Sample Financial Statements
Financial statements are Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that use special functions to extract data from the Sage 300 company database.
Some sample statements are included with General Ledger. English-language statements are located in the ENG subfolder of the General Ledger program folder. If are using another supported language version of Sage 300, you'll find your statements in a language-specific folder. For example, French statements are located in the FRA subfolder and work with French-language Excel.
To use a sample statement, you must manually copy it to the SharedData\company\FinancialReporter folder on your Sage 300 server.
General Ledger includes the following standard financial statements:
The sample statements are designed for Sage 300 sample data, and retrieve data using standard account groups.
To use the statements with your own data, you must either:
- Assign the same standard account groups to your accounts.
- Customize the sample statements to match the account groups that you have set up for your company.
To modify a sample statement, first copy the file and then save it with a new file name.
Balance Sheets
General Ledger includes standard balance sheet statements and summaries.
The sample summaries include:
- A regular size balance sheet that summarizes the company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
- A common size balance sheet, which includes a regular size balance sheet, and separate reports listing asset line items as a percentage of total assets, and liability line items as a percentage of total liabilities.
- Common size balance sheets that also include graphical summaries, statements for specified periods, comparisons of current and previous year amounts, and comparisons of current year and budget amounts.
Note: All sample balance sheets include the profit or loss for the period.
General ledger includes the following sample statements:
- QuikBal1.xls. Standard Balance Sheet (single column)
- QuikBal2.xls. Comparative Balance Sheet (Current Year / Previous Year)
- QuikBal3.xls. Comparative Balance Sheet (Current Period / Previous Period)
General ledger includes the following sample statements:
Balsum01.xls. Common Size Balance Sheet Summary
A summary as amounts and as a percentage of total assets and liabilities, printed on separate pages.
Balsum02.xls. Balance Sheet Summary with Graphs
A summary as amounts and a graph as a percentage of total assets and liabilities. Asset summaries and liability summaries are printed on separate pages.
Important! Financial Reporter does not generate this report. Rather, the report uses data from fixed cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and may not print the correct information if the report is generated with the [Include] Report Options setting. If you are printing the report from the G/L Print Financial Statements screen in Sage 300, make sure that [Include] Report Options is not selected.
Note: For Excel-based charts, the default position of data labels varies by Excel version. To add or remove data labels or modify their position, refer to the help or documentation provided with your installed version of Excel.
Balsum03.xls. Balance Sheet Summary for Specified Period
A summary of the balance sheet for a specified period.
Balsum04.xls. Comparative Balance Sheet Summary (Current Year / Previous Year)
A comparison of current and previous year amounts, and variance by amount and percentage.
Balsum05.xls. Comparative Balance Sheet Summary (Current Year / Budget)
A comparison of actual and budgeted amounts for the current year, and variance by amount and percentage.
Income Statements
General Ledger includes standard income statements and income statement summaries.
The sample summaries include:
- A regular size income statement that summarizes the company's profit or loss for a specified period.
- A common size income statement, which includes a regular size income statement, and separate reports listing line items as a percentage of sales revenue.
- Common size income statements that also include graphical summaries, statements for specified periods, comparisons of current and previous year amounts, and comparisons of current year and budget amounts.
Tip: You can use Excel formulas and functions to display amounts as percents or ratios.
General ledger includes the following sample statements:
- QuikInc1.xls. Standard Income Statement (single column)
- QuikInc2.xls. Comparative Income Statement (Current Year to Date / Last Year to Date)
- QuikInc3.xls. Comparative Income Statement (Current Year to Budget)
Income statement summaries display each account as a percentage of sales revenue, allowing financial managers to see how the company’s profit is affected by income statement components.
General ledger includes the following sample statements:
Incsum01.xls. Common Size Income Statement
A summary as amounts and as a percentage of sales revenue, printed on separate pages.
Incsum02.xls. Income Statement Summary with Graphs
A summary as amounts and a graph as percentages of total revenue.
Important! Financial Reporter does not generate this report. Rather, the report uses data from fixed cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and may not print the correct information if the report is generated with the [Include] Report Options setting. If you are printing the report from the G/L Print Financial Statements screen in Sage 300, make sure that [Include] Report Options is not selected.
Note: For Excel-based charts, the default position of data labels varies by Excel version. To add or remove data labels or modify their position, refer to the help or documentation provided with your installed version of Excel.
Incsum03.xls. Income Statement Summary for Specified Period
A summary of the income statement for a specified period.
Incsum04.xls. Comparative Income Statement Summary (Current Year / Previous Year)
A comparison of current and previous year amounts, and variance by amount and percentage.
Incsum05.xls. Comparative Income Statement Summary (Current Year / Budget)
A comparison of actual and budgeted amounts for the current year, and variance by amount and percentage.
Financial Analysis Statements
Analysis statements display financial ratios used by financial managers to evaluate a company's performance.
For some of the following sample statements, you must enter financial ratios for a benchmark company—an average company in your industry—on the Benchmarks worksheet.
General ledger includes the following sample statements:
Finratio01.xls. Financial Ratios
A summary of the financial ratios for the current period grouped into the following categories: Profitability, Asset Utilization, Liquidity, Debt Utilization, and Growth.
Finratio02.xls. Financial Ratios and Benchmarks
A comparison of the company's financial ratios to the benchmark, and the variance between the ratios.
Finratio03.xls. Financial Ratios and Benchmarks with Graphs
A graph comparing the company's financial ratios to the benchmark.
Important! Financial Reporter does not generate this report. Rather, the report uses data from fixed cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and may not print the correct information if the report is generated with the [Include] Report Options setting. If you are printing the report from the G/L Print Financial Statements screen in Sage 300, make sure that [Include] Report Options is not selected.
Note: For Excel-based charts, the default position of data labels varies by Excel version. To add or remove data labels or modify their position, refer to the help or documentation provided with your installed version of Excel.
Finratio04.xls. Comparative Financial Ratios (Current Year / Previous Year)
A comparison of the company's financial ratios for the current and previous years, and the variance between the ratios.
Finratio05.xls. Comparative Financial Ratios and Benchmarks with Graphs (Current Year / Previous Year)
A graph comparing the company's financial ratios for the current and previous years to the benchmark.
Important! Financial Reporter does not generate this report. Rather, the report uses data from fixed cells in the Excel spreadsheet, and may not print the correct information if the report is generated with the [Include] Report Options setting. If you are printing the report from the G/L Print Financial Statements screen in Sage 300, make sure that [Include] Report Options is not selected.
Note: For Excel-based charts, the default position of data labels varies by Excel version. To add or remove data labels or modify their position, refer to the help or documentation provided with your installed version of Excel.
Financial Forecasts
Use financial forecasting to assess your current operating performance, and project how your business will perform in the future.
Forecast.xls creates a forecasted income statement and balance sheet. The statements include actuals for the current and previous years, and projected amounts for the next three years based on the percentage of sales revenue growth.
Note: The forecasting method assumes that certain expenses, assets, and liabilities maintain a constant relationship to the level of sales. To perform what-if analysis, enter projected percentages for revenue growth and other line items in the Adjustments area of the statement specification.