Using the Employee Information Report

This report lists the information entered for the selected employees in the Employee Payroll window.

Note: If your company uses Employee Level Security, you can select and print only the employees that are on selection lists that have been assigned to you.

Information on the report

For each selected employee, the employee information on the report includes:

  • General information such as address and social security number or social insurance number.
  • The employee's status, position, supervisormanager, pay frequency, and work shift.
  • Schedules and class codes assigned to the employee.
  • Cost center segment codes assigned to the employee.
  • Earnings/deductions assigned to the employee.
  • Taxes assigned to the employee.
  • Comments entered for the employee.

To print the report

  1. From the Payroll Employee Reports folder, choose Employee Information.
  2. Choose whether to include information on Active, Inactive, Inactive ROE Pending, Terminated, and Terminated ROE Pendingand Terminated employees on the report.
  3. Choose the type of information to include on the report, such as the employee’s address, profile, other information, or optional fields:
    • The Profile option will print the employee’s gender, overtime schedule, position, class codes, pay frequency, and so on.
    • The Other option will print information such as alternate address, emergency contact, and notes.
    • If you have defined optional fields in payroll for employees, select the Include Optional Fields check box if you want to print the optional fields on the report.
    • If you select the Comments option, specify a range of follow-up dates. Comments will appear on the report only if they have a follow-up date in the specified range.
    • To include full (not masked) social security numbers or social insurance numbers in the report, select the Show SSN or SIN Numbers option. If you do not select this option, numbers in the report are masked, so only the last part of the number appears (for example, ***-**-1234 or ***-***-123).
    • To include full (not masked) EFT bank account numbers in the report, select the Show EFT Bank Account Numbers option.
  4. Choose whether to sort the report by class, employee number, or employee name.
  5. Choose the employees to include on the report by entering the following criteria:
    • If you want to include the employees in a selection list, choose that selection list.
    • Enter the range of employees at the Employees From and To fields.
    • Choose the type of date (such as last maintained date, birth date, hire date, and so on) and enter the range of dates into which the employees must fall to be included on the report.
  6. If you have defined optional fields in Payroll for employees, you can choose to print only employees who are assigned the optional fields that you enter in the optional fields table on this dialog box.

    For each optional field you enter in the table, you can specify the range of its values in the From and To fields. For example, if you want to report employees who are in carpools, you would enter the optional field CARPOOL, and enter Y in both From and To fields (assuming you have set up an optional field called CARPOOL and defined it with possible values of Y and N).

    If you selected to sort by class, choose the class to sort by (Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4). Then enter the range of class codes at the From Class Code and To Class Code fields.

  7. Click Print.