Using Main and Reporting Selection Lists for Security

These types of selection lists are used in Sage 300 Payroll:

  • Main list. This is a specific selection list that has been assigned to a user who does not have access to all employees.
  • Reporting list. This is a subset of a larger selection list. Reporting lists provide users with the option of working with smaller groups of employees.

The terms "main list" and "reporting list" only represent how a selection list is used in a particular situation (it is not a field or label in the payroll program). For example, your main list can be one of your supervisor'smanager's reporting lists. For an illustration of this hierarchy, see Examples of Selection Lists for Employee Level Security.

Windows with a Selection List field allow you to choose whether to work with all of the employees that have been assigned to you on your main list, or only the employees on a particular reporting list. For example, you can select a reporting list (such as a list of all Executives) when printing reports or calculating payroll.