About Payroll Security Groups

Security Groups in Sage 300 Payroll are a method you can use to assign security (restrictions with password protection), if you are the ADMIN user or if you have Administrative Services' Security Groups and User Authorizations security authorization.

Note: To allow users to change the print destination, you must assign Change Print Destination from the list of Administrative Services permissions in the Security Groups window.  

To allow users in a security group to edit records or perform processing tasks in Sage 300 Payroll, you must grant the group access to tasks from the following list:

Common Inquiry

To view records and to print reports in the payroll program, a user must belong to a security group with Common Inquiry access. (Common Inquiry access is automatically assigned when you give any other type of permission to a security group.)

  • Users can also view Employee Selection Lists.
  • With only Common Inquiry authorization, a user cannot gain access to any functions in the payroll program.

Setup Maintenance

Setup Maintenance access gives complete access to Payroll Options, Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Common Deduction Limits, Workers’ Compensation Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Work Classification Codes, Income TaxesFederal and State Taxes, Local/Other Tax Codes, and Optional Fields.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Setup reports: Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Common Deduction Limits, Options, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Tax Profiles, Transaction History Audit, Workers’ Compensation Codes, Work Classification Codes, Update Local Taxes Audit, Company Level, and Optional Fields.

  • Users who have both Setup Maintenance and Employee Maintenance authorization have the ability to update the local tax codes for all employees (accessed from the Install Repository button), and access to the Update Local Taxes Audit, Employee Level report.
  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll:
    • Users who have both Setup Maintenance and EFT Processing authorization have complete access to the EFT Options setup window, EFT Combine setup window, and can view or print the EFT Options report and EFT Combine report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Setup Maintenance and EFT Processing authorization have complete access to the EFT Options setup window, and can view or print the EFT Options report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Setup Maintenance and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on the windows and reports for Earning/Deduction Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differentials.

Setup Inquiry

Allows view-only access to Options, Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Common Deduction Limits, Workers’ Compensation Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Work Classification Codes, Income TaxesFederal and State Taxes, Local/Other Tax Codes, and Optional Fields.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Setup reports: Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Common Deduction Limits, Options, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Tax Profiles, Transaction History Audit, Workers’ Compensation Codes, Work Classification Codes, and Optional Fields.

  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll:
    • Users who have both Setup Inquiry and EFT Processing authorizations can view the EFT Options setup window and EFT Combine setup window, and can view or print the EFT Options report and EFT Combine report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Setup Inquiry and EFT Processing authorizations can view the EFT Options setup window, and can view or print the EFT Options report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Setup Inquiry and PJC Billing Information authorizations can view billing information on the windows and reports for Earning/Deduction Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differentials.

Employee Maintenance

Gives access to Employees, the Activity and Accrual tabs of Employee Activity, Employee Selection, Assign Selection Lists to Employees, Update Earn/Ded for All Employees, Assign Earnings/Deductions to Employees, Update TD1 Claim, Update Taxes, Assign Tax to Employees, Employee Supplemental Information, and Find Duplicate SSN or SINs.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Employee reports: Employee Information, Employee Selection, Update Employee Earn/Ded Audit, Assign Employee Earn/Ded Audit, Update TD1 Claim Audit, Update Employee Taxes Audit, Employee Supplemental Information, and Duplicate SSN or SINs.

  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll or Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Employee Maintenance and EFT Processing authorization have access to the EFT tab of the Employee Payroll window, and can view or print EFT information on the Employee Information report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Employee Maintenance and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on these windows: Employees, Update Earnings/Deductions, and Assign Earnings/Deductions.They can also view or print billing information on these reports: Employee Information, Assign Employee Earn/Ded Audit, Update Employee Earn/Ded Audit.

Employee Deletion

Gives access to Employees, Employee Selection, Assign Selection Lists to Employees, Employee Supplemental Information, and the Activity and Accrual tabs on the Employee Activity window.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Employee reports: Employee Information, Employee Selection, Employee Supplemental Information.  

  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll or Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Employee Deletion and EFT Processing authorization have access to the EFT tab of the Employee Payroll window, and can view or print EFT information on the Employee Information report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Employee Deletion and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on the Employee Payroll window, and can view or print billing information on the Employee Information report.

Employee Inquiry

Allows view-only access to Employees, Employee Selection, Assign Selection Lists to Employees, Assign Tax to Employees, Employee Supplemental Information, the Activity and Accrual tabs of Employee Activity, and Find Duplicate SSN or SINs.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Employee reports: Employee Information, Employee Selection, Employee Supplemental Information, and Duplicate SSN or SINs.

  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll or Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Employee Inquiry and EFT Processing authorization have access to the EFT tab of the Employee Payroll window, and can view or print EFT information on the Employee Information report.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Employee Inquiry and PJC Billing Information authorization can view billing information on the Employee Payroll window, and can view or print billing information on the Employee Information report.

Transaction History Maintenance

Gives complete access to Transaction History.

