About Printing Financial Statements
To print a statement, it must be on your Sage 300 server in the SharedData\company\FinancialReporter folder. You add statements to this folder as follows:
- To add a statement that you created using the web screen Statement Designer: on the Statements tab of the Statement Designer screen, select the statement you want to add and then click the Add/Update button for the selected statement.
- To add a sample statement or a statement that you created using the desktop Statement Designer: manually copy the statement to the folder on your Sage 300 server.
Note: Sample statements are in language subfolders (such as ENG and FRA) of the General Ledger program folder.
You can print statements using the Statement Designer or the Print Financial Statements screen. These two ways of printing are different:
- When you print using the Statement Designer:
- You can generate an audit information tab as well as account audit information in the first column of the report.
The audit information tab lists information such as the print ranges and any specified processing order.
- You can create formulas for each value that appears in the report range instead of the values themselves.
This means that you can update the report simply by recalculating the spreadsheet.
Note: Spreadsheet formulas make the spreadsheet a lot larger.
- If you generate a series of statements for a group of departments, the separate statements are generated in consecutive sheets in an Excel workbook.
- You can generate an audit information tab as well as account audit information in the first column of the report.
- When you print a set of statements using the G/L Print Financial Statements screen, Financial Reporter:
- Repeats the report generation process for each account segment.
- Prints a series of separate statements.
For instructions, see Printing a Financial Statement.
Tip: Keep financial ratios and graphs in a formula sheet. (The most common type of "formula-only" report is one that keeps financial ratios.)
There are two main advantages of a report that is composed only of formulas:
- The report has the same cell references each time you use it.
- The report area remains intact when you recalculate the report. (If you generate a report from a specification, the old report is cleared before the new one is generated.)
Because the spreadsheet remains the same each time you use it, you can include graphs in your reports and be sure of the data you are referencing.
Printing Reports With and Without a Spec Range
If a spreadsheet has formulas only (with no Spec range), you cannot use FR View to calculate and print the report. Instead:
- You press F9 to calculate the values of the formulas.
- Financial Reporter recalculates the spreadsheet when you print the report.
- If you do not want to print the whole spreadsheet, you can use Excel's Set Print Area command to define the area you wish to print.
If the spreadsheet has a defined Spec range, Financial Reporter automatically regenerates the financial statement before printing it. All the columns included the Spec range are included on the printed statement, except columns A, B, C, and D.
Preparing to Print Reports
If report information extends beyond the right edge of the spreadsheet print area, it may be cut off.
You can modify a report specification to make sure that report information is not truncated by:
- Widening the spreadsheet column that contains the extra-wide result.
- Redefining the Spec range to include the columns over which the information extends.
This approach works because the right print area boundary of a financial statement that is generated from a specification is the same as the Spec range boundary.