Accounts Payable > Screen Guides > Periodic Processing > Create Recurring Payable Batch

A/P Create Recurring Payable Batch Screen

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Use the A/P Create Recurring Payable Batch screen to create a batch of recurring-payable invoices for selected vendors and recurring payables.

The batch appears in the Batch List screen as a Recurring batch, using the next available invoice batch number.

Note: If you want to edit a recurring-payable batch, you use the A/P Invoice Entry screen.

You post the generated invoices, then process the payments and print checks as you would for any other type of invoice.

If the terms specified for a recurring payable include a multiple payment schedule, Accounts Payable calculates the schedule when it processes the payable.

Accounts Payable warns you when it creates the last invoice before a recurring payable expires. You can update the recurring payable if you want to continue using it.

Accounts Payable does not create an invoice for a recurring payable if:

If the program does not create an invoice for a recurring payable, it does not update the Last Posted Invoice fields in the recurring payable record.

Note: When you delete a vendor record, Accounts Payable automatically deletes all recurring payables for the vendor.