O/E Prepayments Screen

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About Orders, Shipments, and Invoices

O/E Order Entry Screen


Use the O/E Prepayments screen to enter, modify, and delete prepayments with an order, shipment, or invoice, or to process or void a credit card prepayment if you use Payment Processing.

Before entering a prepayment, you should determine which Accounts Receivable receipt batch to use for the prepayment.

Prepayments are applied to transactions as follows:

The order prepayment total is displayed on the Totals tab of the O/E Invoices screen, so you can easily determine if there is an outstanding balance.

Note: You can enter multiple prepayments for an order, but only one prepayment for an invoice.

Credit Card Prepayments

If you use Payment Processing, you can use the O/E Prepayments screen to perform the following tasks:

To enable the Charge and Void Check buttons on this screen, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card before adding the prepayment.