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About Taxes

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Changing Tax Amounts for Order Entry Documents

Changing Tax Groups and Tax Classes for Order Entry Documents

Entering and Distributing Tax Amounts

Entering Taxes Manually

O/E Templates Screen

Order Entry can calculate taxes for documents automatically, or you can manually enter and distribute tax amounts to document details.

Calculating Tax Amounts Automatically on Documents

Order Entry calculates sales tax using the rates defined for the customer tax class and item tax classes for each authority that can levy taxes on the customer.

You specify the tax rates for tax authorities on the Tax Authorities screen in Tax Services , and tax classes on the Tax Classes screen in Tax Services .

Order Entry calculates sales taxes automatically if:

Entering and Distributing Tax Amounts

You can use the Taxes tab on the O/E Order Entry screen to manually enter and distribute tax amounts and tax reporting amounts (if reporting tax in another currency).

For instructions, see Entering and Distributing Tax Amounts and Entering Taxes Manually.

Changing Tax Amounts

You can change the tax amounts on Order Entry orders, shipments, invoices, credit notes, and debit notes by changing the following settings:

For instructions on changing tax groups and tax classes, see Changing Tax Groups and Tax Classes for Order Entry Documents.

For instructions on changing tax amounts directly, see Changing Tax Amounts for Order Entry Documents.

Tax Groups and Tax Classes

Tax groups and tax classes are defined on the Tax Groups screen in Tax Services and the Tax Classes screen in Tax Services.

A customer tax group determines the tax authorities (jurisdictions) to which a customer is subject. Customers are assigned to tax groups in Accounts Receivable, and they are assigned a tax class for each authority in their tax group. In a multicurrency system, the tax group on a document must use the same currency as the account set specified in the customer record.

Inventory items are assigned default item tax classes in Inventory Control.

For instructions on changing tax groups and tax classes, see Changing Tax Groups and Tax Classes for Order Entry Documents.

Tax Groups and Order Entry Templates

If you use Order Entry templates, the tax group you select for a template is used for an order or shipment only if you have not yet added the customer record. The tax group specified in the customer record always overrides the tax group specified in the template.

If you use multicurrency accounting, when you use a template to create an order or shipment for a customer that has not yet been added to Accounts Receivable, the tax group sets the currency and the reporting currency for the order or shipment.

For more information, see O/E Templates Screen.