Click Capture and Invoice to capture payments and create invoices.
Tip: If any payments were not processed, or if any invoices were not created, print this message to create a record of errors that you need to resolve.
Specify the date for the Accounts Receivable receipt batch that is created when you capture and invoice payments, or accept the default value to use the current session date.
Batch number and description are generated automatically for each batch.
If you process payments that use multiple processing codes, a separate Accounts Receivable receipt batch is created for each processing code.
In the From and To fields, specify a range of order numbers for which to view payments, or accept the default entries in these fields to view payments for all orders.
If you specify ranges of both shipment numbers and order numbers, only all criteria you specify will appear in the table.
payments that matchSelect this option to print invoices for the selected documents after you capture payments and create invoices.
If you select Print Invoices After Capture, the O/E Invoices report screen opens after Sage 300 processes payments and creates invoices. By default, the numbers of the first and last invoice in the new batch are specified in the From Invoice and To Invoice fields, and the Include Invoices Already Printed option is cleared.
Select this option to print receipts for the selected documents after you capture payments and create invoices.
If you select Print Receipts After Capture, the A/R Receipts report screen opens after Sage 300 processes payments and creates invoices. By default, the numbers of the first and last Accounts Receivable batches created while capturing payments are specified in the From and To batch number fields.
A processing code specifies the bank, currency, and merchant account that will be used to process a credit card transaction.
If you use multiple processing codes, you can specify a single processing code or range of processing codes for which to view From and To fields to view payments for all processing codes.
payments, or accept the default entries in theIf you process payments that use multiple processing codes, a separate Accounts Receivable receipt batch is created for each processing code.
In the From and To fields, specify a range of shipment numbers for which to view payments, or accept the default entries in these fields to view payments for all shipments.
If you specify ranges of both shipment numbers and order numbers, only all criteria you specify will appear in the table.
payments that matchIf you want to process payments for a range of processing codes, shipment numbers, and/or order numbers, you can use the filters on the O/E Capture Payments with Invoices screen to specify criteria, and then click the Apply button to see documents that match the criteria you specified.
In the Apply column, "Yes" appears by default for each document. If you do not want to process payment for a document, double-click the row or press the spacebar to select "No."
Tip: If you want to capture payments for a small number of the documents that appear in the table, modify your filter criteria to produce a smaller set of results, or click the Apply None button, and then manually select the documents for which you want to capture payments.
Use the O/E Capture Payments with Invoices screen to capture and invoice
credit card payments for multiple orders or shipments.When you capture payments, they are added to an Accounts Receivable receipt batch that is created automatically. If you process payments that use multiple processing codes, a separate Accounts Receivable receipt batch is created for each processing code.
By default, this screen displays all documents with outstanding
payments.If you want to process payments for a range of processing codes, shipment numbers, and/or order numbers, you can use the filters on the O/E Capture Payments with Invoices screen to specify criteria, and then click the Apply button to see documents that match the criteria you specified.
In the Apply column, "Yes" appears by default for each document. If you do not want to process payment for a document, double-click the row or press the spacebar to select "No."
Tip: If you want to capture payments for a small number of the documents that appear in the table, modify your filter criteria to produce a smaller set of results, or click the Apply None button, and then manually select the documents for which you want to capture payments.
If you want to print invoices and/or receipts after processing payments, select the Print Invoices After Capture and/or Print Receipts After Capture options.
After selecting documents and specifying print options, click the Capture and Invoice button to capture payments and create invoices for the documents you selected.
Tip: If any payments were not processed, or if any invoices were not created, print this message to create a record of errors that you need to resolve.
When you