Users with this authorization can view and print the Transaction History Audit report, Transaction History report, and these Transaction reports: Accruals, Earnings and Hours, Earnings/Deductions Summary, Hours Analysis, Tax Calculation Analysis, and Workers’ Compensation.

Transaction History Inquiry

Allows view-only access of Transaction History.

Users with this authorization can view and print the Transaction History Audit report, Transaction History report, and these Transaction reports: Accruals, Earnings and Hours, Earnings/Deductions Summary, Hours Analysis, Tax Calculation Analysis, and Workers’ Compensation.

Timecard Entry

Gives complete access to Timecards, Employee Timecards, Timecard List, Copy Timecards, and Transfer Employee Timecards.

Users with this authorization can approve employee timecards and print the Timecards and Employee Timecards reports.

If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing, users who have both Timecard Entry and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on the Timecards window, and can view or print billing information on the Timecards report.

For more information, see Setting up security for timecards.

Manual Check Processing

Gives complete access to Manual Checks and Process Manual Checks.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Transaction reports: Manual Checks, Payroll G/L Transactions, Payroll Processing Exceptions, Pre-Check Payroll Register, and Pre-Check Payroll Job Register.  

If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing, users who have both Manual Check Processing and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on the Manual Checks window, and can view or print billing information on the Pre-Check Register and Pre-Check Payroll Job Register.

Payroll Calculation

Gives complete access to Calculate Payroll, Check List, Check Inquiry, and the Checks tab of Employee Activity.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Transaction reports: Accruals, Earnings and Hours, Earnings/Deductions Summary, Hours Analysis, Payroll G/L Transactions, Payroll Processing Exceptions, Payroll Register, Pre-Check Payroll Register, Tax Calculation Analysis, Workers’ Compensation, Job Register, Pre-Check Payroll Job Register, and Jobs.

If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing users who have both Payroll Calculation and PJC Billing Information have access to billing information on the Check Inquiry window, and can view or print billing information on these reports: Payroll Register, Pre-Check Register, Payroll Job Register, Pre-Check Payroll Job Register, and Jobs. 

Payroll Check Printing

Gives complete access to Print/Post Checks, Post Manual Checks, Check List, Check Inquiry, and the Checks tab of Employee Activity.

Users with this authorization can view and print these Transaction reports: Payroll G/L Transactions, Payroll Register, Pre-Check Payroll Register, Tax Calculation Analysis, Workers’ Compensation, Payroll Job Register, Pre-Check Payroll Job Register, and Jobs.

  • If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll:
    • Users who have both Payroll Check Printing and EFT Processing authorization have access to Create EFT File, Combine EFT Files, and can view or print these reports: EFT Direct Deposit, EFT Transactions, EFT Combine History.
  • If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit:
    • Users who have both Payroll Check Printing and EFT Processing authorization can view or print these reports: EFT Direct Deposit, EFT Transactions.
  • If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing:
    • Users who have both Payroll Check Printing and PJC Billing Information authorization have access to billing information on the Check Inquiry window, and can view or print billing information on these reports: Payroll Register, Pre-Check Payroll Register, Payroll Job Register, Pre-Check Payroll Job Register, and Jobs.

Inactive Record Deletion

Gives complete access to Delete Inactive Records and Delete Inactive Records Audit report.

G/L Batch Processing

Gives complete access to Generate G/L Batch and allows viewing and printing of the Payroll G/L Transactions report.

Government Reporting

Gives complete access to these Government reports: Certified Payroll (if using Project and Job Costing), Quarterly Wage, Quarterly Wage on Disk(ette), Quarterly Wage on Disk(ette) Status, W-2 Tax Filing, Federal Tax Filing, and State Tax FilingRecord of Employment (ROE), Relevé 1s, Relevé 1s Electronic Filing, CRA Remittance Information, Ministère du Revenu Information, T4s, and T4s Electronic FilingT4As, T4s Electronic Filing, and T4As Electronic Filing.

For the ROE function: if you are also assigned Employee Maintenance, you will be able to change the employee status by choosing Proceed in the screen that displays after the ROE processing completes. 

Import Processing

Allows importing of data to Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Employees, Employee Selection, Income TaxesEmployee Supplemental Information, Federal and State Taxes, Local/Other Tax Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Work Classification Codes, Optional Fields, Timecards, Employee Timecards, Manual Checks, and Transaction History.

Export Processing

Allows exporting of data from Class Codes, Earning/Deduction Codes, Employees, Employee Selection, Income TaxesEmployee Supplemental Information, Federal and State Taxes, Local/Other Tax Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differential Schedules, Work Classification Codes, Optional Fields, Timecards, Employee Timecards, Manual Checks, and Transaction History.

Transaction Optional Fields

This feature displays if you use Sage 300 Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator. It allows you to add or delete optional fields during transaction entries (that is, in Timecards, Employee Timecards, Manual Checks, Calculate Payroll, and Process Manual Checks).

Note that users must also be assigned the authorizations to those functions. For example, to add or delete optional fields in the Calculate Payroll window, the user must be assigned both the Transaction Optional Fields and Payroll Calculation authorizations.

