Order Entry > Customizing and Printing Forms > Credit/Debit Notes > Printing a Range of Credit Notes or Debit Notes

Printing a Range of Credit Notes or Debit Notes

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About Order Entry Customer Forms

O/E Credit/Debit Notes Screen

You can print a range of credit and debit notes using the O/E Credit/Debit Notes screen.

For more information about the O/E Credit/Debit Notes screen, see O/E Credit/Debit Notes Screen .


To print a range of credit notes or debit notes:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Forms > Credit/Debit Notes.
  2. From the Document Type list, select Credit Note or Debit Note..
  3. In the Use Credit Note (or Use Debit Note) field,select a template or a custom form to use. More...

    You can select one of the following formats, or a custom format:

    • OECRN01.RPT. A credit/debit note for laser printer (plain paper version) .
    • OECRN02.RPT. A credit/debit note for preprinted forms.
  4. In the From Credit/Debit Note Number and To Credit/Debit Note Number fields, accept the default entries to print all the credit notes or debit notes, or specify a range to print.
  5. Select a delivery method. More....

    You can select one of the following methods:

    • Select Print Destination to print the document to your usual print destination.
    • Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in the customer record in the Accounts Receivable program.

      If you choose Customer as the delivery method, the Message ID field becomes available. Use this field to select the ID for the email message you want to send to customers that use an email delivery method.

  6. Specify whether to reprint documents already printed.
  7. Specify information to show on printed documents. More...
    • To show all components in kit assemblies, select Kit Component Items.
    • To show all components in assemblies that are manufactured from bills of material, select Bill of Materials Component Items.
  8. Click Print to print credit notes or debit notes.