Order Entry > Screen Guides > Transactions > Copy Orders

O/E Copy Orders Screen

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O/E Order Entry Screen

Order Types


Use the O/E Copy Orders screen to select an existing order, or a range of orders, from which to copy information and details to create a new order.

Details from the source orders appear as defaults for the new order, including item numbers, quantities ordered, pricing, and other information.

You can select the details you want to use in the new order, and you can change the price list, location, ship date, quantity ordered, unit of measure, and unit price for any detail line.


Copy Orders Tab

Enter information that will be used to create the new order, and select options to indicate whether the order is on hold or uses retainage. More...

Copy Orders Detail Table

After you click the Apply button, details from the order or orders you specified appear in the Copy Orders Detail table.

In the Copy Detail column, select Yes for each detail line you want to include in the new order, and edit each detail line as necessary to set up the new order. More...

Optional Fields Tab

If optional fields are assigned to the screen, use the Optional Fields tab to enter optional field information that applies to the entire document. More...

Optional fields and values appear automatically on this tab if you selected the Auto Insert option for those fields on the O/E Optional Fields setup screen.

If you use identical optional fields in Order Entry transactions and Accounts Receivable invoices, the information in the Order Entry fields is sent to Accounts Receivable.

For more information, see About Optional Fields and Adding Optional Fields to Transaction Entry Screens.