Order Entry > Entering Transactions > Credit and Debit Notes > About Credit/Debit Notes

About Credit/Debit Notes

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About Day End Processing

Crediting a Cleared or Missing Invoice

Crediting an Existing Invoice

O/E Credit/Debit Notes Screen

O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry Screen

Printing a Range of Credit Notes or Debit Notes

Use the O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry screen to enter credit notes and debit notes for existing invoices, as well as for invoices that have been cleared or are not yet entered in your system.

You enter credit notes or debit notes to:

You can credit an entire invoice or part of an invoice.

Important! All Order Entry credit notes and debit notes affect sales amounts. If you do not want to affect any Order Entry or Inventory Control amounts or statistics, enter the credit note in Accounts Receivable.

Choosing Credit Types for Credit Notes

When you enter a credit note, you must select one of the following credit types for each invoice detail you are crediting:

Entering Credit Notes Against Non-Existent Invoices

If you are entering a credit note against a non-existent invoice:

You can edit the cost before posting the return.

Crediting Part of an Invoice

If you do not want to credit an entire invoice, or if you need to change the numbers or amounts for invoice details, use the Detail table.

You can delete lines for details you do not want to credit, and insert lines for items or miscellaneous charges you want to credit for the invoice.

When You Post a Credit Note or a Debit Note

During posting, Order Entry assigns the credit note or debit note number using the prefix and next number specified on the O/E Options screen. In addition:

Importing Debit Notes and Credit Notes

You use the Import command on the Options menu in the Credit/Debit Note Entry screen to import debit notes and credit notes.

You can import the same debit note or credit note any number of times. The original credit information is retained until you delete it from the program in which you created the import file.