Accounts Receivable > Entering and Posting Transactions > Receipts > Adding a Prepayment that You Will Apply Later

Adding a Prepayment that You Will Apply Later

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About Entering Prepayments with Invoices

Entering a Prepayment with an Invoice

You can enter a prepayment without immediately applying it to an invoice.

To add a prepayment:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Receipt Entry.
  2. Select an existing batch or create a new one. More...

    • Select an existing batch. In the Batch Number field, specify the batch you want to work with.
    • Create a new batch. Click the Create New Batch button, and then enter the batch date, bank code, default currency (in a multicurrency ledger), and deposit number.
  3. Click the Create New Entry button.
  4. In the Transaction Type field, select Prepayment as the transaction type.
  5. Specify remaining information for the prepayment. More...

    • Customer number
    • Payer name
    • Payment code
    • Check or receipt number
    • Date
    • Amount
    • Type of document to apply by (document number, order number, purchase order number, or shipment number)
    • Document number (to apply the prepayment to)
    • Description
    • Year and period

    Note: If you use Payment Processing and want to process a credit card payment, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card before adding the receipt. After you add the receipt, the Charge button becomes available.

    Tip: Click the Payment Code Finder to see a list of payment codes and associated payment types.