Note: Fields that appear on the screen but are not described in this list are in development and not yet functional.
Click this button if you want to create a manual invoice for a recurring payable.
Example: You might create an invoice manually if you accidentally delete an invoice from a recurring payable batch, or if you need to create an additional invoice for some other reason.
Click this button to start a new recurring payable record.
Enter or select the code for an existing recurring payable.
To define a new record, type the code you want to use using up to 16 characters.
Tip: You can use the same recurring payable code for payables with different vendors, so you can create monthly RENT payables for one vendor, and quarterly RENT for another vendor.
You can specify a range of one or more codes when you create a batch of recurring payables.
The description from the vendor record appears in this field.
Tip: Click the Details link to view more information from the record.
Enter or select the code for the vendor for whom you are creating this recurring payable.
Type the total amount to distribute to the details created by the distribution set.
This total does not have to be the full amount you need to distribute. For example, after creating distribution details for a distribution set, you may need to add distribution lines for general ledger accounts that are not included in the distribution set.
If you are using a distribution set, enter or accept a distribution set code.
If you are not using a distribution set, leave this field blank, and enter or select the distribution codes or G/L account numbers in the distribution list.
You can enter an optional comment with a selected recurring payable detail. For example, you might include a comment indicating that the invoice discount does not apply to a particular detail.
Type a description for the distribution line.
The description from the distribution code record appears as the default description.
You use this option to specify whether a selected detail is subject to the invoice discount. For example, if you do not give discounts on freight charges, you can exempt a freight detail from the invoice discount.
To indicate that a detail is not discountable, you simply clear the Discountable option for the detail on the Detail Accounts/Taxes screen, or select No for the option on the detail-entry table.
For each detail you add, enter the amount of the detail in the Amount field, or edit the existing detail amount, if necessary.
The portion of the document total you distribute to details depends on whether tax is included in the price.
A distribution code appears if the vendor record is set up to distribute details by distribution code, or if you used the Create Distribution button to create distributions from a distribution set.
Accept or change the distribution code, as needed.
You can also enter a distribution code if none appears, or leave the field blank, and then enter the general ledger account number.
Enter, accept, or change the displayed general ledger account number, as needed.
Accounts Payable displays the account numbers for the distribution codes you specify. However, you can enter the general ledger account codes directly. You can also change the account number for a distribution line on the detail table on the Invoice Entry screen.
For recurring payables, you can change the account number on the Detail tab.
This field indicates whether optional fields are assigned to the document detail.
This field appears only if the vendor is subject to 1099 reporting (for a US vendor), or CPRS reporting (for a Canadian vendor).
Enter the amount of the document that is subject to 1099 or CPRS reporting.
This field appears only if the vendor is subject to 1099 reporting (for a US vendor), or CPRS reporting (for a Canadian vendor). 1099 forms are used in the United States, and CPRS reports are used in Canada.
Select the 1099/CPRS code that matches the type of purchase or payment you are making.
The 1099 codes correspond to the numbered boxes on the 1099 form.
For Canadian vendors, select code 3, Other Income.
The account set from the vendor record appears as the default in this field.
You can change the account set for a particular recurring payable record. If you use multicurrency, however, the new account set must use the same currency as the vendor's account set.
This field displays the vendor's currency when you enter the vendor number in a multicurrency system.
If the recurring payable uses the Maximum Amount expiration type, the program displays the sum of the unposted and posted total invoiced amounts from the Statistics tab.
If the recurring payable uses the Number Of Invoices expiration type, the program displays the sum of the unposted and posted number of invoices from the Statistics tab.
This description appears with the document information on the Invoice Batch Listing and the Invoice Posting Journal.
Specify whether to restrict invoices beyond a specific date, a maximum amount, or a specified number of invoices. Depending on your choice for the expiration type, you enter additional information about the recurring payable, as follows:
You select this option if you want to prevent this payable from being used, but do not want to delete it.
If you select Inactive status, Accounts Payable displays the system date at the time, so that later you can find out when the record was made inactive.
You can reactivate the payable at any time.
This field displays the last date on which an invoice was generated for the recurring payable. You cannot change the date.
This field displays the last date on which a change was made to the recurring payable record.
Accounts Payable updates this field when you generate an invoice using the Create Recurring Payable Batch screen. You cannot change the date.
Note: The program uses the Last Generated date to determine when the next invoice should be generated.
You can enter a sales order number or other information in this field, or leave the field blank.
Tip: You can list documents by sales order number in Finders and for payment application, and you can use the number as the reference or description in G/L transaction batches.
You can type your company's purchase order number, if any, use the field for another purpose, or leave it blank.
Tip: You can list documents by purchase order number when applying payments, and you can use the number as the reference or description in G/L transaction batches.
Specify the code for the kind of rate you want to use when converting non-functional amounts to functional currency. Examples of rate types might be "spot rate," "average rate," and "contract rate."
You must specify a valid rate type, as defined using the A/P Currency Rate Types screen.
Enter the date on which the payable comes into effect.
Accounts Payable will create invoices only when the run date is between the start and expiration dates specified for the recurring payable.
The terms code is used to calculate the due date, discount period, and discount amount for the document.
Any invoice optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion appear, along with their descriptions, as defaults on the Optional Fields tab.
You can add different optional fields, providing they are defined for invoices in the A/P Optional Fields screen. When you select an optional field code, the program displays the description from the optional field setup record.