To have access to optional fields in setup functions, users need only the authorizations to those functions. For example, to edit the Optional Fields setup window, or the Optional Fields tab of the Earning/Deduction Codes window and Federal and State Tax Codeswindow, the user must be assigned Setup Maintenance (they do not need Transaction Optional Fields).

For more information, see Setting up optional fields.

EFT Processing

If you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll or Sage 300 Direct Deposit, this feature allows users to perform various tasks associated with direct deposit payroll and Child Support payments.

Note: Some of the tasks listed below may not be applicable to Sage 300 Direct Deposit.

The EFT Processing option must be used in conjunction with other access rights. For example, a user also needs the following security groups to do these tasks:

  • Setup Maintenance. To edit the EFT Options and EFT Combine setup windows.
  • Setup Inquiry. To view (but not edit) the EFT Options and EFT Combine setup windows.
  • Setup Maintenance or Setup Inquiry. To view or print the EFT Options report and EFT Combine setup report.
  • Employee Maintenance. To edit the EFT tab and the Garnishment tab of the Employee Payroll window.
  • Employee Inquiry. To view (but not edit) the EFT tab and the Garnishment tab of the Employee Payroll window.
  • Employee Maintenance, Employee Deletion, or Employee Inquiry. To view EFT information and Garnishment details on the Employee Information report.
  • Payroll Check Printing. Needed for EFT Direct Deposit report, EFT Transactions report, Create EFT File, Combine EFT Files, EFT Combine History report.
  • EFT Bank Account Maintenance. To see EFT numbers on the Employee Payroll window, to generate and combine EFT files, and to print the EFT Direct Deposit report.

Employee Timecard Entry

Allows the user to enter their own employee timecards only, with no access to any other payroll program functions. For the setup procedure, see Access to Employee Timecards.

To approve, transfer or print these timecards, another user must be set up to have either Timecard Entry or Transfer Employee Timecards access rights.

PJC Billing Information

If you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing, this authorization lets users view billing information about jobs in reports and on windows in the payroll program.

Note that a user still needs access to the function that contains billing information; for example, a user needs Timecard Entry authorization to gain access to the Timecards window.

A user does who not have PJC Billing Information authorization can only view and/or edit jobs. Billing information cannot be displayed.

Users also need the following security authorization to do these tasks:

  • Setup Maintenance. Required to edit the billing information on these setup windows: Earning/Deduction Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differentials. 
  • Setup Inquiry. Required to view (but not edit) the billing information on these setup windows: Earning/Deduction Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differentials.
  • Setup Maintenance. Setup Inquiry is required to view or print the billing information on these setup reports: Earning/Deduction Codes, Overtime Schedules, Shift Differentials. 
  • Employee Maintenance. Required to edit the billing information on the Employee Payroll window.
  • Employee Inquiry. Required to view (but not edit) the billing information on the Employee Payroll window.
  • Employee Maintenance, Employee Deletion or Employee Inquiry. Required to view or print billing information on the Employee Information report.
  • Payroll Check Printing, Payroll Calculation, or Manual Check. Required to view or print billing information on the Payroll Register and Pre-Check Payroll Register.
  • Payroll Check Printing or Payroll Calculation. Required to view or print the Payroll Job Register, Pre-Check Payroll Jobs Register, and Jobs report.

Transfer Employee Timecards

Gives the user access to Employee Timecards and Transfer Employee Timecards.

Users with this authorization can enter, approve and print employee timecards, and transfer them to the detailed payroll timecards. This security group is a subset of Timecard Entry.

For more information, see Access to Management of Employee Timecards.

Employee Security Setup

Gives the user access to User Security Setup window and report. Users with this authorization can set up Employee Level Security.

Selection List Maintenance

Gives the user access to Employee Selection, Assign Selection Lists to Employee and the Employee Selection report. Users with this authorization can modify selection lists. This security group is a subset of Employee Maintenance.

SSN Number Maintenance

Allows the user to:

  • See and enter employees’ social security numbers or social insurance numbers on the Employee Payroll window.
  • Print the following reports:
    • Quarterly Wage on Disk
    • Quarterly Wage on Disk Status
    • W-2 Forms
    • Federal Tax Filing
    • State Tax Filing
  • On reports that include employees’ social security numbers or social insurance numbers, choose whether the numbers are masked

SIN Number Maintenance

Allows the user to:

  • See and enter employees’ social security numbers or social insurance numbers on the Employee Payroll window.
  • Print the following reports:
    • Record of Employment
    • Relevé 1s
    • R1s Electronic Filing
    • T4s
    • T4s Electronic Filing
    • T4As
    • T4As Electronic Filing
  • On reports that include employees’ social security numbers or social insurance numbers, choose whether the numbers are masked

EFT Bank Account Maintenance

Allows the user to:

  • See and enter EFT numbers on the Employee Payroll window
  • Generate and combine EFT files
  • Print the EFT Direct Deposit report
  • On reports that include EFT numbers, choose whether the numbers are masked