Order Entry > Screen Guides > Forms > Invoices

O/E Invoices Screen

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About Order Entry Customer Forms

Invoicing Shipments

Printing a Range of Invoices


Use the O/E Invoices screen to print detailed invoices for items shipped and miscellaneous charges processed in Order Entry.

Formats for Printed Invoices

Order Entry includes formats for printed invoices that you may be able to use "as is".

The following invoice formats are included with Sage 300:


When pricing by weight, and when the order unit of measure is not the pricing unit of measure, the printed unit price may not match the unit price on the transaction entry screens.

The information that appears in the Unit Price column on an invoice is calculated by dividing the extended price by the quantity ordered, whether pricing by quantity or by weight.


If the Keep Transaction History option is not selected on the O/E Options screen, Sage 300 deletes information for printed invoices when you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control, preventing you from reprinting any invoices after you run Day End Processing.

Regardless of whether you keep history, however, you must print invoices before they can be cleared by Day End Processing or using the O/E Clear History form.