If you use Payment Processing and you selected a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card, the Charge button becomes available after you click Save.
Click Charge to open the PMT Process Credit Card screen, which you can use to process a credit card payment for the transaction.
Note: After you process a credit card payment, the Charge button is replaced with the Void button.
If you use Payment Processing, the Void Check button becomes available after you process a credit card payment.
Click Void Check to cancel a prepayment.
Note: You can void a prepayment in Order Entry only if you have not posted the document, and only if the prepayment has not been settled in Sage Payment Solutions. (Payments are typically settled within 48 hours.) If you have posted the document, you must void the prepayment in A/R Receipt Entry.
Enter the bank code for the bank for this receipt batch. Each batch must specify a single bank.
If you use multicurrency accounting:
If you are creating a new batch, specify the currency in which you want to add prepayments to the batch. You must select a currency that is used by the specified bank.
If you select an existing batch, Sage 300 defaults the receipt currency to the default currency specified for the existing batch, and you cannot change the currency. (You can change the batch default currency in Accounts Receivable if necessary.)
If you want to view or edit the bank rate for the currency, open the context menu beside the Currency field to open the O/E Bank Rate screen. For more information, see O/E Bank Rate Screen .
Select the payment code for the prepayment. Payment codes are the payment methods that you have defined in Accounts Receivable to identify the types of payments you process (such as cash, checks, and credit cards).
If you use Payment Processing and want to process or pre-authorize a credit card transaction for a document, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card.
This field displays the payment type associated to the specified payment code.
If you use Payment Processing, select the processing code to be used for the transaction. This code specifies the merchant ID, bank, and currency that will be used when processing the transaction.
Note: The bank and currency you specify for a credit card transaction must match the information specified for the processing code.
Select a date for the prepayment. Sage 300 displays the session date by default.
Sage 300 uses the date you enter to select the default fiscal year and period to display.
Note: In Accounts Receivable, the receipt date is used to assign the prepayment to aging periods on statements and reports, and to update statistics in customer records and salesperson records.
Use the O/E Prepayments screen to enter, modify, and delete prepayments with an order, shipment, or invoice, or to process or void a credit card prepayment if you use Payment Processing.
Before entering a prepayment, you should determine which Accounts Receivable receipt batch to use for the prepayment.
Prepayments are applied to transactions as follows:
The order prepayment total is displayed on the Totals tab of the O/E Invoices screen, so you can easily determine if there is an outstanding balance.
Note: You can enter multiple prepayments for an order, but only one prepayment for an invoice.
If you use Payment Processing, you can use the O/E Prepayments screen to perform the following tasks:
To enable the Charge and Void Check buttons on this screen, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card before adding the prepayment.