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O/E Credit/Debit Notes Screen

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O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry Screen

Printing a Range of Credit Notes or Debit Notes


Use the O/E Credit/Debit Notes report screen to print sales returns and other credit notes and debit notes posted to customer accounts in Order Entry.

Credit/Debit Note Formats

Order Entry includes two credit/debit note report formats that you may be able to use:

You can use the sample formats or change them to suit your company's requirements.

Credit/Debit Note Printing Options

When printing credit notes and debit notes, you can:


When pricing by weight, and when the order unit of measure is not the pricing unit of measure, the printed unit price may not match the unit price on the transaction entry screens.

The information that appears in the Unit Price column on credit notes and debit notes is calculated by dividing the extended price by the quantity shipped or returned, whether pricing by quantity or by weight.
