Using the EFT Direct Deposit Report

This report is available only if you use Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll or Sage 300 Direct Deposit.

Note: To use this feature, you must have both EFT Processing and EFT Bank Account Maintenance security authorizations. For more information, see About Payroll Security Groups.

Print the EFT Direct Deposit report to verify the details of the EFT (direct deposit) file that you generated before you submit the file to your bank.

The EFT Direct Deposit report lists details of direct deposit transactions you've processed.

If you use the EFT solution that comes with Sage 300Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll, print the report to verify the details of the EFT (direct deposit) file that you generated before you submit the file to your bank.

Information on the report

  • Information required by your bank for direct deposit. This is the information that you entered on the EFT Options window in Payroll Setup.
  • Information about each direct deposit transaction, such as the employee’s number and name, the employee’s bank account information, the paycheck number, and the amount of the deposit.
  • If reporting more than one bank, the report shows the total amount deposited for each bank, as well as the total amount deposited for all banks reported.

To print the report

If you use the EFT solution that comes with Sage 300Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll, t The EFT Direct Deposit report automatically displays on screen after you successfully complete the Create EFT File function. You can print the report then, or you can print it later, as described in the following steps.

If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit, the following steps are the only way to print the EFT Direct Deposit report.

  1. From Payroll Transaction Reports, select EFT Direct Deposit.
  2. In the Run Sequence No. (From, To) fields, specify the range of original run sequences to report.

    The Run Sequence No. is the number assigned to each original file that you generated (that is, you specified the EFT File Type as Original when you generated the EFT file).

    The Run Sequence No. is a number that is assigned automatically when you process direct deposits, as follows:

    • If you use the EFT solution that comes with Sage 300Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll, the run sequence number is the number assigned to each original file that you generated (that is, you specified the EFT File Type as Original when you generated the EFT file).
    • If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit, the run sequence number is assigned when you first process a particular set of direct deposits. You can find this run sequence number using the Payroll Register report (in Transaction reports).
  3. In the Rerun Sequence No. (From, To) fields, specify the range of replacements that were produced for the original run sequence specified in step 2.

    The Rerun Sequence No. is the number of each replacement file (that is, you specified the EFT File Type as Replacement when you generated the EFT file).

    The Rerun Sequence No. is a number that is assigned automatically when you process replacement direct deposits, as follows:

    • If you use the EFT solution that comes with Sage 300Sage 300 EFT Direct Payroll, the rerun sequence number is the number of each replacement file (that is, you specified the EFT File Type as Replacement when you generated the EFT file).
    • If you use Sage 300 Direct Deposit, the rerun sequence number is assigned when you process a replacement for a particular set of direct deposits that were previously processed. You can find this rerun sequence number using the Payroll Register report (in Transaction reports).

    The Rerun Sequence No. (From, To) fields are available only if:

    • You are reporting only one run (that is, you enter the same number in both the From and To fields of the Run Sequence No.), and
    • You do not select the Print Latest Replacement File Only check box. (If you select this option, you are asking for only the last replacement, and not for a range of replacements.)
    • The Rerun Sequence No. of an original file is 0. For each replacement file generated for the “original” file, this number increases by one.
    • For a test run, the Run Sequence No. and Rerun Sequence No. are both 0.
    • The Rerun Sequence No. of an original run sequence is 0. For each replacement produced for the run sequence, this number increases by one.
    • For a test run, the Run Sequence No. and Rerun Sequence No. are both 0.
  4. To report only the last replacement for each run sequence in the specified range, select the Print Latest Replacement File Only option. To report all runs for all run sequences in the specified range, do not select this option.
  5. To include full (not masked) EFT bank account numbers in the report, select the Show EFT Bank Account Numbers option.
  6. To process the report, click Print.