Printing a Financial Statement

To print a financial statement in Financial Reporter, you can use either of the following methods:

The following procedure describes how to use the G/L Print Financial Statements screen. For information about using the Statement Designer to print financial statements, see About Generating Reports from Specifications and G/L Statement Designer.

To print a financial statement:

  1. Open General Ledger > G/L Financial Reporter > Print Financial Statements.
  2. In the Statement Name field, select a financial statement file.

    You can select only statement files that are on your Sage 300 server in the SharedData\company\FinancialReporter folder. If you do not see the statement you want, make sure that it is in this folder. For example, sample statements are not automatically included in this folder, so if you want to use them you must manually copy them into this folder.

    For a list of sample financial statements included with Sage 300, see Sample Financial Statements.

  3. Under Fiscal Option, specify the year and period for which to create the statement.
  4. Under Report Type, specify whether to include actual or provisional amounts in the report. More...

    • Actual. Includes only amounts that have been permanently posted to general ledger accounts.
    • Provisional. Includes amounts that have been provisionally posted to general ledger accounts, as well as permanently posted amounts.
  5. Under Report As, specify whether to print a single, consolidated report, or to print separate reports for different account number segments.

    Note: The Separate option is available only after you select Segment in the Sort By area of the screen, and then enter the range of segments. (This option is not available if you select the Account segment.)

  6. Under Include, you can select Report Options. More...

    When you select Report Options, the first page of the financial statement displays the following information:

    • Statement name
    • Fiscal year and period
    • Report type (actual or provisional)
    • Account processing and sorting order
    • Account selection ranges

    For information about the Audit Information and Formulas options, see G/L Statement Designer.

  7. Under Sort By, specify the order in which to sort records in the printed financial statement. More...
    • If you select Account No., you can use the From and To fields to specify a range of account numbers to include, or leave the default values in these fields to include all account numbers.
    • If you select Segment, select a segment in the list that appears. You can use the From and To fields to specify a range of account numbers to include, or leave the default values in these fields to include all segments.
  8. Specify account groups or sort code groups to include. More...
    • If you want to select account groups by sort code range, select the Select Account Groups By Sort Code Range option. You can use the From Sort Code - Account Group and To Sort Code - Account Group fields to specify a range of sort codes to include, or leave the default values in these fields to include all sort codes.
    • If you did not select the Select Account Groups By Sort Code Range option, you can use the From Account Group and To Account Group fields to specify a range of sort codes to include, or leave the default values in these fields to include all sort codes.
  9. In the table, specify optional ranges of segments. If you selected Separate under Report As in step 5, you can double-click the Report As column to select Separate or Consolidated.
  10. Click Generate Statement.

    The statement is generated and saved to your computer.

  11. Use Excel to print the statement.