Order Entry > Customizing and Printing Forms > Invoices > Printing a Range of Invoices

Printing a Range of Invoices

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About Order Entry Customer Forms

Printing Order Entry Customer Forms

You can print a range of invoices after they are posted and before they are cleared from Order Entry.

For more information about the O/E Invoices screen, see O/E Invoices Screen .


If the Keep Transaction History option is not selected on the O/E Options screen, Sage 300 deletes information for printed invoices when you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control, preventing you from reprinting any invoices after you run Day End Processing.

Regardless of whether you keep history, however, you must print invoices before they can be cleared by Day End Processing or using the O/E Clear History form.

To print a range of invoices:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Forms > Invoices.
  2. On the Use Invoice list, select the invoice format to use. More...

    The following invoice formats are included with Sage 300:

    • OEINV01.RPT. A "datapiped" invoice for laser printer (plain paper version).
    • OEINV02.RPT. A "datapiped" invoice for preprinted forms.
  3. Use the From Invoice and To Invoice fields to specify a range of invoices, or accept the default entries to print all invoices.
  4. Select a delivery method for the invoices. More....

    You can select one of the following methods:

    • Select Print Destination to print the invoices to your usual print destination.
    • Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in each customer record in Accounts Receivable.

      If you select Customer as the delivery method, the Message ID field becomes available. Use the Message ID field to select the ID for the message you want to send with emailed documents.

      To view or edit the message for the selected ID, or to add a new email message, click the Add/Edit link to the right of the Message ID field.

  5. Specify whether to reprint invoices already printed.
  6. Select optional information for the printed invoices. More...

    You specify the following options, as needed:

    • Require Shipping Labels. Select this option to print shipping labels for marked invoices only. (When you print shipping labels, you can print labels for the invoices that were marked as requiring them.)

      You can print shipping labels only if you entered a number on the Totals tab for each invoice.

    • Include Backordered Items. Select this option to show backordered items on these invoices.
    • Print Kit Component Items. Select this option if you want printed invoices to show all components in kit assemblies.
    • Print Bills of Material Component Items. Select this option if you want printed invoices to show all components in assemblies that are manufactured from bills of material.
  7. Click Print to print invoices.