Using Update Taxes

This process allows you to make changes to the taxes for several employees at one time without having to edit individual employees' records.

Before you start

  • Make a backup of your data.
  • Unless you want to correct existing timecards, make sure you have processed the employee's outstanding timecards with Calculate Payroll.

You can change employee information even when outstanding timecards exist for the employee. Keep in mind, however, that certain changes may produce results that are different if you run Calculate Payroll after making the changes from the results you would obtain from processing before making the changes.

To update tax information currently in employee records

  1. Select Payroll Employees >  Tasks > Update Taxes.
  2. In the Tax field, choose the tax for which you want to make changes. The window then displays the fields that can be globally modified for the tax.
  3. On the upper part of the window, enter the fields to specify which employees you want to update.
  4. In the table portion of the window, choose a field you want to modify, and enter the information for the chosen field.
  5. When you have entered all the information, click the Update button.

After updating taxes

To verify that the modifications were made, print the Employee Information report from Payroll > Reports > Employee Reports.

The system updates the Last Maintained Date field of each employee modified so printing the report for a range of last maintained dates is an effective way of verifying changes.