Order Entry > Screen Guides > Setup > Templates

O/E Templates Screen

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Creating Templates

Managing Templates

Setting Up Order Entry


Use the O/E Templates screen to speed up and simplify order entry by setting up templates that specify default settings for new orders and credit notes.

Order Entry templates are optional. They specify default customer and order information for new orders and new credit notes.

Note: You must use the Order Type field (on the Order tab) and the Customer Type list (on the Customer tab) to specify the order type and customer type for each template. All other information is optional.

Customer Tab

Use the Customer tab to specify the following information:

Order Tab

Use the Order tab to specify the following information:

Specifying Tax Groups in Templates

If you use multicurrency accounting, when you use a template to create an order or shipment for a customer that has not yet been added to Accounts Receivable, the tax group sets the currency and the reporting currency for the order or shipment.