If you use the option to enter adjustments in receipt batches, you can click this button to write off differences between the amount your customer paid for an invoice and the amount the customer owes.
Note: You must enter Yes in the Apply column and select the document in the table before you can use the Adjust button to enter an adjustment to a document.
For more information, see A/R Miscellaneous Adjustment Entry Screen.
Click this button to process a credit card payment.
For more information, see Processing a Credit Card Payment.
Click this button to clear the screen and start a new batch.
Tip: After creating a batch, you can create or select a deposit number for the batch
Click this button to start a new transaction.
When you have finished entering information about the transaction, you click Save to record your changes.
Click this button to delete a selected record, account, batch, or transaction.
Click this button to print a deposit slip for a receipt batch.
For more information, see Printing the A/R Deposit Slips Report.
To view history for a document, enter Yes in the Apply column and select the document in the table, and then click the History button.
Click this button to print customer receipts.
For more information, see Printing Receipts.
Click this button to edit currency conversion information for a selected receipt.
For more information, see A/R Rate Override Screen (Receipts).
Click Save to record your changes.
Click this button to void a credit card payment.
For more information, see Voiding a Credit Card Payment.
The customer's account set appears as the default in this field, but you can change the account set to another one that uses the customer's currency.
Note: You cannot specify an account set for apply transactions, for miscellaneous receipts that have no customer number, or for adjustments you make in Receipt Entry.
This field appears if you select Receipt as the transaction type. It displays the total credit you are advancing to your customer (on the current receipt) for goods that they have returned, but which you have not yet received.
On the customer's statement, the invoice to which advance credit is applied appears as fully paid. However, because the advance "credit" is actually a separately numbered debit document, it remains on the statement, reflecting the customer's true unpaid balance, until you issue a credit note when the goods are received.
This field appears for prepayments. You use it to specify the type of reference to use when selecting the document to which you are going to apply the prepayment.
You can select:
Then, in the Apply To field, you specify the document number, PO number, order number, or shipment number.
You use Apply Document transactions to apply a posted prepayment, unapplied cash transaction, or credit note to outstanding documents in the customer's account. (You specify the outstanding document in the Document Number field.)
Note: When you apply credit notes that include retainage, only the original document balances are affected. Outstanding retainage amounts remain with original documents until you post retainage documents or adjustments to clear the outstanding retainage.
Specify one of the following methods for applying partial customer payments to a number of invoices:
You enter a number in this field only for Prepayment transactions.
Enter the number of the invoice, debit note, purchase order, or sales order to which a prepayment applies, if you know it.
The document number you specify does not have to exist in Accounts Receivable. Later, when you enter and post the specified document (or the document that contains the specified purchase order number or order number), Accounts Receivable applies the prepayment to the document during posting.
You do not have to enter a number in this field.
If you use the Filter By option when applying transactions, you can use the Auto Apply option to apply a receipt or apply-document transaction to a customer's account automatically.
When you select Auto Apply, and then click the Refresh button, Accounts Receivable applies the amount to outstanding invoices, debit notes, and interest charges for the customer, starting with the document with the earliest due date. If an amount is left over, it is applied to the document due next, and so on, until the amount is fully applied.
To apply additional posted credit notes, prepayments, partially applied receipts, and unapplied cash transactions together with the current receipt, change their Apply statuses to Yes in the table before you click the Refresh button.
You can make any changes you need to the list after using the Auto Apply option.
Tip: Clicking the Refresh button does not change previously entered Apply statuses or amounts. If you made a mistake in applying amounts and want begin again, change the Apply statuses back to No, clear the Auto Apply check box, then click the Refresh button to reset the table.
When you add a new receipt batch, this field initially shows the code and description for the default bank specified on the A/R Options screen.
You can enter or select a different bank code, if necessary.
This is usually the date on which the batch was created.
The program uses the batch date as the default document date for new documents you add to the batch.
Accounts Receivable displays the session date as the default batch date when you create a new batch. You can type a different date in the field, or select a date using the calendar. (Click the icon beside the Batch Date field to display the calendar.)
You can change the batch date any time before you post the batch, provided the batch is not set Ready To Post on the A/R Receipt Batch List.
When you post the batch, the batch date becomes part of your audit trail. You use it to select batches to print on the batch listing and batch status reports.
Accounts Receivable automatically assigns a number to each new batch, starting with 1. Use this field to select the number of an existing batch you want to view or edit.
You can also click the Details link above the Batch Number field to open the Batch Information screen to view or enter additional information about the batch.
The batch number is a permanent part of the information stored for a receipt.If your A/R G/L Integration options specify batch numbers as the description or reference for general ledger transactions, the batch number appears with the transaction on Accounts Receivable reports, such as posting journals and the G/L Transactions report..
