About Pre-authorizing, Capturing, and Forcing Credit Card Payments
Capturing a Pre-authorized Credit Card Payment
Pre-authorizing a Credit Card Payment
You capture a
credit card payment when you are ready to process payment for goods that you have shipped, or for goods or services that a customer has received.In Order Entry, you can use the O/E Capture Payments with Invoices screen to capture and invoice O/E Capture Payments with Invoices Screen.
credit card payments for multiple orders or shipments in a batch. For more information about this screen, seeNote: You can also use O/E transaction entry screens to capture individual payments by document. For more information, see Capturing a Pre-authorized Credit Card Payment.
To capture and invoice
credit card payments:Note: If you process payments that use multiple processing codes, a separate Accounts Receivable receipt batch is created for each processing code.
Tip: If any payments were not processed, or if any invoices were not created, print this message to create a record of errors that you need to resolve.
If any payments could not be processed, resolve errors related to those payments.
When you