General Ledger > Screen Guides > Setup > Optional Fields

G/L Optional Fields Screen

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About Optional Fields in General Ledger

G/L Accounts Screen

G/L Options Screen


Use the G/L Optional Fields screen to define optional fields for use in General Ledger.

You can define two types of optional fields:

Note: If the G/L Optional Fields screen is open, other users cannot run any processes in General Ledger. Also, you can modify optional field records only when all other users have left General Ledger, and all other General Ledger screens are closed.

After you define optional account fields and optional transaction fields for General Ledger, you can use the G/L Accounts screen to assign them to specific accounts.

You can print the G/L Optional Fields Report to create a list of the optional fields you have defined for General Ledger.

Note: After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.