You can use batch and entry numbers to trace transactions through the Accounts Receivable system and, if you use the numbers as the descriptions or references for G/L transactions, in your general ledger (unless you consolidate the transactions during posting in Accounts Receivable).
For more information, see Adding, Editing, or Deleting a Receipt Batch.
You enter a check number with each payment by check.
If the payment is not by check, you can enter another reference number, or you can leave the field blank to let Accounts Receivable assign a number that consists of the batch number and the entry number.
This field shows the amount of the receipt in the customer's currency. You apply this customer amount to the customer's account on the receipt application table on the A/R Receipt Entry screen.
In multicurrency ledgers, the receipt amount is converted from the bank currency to the customer currency using the exchange rate information contained on the Rate Override screen.
To change the exchange information for a selected receipt, open the Rate Override screen by clicking the Rates button at the bottom of the Receipt Entry.
Identifies the customer account to which to post a receipt. You can type or select the customer number.
After you specify a customer number, Accounts Receivable displays the description, account set, and (in multicurrency ledgers) the customer's currency from the customer record.
This field appears in multicurrency ledgers for customers who do not normally use the currency assigned to a receipt batch.
The field shows how much of the selected receipt or credit note has not yet been applied to the customer's account, in the customer's currency. The Receipt Unapplied field shows the unapplied amount in the receipt currency.)
This field appears only for miscellaneous receipts in multicurrency ledgers.
It shows the undistributed amount in the customer currency. (The Receipt Undistributed field shows the undistributed amount in the receipt currency.)
Accounts Receivable lets you specify a default currency for the batch, which is used as the default for the receipts you add to the batch.
You can change the currency for a particular receipt, and you can use a variety of currencies in the same receipt batch.
The deposit date is the date you deposit the receipts for the deposit number at the bank.
Accounts Receivable assigns the batch date as the default for this field, but you can change it.
When you create a new receipt batch, you assign a deposit number to the batch. You can:
If the option Create Deposit Slip When Receipt Batch Is Created is selected on the A/R Options screen, you can leave the field blank and let the program assign the next deposit number when you add the first receipt to the batch.
If the option to create a deposit slip is not selected, you must assign or create a deposit slip manually before you can save a receipt, prepayment, unapplied cash transaction, or miscellaneous receipt.
Tip: You do not have to create a deposit slip if the batch contains only apply document transactions.
You cannot edit the number after you add the first receipt to a batch.
When you add a transaction (except Apply Document transactions) in Receipt Entry, Accounts Receivable assigns a document number to the transaction. The number is determined by the prefix and next number entered for the receipt transaction type on the Numbering tab of the A/R Options screen.
When entering an Apply Document transaction, you use the Document Number field to select a prepayment, unapplied cash, or credit note transaction to apply to an account.
You must use a valid document number from the customer's account.
Use this field to specify the type of document to which to apply the current receipt or credit document.
If you are entering a Receipt transaction, you can apply the receipt to invoices, debit notes, and credit notes.
If you are entering an Apply Document transaction, you can apply a selected credit document only to invoices and debit notes.
This field displays the name of the person who entered the transaction.
This field can contain an optional description of the entry, up to 60 characters long.
Use this field to open an existing receipt by entering the entry number for the receipt.
When applying receipts and credit notes, you can use a filter to limit the type of documents displayed, and you can order the list of documents outstanding for the customer, so you can easily mark the ones to pay.
You can also see any transactions that are pending against the customer's open documents in other unposted batches or entries.
Accounts Receivable automatically displays the fiscal year and period for the posting date you enter for a receipt. You cannot change the year or period except by changing the posting date.
When you add the miscellaneous receipt, Accounts Receivable assigns the number using the prefix and next number specified on the A/R Options screen for invoices, or you can type an invoice number.
Note: You can use an invoice number only once.
This field displays the number of entries in the selected batch.
This field indicates whether optional fields are assigned to the currently selected receipt. If any receipt optional fields are set up for automatic insertion, this field is selected when you add a new receipt entry.
To view or edit optional fields for the current transaction on the Optional Fields screen, click the Finder .
If you assigned exactly the same optional fields to the customer record as you defined for receipts, the optional field values from the customer record appear.
If an optional field is defined for receipts, but is not assigned to the customer, the program displays the value specified in the Optional Fields record.
For information about assigning optional fields to receipts, see Editing Optional Fields for a Receipt.
If you are using the Filter By option when applying receipts, specify the order by which to list the customer's documents. You can choose Document Number, PO Number, Due Date, Order Number, Document Date, Current Balance, or Original Document Number.
Tip: If you use retainage accounting, listing documents by their original document number makes it easier to apply retainage payments when you receive these amounts from customers.
