General Ledger > Setting Up General Ledger > Optional Fields > Value Set and Auto Insert Values

Value Set and Auto Insert Values

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About Setting Up General Ledger

About Optional Fields in General Ledger

Optional Fields

The Value Set field appears on screens where optional fields are used, and indicates whether a default value is specified for a selected optional field.

Select this option if the optional field has a default value. If the optional field is validated, you can specify only predefined values.

The following table explains the relationship between the Value Set and Auto Insert fields.

Value Set and Auto Insert Values
Value Set and Auto Insert Values

Optional Field For:


Optional Field For:

Transaction Details

Value Set = Yes


Auto Insert = Yes

When you create a new account, the optional field and its default value appear on the Optional Fields tab on the G/L Accounts screen.

When you create a new account, the optional field and its default value appear on the Transaction Optional Fields tab of the G/L Accounts screen.

Value Set = Yes


Auto Insert = No

If you add or save an account, you must change Auto Insert to Yes.

When you create a new account, the optional field will not appear on the Transaction Optional Fields tab of the G/L Accounts screen.

If you manually insert this optional field for the new account, the value you defined in the Default Value field will be inserted.

Value Set = No

Default Value is blank.

Default Value is blank.

You can enter the optional field value on the Trans. Optional Fields tab of the G/L Accounts screen, or directly in a transaction.