You can delete optional fields that appear as defaults. However, if an optional field is required, do not delete it. You cannot add the transaction until you enter a value for the optional field.
Default values appear for invoice optional fields, as follows:
The description for the value appears automatically in the Value Description field. You cannot change it.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable.
If the recurring payable uses Number of Invoices as the expiration type, the program uses this field, together with the [Unposted] Number of Invoices field, to determine if the limit has been reached.
Important! We recommend that you do not change the entry in this field. Editing this field does not affect the year-to-date total.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable.
If the recurring payable uses Maximum Amount as the expiration type, the program uses this field, together with the [Unposted] Total Invoiced field, to determine if the limit has been reached.
Important! We recommend that you do not change the entry in this field. Editing the field does not affect the year-to-date amount.
Accounts Payable updates this field when you generate or post an invoice for the recurring payable, providing a gauge of the number of open documents generated for the recurring payable code. When you post the invoice, the amount is transferred to the [Posted] Number of Invoices field.
If the recurring payable uses Number of Invoices as the expiration type, the program uses this field, together with the [Posted] Number of Invoices field, to determine if the limit has been reached.
Important! We recommend you do not change the entry in this field.
Accounts Payable updates this field when you generate or post an invoice for the recurring payable, providing a gauge of the amount of open documents generated for the recurring payable code. When you post the invoice, the amount is transferred to the [Posted] Total Invoiced field.
If the recurring payable uses Maximum Amount as the expiration type, the program uses this field, together with the [Posted] Total Invoiced field, to determine if the limit has been reached.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
Accounts Payable clears this field when you process year end.
This field is updated when you post an invoice for the recurring payable. You cannot change it.
Accounts Payable clears this field when you process year end.
Specify one of the following methods for entering tax amounts for the recurring payable:
If you select this tax entry method:
If you select this tax entry method, enter the total amount of each tax for the recurring payable on the Tax/Totals tab, and then enter the amount of tax for each detail on the Detail Taxes screen. (Select a detail on the Detail tab, and then click the Detail Tax button.)
Note: The sum of the tax entered for all the details for a tax authority must equal the total amount you enter for the authority on the Tax/Totals tab.
If you select this tax entry method, enter the total amount of each tax for the recurring payable on the Tax/Totals tab.
Note: If a tax does not appear on the Tax/Totals tab, you likely selected the wrong tax group for the document.
The tax group you specify on the Tax/Totals tab of the Recurring Payables screen determines which tax authorities appear on the tab.
Tax authorities are the taxing bodies, such as federal, state, county, provincial, or municipal governments, that levy taxes in the areas where your company buys products.
If your business has a head office and branch offices, different taxes may apply in the different geographical locations.
This is the amount (before included taxes) used as the base for calculating tax for each tax authority.
If you select Calculate, you cannot change the tax base.
If you select Enter or Distribute as the tax entry method for the Tax Base, you can enter the amount on which tax is based for the document.
If you select Calculate as the entry method for the tax amount, and select Distribute or Enter for the tax base, Accounts Payable uses the tax base you enter to calculate the tax amounts automatically.
Enter a tax group. For more information, see About Tax Groups.
Select Yes if taxes charged by the authority are included in the prices for the detail you are entering. The default setting comes from the vendor record.
You can override this setting for single distribution lines on the Detail Taxes screen. (Select the detail on the Detail tab, and then click the Detail Tax button.)
The tax class of each tax authority usually indicates a taxable or non-taxable status for your business or the goods you are purchasing.
Tax classes occasionally indicate the tax rate as well. A typical set of classes might be: 1=taxable at rate 1; 2=taxable at rate 2; and 3=non‑taxable. The default tax class comes from the vendor record.
This setting applies to the whole invoice. You can override this setting for single distribution lines on the Detail tab or on the Detail Accounts/Taxes screen.
Use the A/P Recurring Payables screen to:
The Detail distribution tab on the A/P Recurring Payables setup screen lets you:
Open a separate Detail Taxes screen to view or enter tax information for the detail.
To open the Detail Taxes screen, select the detail line, and then click the Detail Tax button.
You assign a distribution code or general ledger payable account, and enter a description and amount for each detail line in the recurring payable record.
This tab lets you specify the following information for the recurring payable:
The expiration type, and, depending on the type you specify:
The expiration date, if there is one.
The Create Recurring Payable Batch screen does not create invoices for payables unless the creation date is between the start date and the expiration date.
Use the Optional Fields tab to assign optional fields to a document.
Recurring payables use the same optional fields as invoices.
Accounts Payable displays any optional fields set up for automatic insertion on invoices, as well as the default values from the vendor record. If an optional field is defined for invoices, but is not assigned to the vendor, the program displays the value specified for the optional field in the Optional Fields record.
You can change the values that appear, or add other optional fields defined for Accounts Payable invoices. If an optional field is validated, you must specify a value that is defined for the optional field on the Optional Fields screen in Common Services. If the optional field is not validated, you can select or enter another value that is consistent with the type of optional field.
Use the Statistics tab to:
The Tax/Totals tab displays for the recurring payable:
Estimated tax amounts, if tax is calculated for the recurring payable.
You specify how tax is to be calculated for the recurring payable using the Tax Amount and Tax Base fields.
Whether tax is included in the total for this document.
You can change the Tax Included option only if the Allow Tax in Price option is selected for the tax authority in Tax Services.
Note: There is no exchange rate information tab on this tab because the exchange rates are unknown for the recurring invoice. The only rate information you enter is the rate type on the Invoice tab.