You set the default entry for this field using the Default Order Of Open Documents option on the A/R Options screen.
Payment codes identify the types of payments you process, such as cash or checks.
You use payment codes on the A/R Receipt Entry screen and on the Prepayments screen (in Invoice Entry) to categorize receipts for the deposit slip. For example, your company may define three different codes for payments made by credit card—one type to identify each of the three credit cards you accept.
Tip: Click the Payment Code Finder to see a list of payment codes and associated payment types.
If you use Payment Processing and want to process a credit card payment, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card before adding the document or prepayment. After you select the payment code, the Processing Code field appears, along with a status field that displays information about the status of the credit card transaction. After you add the document or prepayment, the Charge button becomes available.
The posting date is used to record the date you apply the document to another transaction. It does not affect the calculation of the discount or the days to pay statistics.
The posting date also determines the fiscal year and period to which the transaction is posted in General Ledger. (You cannot change the year or period.)
The Processing Code field becomes available after you select a payment code that uses the SPS Credit Card payment type.
A processing code specifies the bank, currency, and merchant account that will be used to process a credit card transaction.
Verify that the Processing Code field displays the correct processing code.
Note: The bank and currency for the batch and transaction must match the bank and currency specified for the processing code you select.
This is the amount of the check or other receipt.
In a multicurrency ledger, the amount is in the currency in which it was paid. The program displays the default batch currency for a new receipt, but you can select a different currency using the field.
Accounts Receivable uses the receipt date to:
The program uses the deposit date (entered on the A/R Receipt Entry screen or the Batch Information screen) as the default date for the receipt entry, but you can change it. For more information, see A/R Receipt Entry Screen or A/R Batch Information Screen (Receipts) .
This date is shown as the Document Date on reports that include receipts and apply document transactions.
This field shows the amount of the receipt that has not been applied to invoices and debit notes in the customer account. In a multicurrency ledger, the amount is shown in the receipt currency. The Customer Unapplied field shows the equivalent amount in the customer's currency.
For miscellaneous receipts, the Receipt Undistributed field appears instead of this field.
This field appears only for miscellaneous receipts.
It shows the amount of the receipt that has not been distributed to general ledger accounts. In a multicurrency ledger, the amount is shown in the receipt currency. The Customer Undistributed field shows the equivalent amount in the customer's currency.
Use the field to check that you have distributed the correct amount before posting the batch. You cannot post the receipt until the undistributed amount is zero.
For transaction types other than Miscellaneous Receipt, you can use this field to store additional information (such as the EFT number) that you want to keep with the transaction.
For Miscellaneous Receipt transactions, enter an optional reference for the invoice distribution. This reference appears with the distribution in the General Ledger batch, if you selected Transaction Type-Posting Sequence-Batch Number-Entry Number for the G/L Detail Reference option for miscellaneous receipts on the G/L Integration screen, and you do not consolidate general ledger transactions during posting.
The name of this field varies according to your selection in the Order By field.
Use the field to type the number, amount, or date of the first record you want to see in the list of the customer's open documents.
Note: When you display documents for a national account, they are listed first by customer number, then by the method you specify in the Starting field.
If you use Payment Processing, the Status field displays the status of a Sage Payment Solutions credit card transaction, such as Not Charged or Charge Pending.
If the transaction has been processed, this field displays the authorization code for the transaction. You can use this code to look up the transaction in Sage Virtual Terminal.
Tax groups specify the authorities that tax the customer and assign the customer's tax classes in each authority. (Tax classes determine the specific classification for a tax, such as which rate is applied or whether the customer is exempt.)
The customer's tax group appears in the field when you enter the customer number. You can assign a different tax group, or you can change the tax information for the document on the Document Taxes screen. You can also change the detail tax class or tax included status for any of the detail lines you enter with the document.
To change the tax rates for a tax authority, however, you must use the screens in Tax Services.
In multicurrency ledgers, if you change the tax group to one that uses a different currency than the customer, you can choose whether to let the program calculate the tax reporting amount, and you can change the tax type, rate date, and exchange rate for the tax reporting currency.
The program displays the total tax calculated or entered for all the details and tax authorities used on the document.
This field displays the total for the batch.
This field appears for Apply Document transactions.
It displays the amount of the selected prepayment, unapplied cash transaction, or credit note that has not been applied to a customer account. Confirm that this amount is correct before posting the batch.
This column appears only for miscellaneous receipts.
If you did not enter a distribution code for the detail, type the general ledger account number.
If you entered a distribution code, you can change the account number that appears in this field.
This column displays the amount of an adjustment entered to the document in this receipt batch. You cannot change the amount in this column.
