

If you are not authorized to override the credit limit, or if you want to put the order on hold for later invoicing, select On Hold. If an order is on hold, you can post the order but you cannot ship goods and produce an invoice until you clear the on-hold status.