Using the Combine EFT File Process

Note: To use this feature, you must have both EFT Processing and EFT Bank Account Maintenance security authorizations. For more information, see About Payroll Security Groups.

The Combine EFT File window enables you to combine multiple EFT or direct deposit files into a single merged file before submitting it to the bank. This window is only available in the company that is setup as the EFT Administrator. Read Setting Up EFT Combine from the More Information box on this page to learn how to setup a company as the EFT Administrator.

Combining EFT Files

  1. From the Transactions folder, From Payroll > Tasks, choose Combine EFT File.
  2. In the Company EFT Bank field, use the Finder to select the bank.
  3. In the Files Created From/To fields, enter the creation dates of the files you want to combine.
  4. If you want to view only files that have not been used in the combine function, select the Unprocessed Files Only option.
  5. Click the Go button (or press F7). The system generates a file creation number and shows a list of EFT files in the "Select EFT Files to Combine" table that reflects the criteria you chose.
  6. Select (double-click) the files that you want to combine. Alternatively, use the Select All or Deselect All buttons:
    • To select all the files in the list, click the Select All button. This changes all the values in the Combine column to Yes.
    • To deselect all the files in the list, click the Deselect All button. This changes all the values in the Combine column to No.
  7. In the Local File Path field, specify where the combined file will be located. You can accept the default location, enter a new location, or use the Browse button to navigate to a new location.

    The first time you use Combine EFT Files, the default location is C:\. Afterwards, the program defaults to the last location where a file was saved.

  8. Click the Combine button. The program displays the name of the file created and the EFT files that are included.

    The system generates two copies of the combined file:

    • One is saved to the directory that you specified earlier in the Local File Path field. The file is ready to be transferred to your bank.
    • The other is automatically saved to the Sage\Sage 300\Payroll\Company\CompanyID\Payroll folder. This folder contains a history of EFT files generated by payroll. (CompanyID is the ID of your company database; for example DEU.)

    Each time you create an EFT combine file, the database is updated with a list of combine files.

    If you create an EFT combine file with the same number as a file that already exists, the existing file will be overwritten without warning.

  9. (Optional) Print the EFT Combine History report.