You use the Adjust button to enter adjustments in receipt batches, but only if the Allow Adjustments in Receipt Batches is selected on the A/R Options screen.
This column appears only for miscellaneous receipts.
Type the amount for the selected miscellaneous receipt detail.
Use this field to type the amount you want to apply to the document.
If you use the Auto Apply option, amounts are entered in this column automatically—until the selected transaction is fully applied—but you can change the amounts.
If you apply an amount that is greater than the amount you received from the customer, you create a receipt with a debit balance, which can apply later.
Example: You might overapply a receipt if you have not yet issued a credit note for the customer. When you process the credit note, later, you can apply it to the receipt to produce a net result of zero.
If you apply an amount that is less than the amount you received from the customer, the unapplied portion is posted with the original receipt. You can then apply the unapplied portion of the posted receipt, later.
Use the Apply column to select the documents to which to apply the receipt or credit note.
Beside each document the customer is paying, click in the column beside the desired document, then select Yes or type Y (or any other keyboard character) in the column.
Note: If another transaction has been applied to the document in another unposted batch or entry, you see "Pend" for the document in this column.
This column displays the current balance in the document in the customer's account. The amount is calculated from the transactions that have been posted to the account, and does not include pending (unposted) transactions.
This column shows the amount of the discount that is available for the document, if any. You cannot change this amount, but you can enter a larger discount amount in the Discount Taken field.
This column lists the discount dates that were assigned to the documents when they were posted to Accounts Receivable.
If no discount applied to the document, the discount date is the same as the document date.
Use this column to enter the amount of any discount that applies to the document. You can enter an amount that is larger than the amount in the Discount Available column.
If the discount period has expired, this field displays zeros. If you still want to give the customer a discount, you can type in an amount that is the same as or less than the amount that was available.
This field appears for Miscellaneous Receipt transactions.
Type or select a distribution code.
If there is no suitable distribution code, skip the Distribution Code field, and enter the general ledger account number instead.
The Document Date column lists the dates that were entered with the documents when they were posted to Accounts Receivable.
If you list documents by their document dates, the list begins with the document with the earliest (oldest) date.
If you also enter a starting document date in the Starting Document Date field, the list omits any documents with earlier dates.
The Document Number column displays document numbers to which you can apply a receipt or credit note. Double-click in the Apply column for the document that the customer is paying at this time.
If you list documents by their document dates, the list begins with the document with the earliest (oldest) date.
If you also enter a starting document date in the Starting Document No. field, the list omits any documents with earlier dates.
This column shows the type of document for each document listed on the receipt application table.
The Due Date column lists the due dates that were assigned to the documents when they were posted to Accounts Receivable.
If you list documents by their due dates, the list begins with the document with the earliest (oldest) due date. If you also enter a starting due date in the Starting Due Date field, the list omits any documents with earlier due dates.
This column displays the document balance net of any unposted applied amount or discount.
This column displays the sales order number, if any, that was entered with the document.
If you list documents by their order numbers, all the documents issued with a particular order number are displayed together, beginning with the lowest order number or the order number you specify in the Starting Order No. field.
This column displays the original document total.
This column displays the payment number for the corresponding document. This payment number is 1 unless the document contains a multiple payment schedule, then it is the payment number for the document.
This column displays the total amount of unposted adjustments that have been entered for the document in any other unposted entries or receipt batches.
The pending balance shown for a document is the amount that the document balance would be if all pending transactions were posted to it.
You cannot type in this field. You can change the pending balance only by changing the pending amounts that have been applied to the document.
Note: You cannot apply an amount that is greater than the document's pending balance.
This column displays the total amount of discounts taken for the document in the current entry and in other unposted entries in receipt batches.
This column displays the total of any receipts that have been applied to the document in other unposted batches or entries.
This column displays the purchase order number, if any, that was entered with the document.
If you list documents by their purchase order numbers, all the documents issued with a particular purchase order number are displayed together, beginning with the lowest purchase order number or the purchase order number you specify in the Starting PO No. field.
You use the A/R Receipt Entry screen to:
Distribute miscellaneous receipts from customers and others to general ledger accounts.
When you add a miscellaneous receipt for an Accounts Receivable customer, the program creates an invoice transaction at the same time, so you do not have to enter the invoice and receipt separately.
When you post a miscellaneous receipt, Account Receivable updates the accounts and the tax tracking reports.
There are two main sections on the A/R Receipt Entry screen, which relate to the two main tasks you perform in this screen:
Note: the A/R Receipt Entry screen displays all the details for a single receipt on one screen. Only the fields you are required to fill out for the selected transaction type appear.
You can add all receipts to a batch before applying the deposits to specific invoices, or you can apply receipts as you enter them.
For general information about processing receipts, see About Processing Receipts.