About Assigning Items to Locations

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About Setting Up Inventory Items

I/C Location Details Screen

I/C Locations Screen

Modifying Location Details

Setting Up Inventory Control

You must allow an item to be stocked at a location before you can post transactions for the item and location. For example, you must assign an item to a location before you can receive into Inventory Control a number of units and cost for the item at the location.

You can assign active items to any number of locations. (You cannot assign inactive items to locations.)

Inventory Control provides three ways for you to assign items to locations. You can assign:

If Inventory Control does not use the Allow Items At All Locations option, you must assign items individually to the locations where you want to stock them.

Tip: To see whether items are stocked automatically at all locations, check the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen.

The following sections can help you to decide which of these methods (or combination of methods) of assigning items to locations is the most efficient for you.

Assign All Items to All Locations

If your company does not keep inventory at more than one location, or it does not need to restrict any items from being kept at any of several locations, you can save time setting up your Inventory Control system by assigning all your inventory items to all locations. This allows you to start entering transactions right away involving any item at any location.

To allow every item to be stocked at all storage locations, select the Allow Items At All Locations option on the Processing tab on the I/C Options screen. You can turn the option on or off at any time.

Assign a Single Item to a Specific Location

If your company keeps some inventory items at more than one location, but restricts others, you can assign items individually to as many locations as you want.

You use the I/C Location Details screen to assign single items to inventory locations.

Assign Multiple Items to a Specific Location

If your company keeps different categories or types of inventory items at different locations, you can assign ranges of items (by item category, item number, or a segment of an item number) to any locations.

For example, if you had the three item categories F1, F2, and F3 for different types of filing cabinets, you could assign all the filing cabinets to a location by specifying that all items having a category in the range F1 to F3 be assigned to the location.

You use the I/C Locations screen (in the I/C Setup folder) to assign a group of items at the same time to a specific inventory location.