Editing Taxes on an Invoice, Debit Note, or Credit Note
About Distributing Self-Assessed Taxes
About Changing the Tax Class for a Single Invoice Distribution
Tax groups specify the authorities that tax the goods you purchase from vendors, and determine the specific classification for a tax, such as which rate is applied or whether you are tax-exempt.
You assign a tax group to each vendor record with other tax information, such as tax numbers and whether tax is usually included in invoice amounts. This information appears by default when you enter an invoice from the vendor.
If you need to change tax rates or amounts for a document, you can assign a different tax group or you can change the tax class or tax included settings, as follows:
If you are calculating tax automatically for a document, you can change the tax settings for individual distribution lines on the Detail Taxes screen.
To open the Detail Taxes screen, on the Invoice Entry Document tab, select the distribution line on the table, and then click the Edit icon .
Note: To change tax rates for a tax authority, you use the Tax Services screens.