Generating the Record of Employment (ROE)

Note: To use this report, you must have both Government Reporting and SSN or SIN Number Maintenance security authorizations. For more information, see About Payroll Security Groups.

Before you start

  • Read the ROE publications available from the Service Canada website and familiarize yourself with the procedures.
  • Process all payroll data for the employees for whom you are producing records of employment.
  • Set the status of each employee for whom you are producing the Record of Employment to Inactive–ROE Pending or Terminated–ROE Pending.

    Tip: If you are producing ROEs for a large number of employees, you may want to use the Include Active Status option described later.

  • If you want to submit your ROEs using the Service Canada ROE Web application, your business needs to register with Service Canada. For information on registering your company, contact Service Canada.
  • If necessary, connect and turn on the printer, and set up the print destination.

To produce the ROE

  1. From Government Reports, select Record of Employment.
  2. In the Select Employees By field, specify one of the following:
    • Employee. To produce ROEs for employees included in a range that you specify.
    • Selection List. To produce ROEs for employees included in a selection list.

    Note: Selected employees with a status of Inactive ROE Pending or Terminated ROE Pending are automatically included as candidates for producing the ROE.

  3. If you also want to include employees with a status of Active, select the Include Active Status option.
  4. Specify the format that will apply to all selected employees:
    • To produce the ROE in the 53-week ROE format, select the 53 Weeks ROE option.
    • To produce the ROE in the 27-week format, clear the 53 Weeks ROE option.
  5. If you are selecting employees by Selection List, choose the selection list.
  6. Click the Go button to generate an ROE batch.

    The system produces a batch of ROE data for the employees you have selected.

    • If you are processing ROEs for a large number of employees, a dialog box displays the names of employees being processed and a Cancel button.

      Note: If you click Cancel, all employee data processed in the ROE batch is deleted. To produce another ROE batch, you must click the Go button again.

    • The information in the ROE batch does not change if you subsequently post a payroll or reverse a check for a selected employee.

    To include subsequent information in the ROE batch, you must click the Go button again. When you do so, the system recompiles the ROE information, including the results of the latest processing.

    By clicking the Go button again, however, you lose any edits you made to the ROE window.

    Important! If another user has generated ROE data, the system may warn you that it will delete the existing data. Before you continue, determine whether the other user successfully printed the ROEs, and then:

    • If the existing ROEs were not printed, click Cancel to allow the user to print them.
    • If the existing ROEs were printed, click OK to regenerate ROE data.

    Important! If another user has generated ROE data, the system may warn you that it will delete the existing data. Before you continue, determine whether the other user still needs the existing ROE data, and then click:

    • Cancel. If the other user still needs the existing ROE data.
    • OK. If the other user does not need the existing ROE data. ROE data will be regenerated.

    The window displays information for the first employee in the range. You can:

    • Use the Finder or the navigation buttons for the Employee field to display other employees in the range.
    • Use the Delete button to remove employees in the selected range or list if you do not want to include them.

    The numbers on the tabs correspond to the box numbers on the government ROE printed form.

    For details about a field or requirements, see the ROE publications from Service Canada.

  7. Verify the information on tab 2–7 and tab 8–14.

    These tabs contain the employer and employee’s name and address, and other information.

    Any corrections you make are valid for the current ROE only. You can reprint saved changes until you enter a new employee selection and click the Go button.

    Any corrections you make are valid for the current ROE only. Saved changes are kept until you enter a new employee selection and click the Go button.

  8. On tab 15:
    1. Verify the insurable hours (15A) and earnings (15B).
    2. Check the information in the table in section 15C, and make changes, if necessary.

      • If an employee is paid on an irregular schedule (Daily, Ten per Year, or Twenty-two per Year), you must manually calculate and enter their insurable earnings based on a weekly average.
      • If you change information in the table, the Total insurable hours and Total insurable earnings fields are not automatically updated. To update these fields, you must click the Calculate button.

        You can manually change the total insurable hours, but not the total insurable earnings.

    The table starts with the most recent pay period, and lists the pay periods in descending date order.

    • If using 27-week format

      If there was a pay period with no insurable earnings, check that this pay period is reported in section 15C. (The system reports a pay period with no insurable earnings in block 15C only if you processed and posted the employee’s timecard with zero insurable hours and earnings for that pay period.)

      To edit the information in block 15C, select the Check Here To Edit And Print Block 15C check box.

      If you need to insert a line for a pay period with no insurable earnings, highlight a line, and press the Insert key. Then enter the EI Period End Date and Check Date, and zeroes in the Insurable Hours and Insurable Earnings fields.

    • If using 53-week format

      The 15B Total Insurable Earnings field contains the amount that meets the requirements of Service Canada.

      If you change the insurable earnings of a pay period line in the 15C table that affects the total, Payroll will automatically update and store the total. If you want to see the updated total in the 15B field, click the Calculate button adjacent to the 15B field.

      If you change a pay period line that should not be included in the 15B total, the 15B total will remain unchanged, even if you click Calculate.

    The 15B Total Insurable Earnings field contains the amount that meets the requirements of Service Canada.

    If you change the insurable earnings of a pay period line in the 15C table that affects the total, Payroll will automatically update and store the total. If you want to see the updated total in the 15B field, click the Calculate button adjacent to the 15B field.

    If you change a pay period line that should not be included in the 15B total, the 15B total will remain unchanged, even if you click Calculate.

  9. On tab 16–17, enter the reason for issuing the ROE. Also enter the contact name, telephone number, and information required for reporting vacation, holiday, or other payments or benefits paid in the final pay period or payable at a later date.
  10. On tab 16, enter the reason for issuing the ROE. Also enter the contact person's name and phone number.

    Note: If you specify K00 or K15 as the reason for issuing the ROE, you must enter a comment on tab 18.

  11. On tab 17, enter information required for reporting vacation, holiday, or other payments or benefits paid in the final pay period or payable at a later date.

    Note: Depending on the types of payment you specify on this tab, information you enter for 17A and 17C may be used in the calculation on tab 15.

  12. On tab 18, enter comments. To start a new line when you enter information in the Comments box, press the Ctrl and Enter keys on the keyboard.
  13. Complete lines 19-22 on the last tab.
  14. On tab 19, enter information for special payments. You can enter payment details for each of the following types of special payment:

    • Paid Sick Leave
    • Wage Loss Indemnity (Not EI Insurable)
    • Wage Loss Indemnity (EI Insurable)
    • Paid Maternity/Parental/Compassionate Care/Parents of Critically Ill Children Leave
  15. Complete lines 20-22 on the last tab.
  16. Click Save to save the information you have entered for the displayed employee on the ROE window.
  17. If you are printing the ROE on paper, you can click the Align button to test if the currently-displayed employee data aligns with the preprinted ROE form. (You could also use the Print button to do this, but don’t approve the printing if the data is incorrect or misaligned.)
  18. If you want to print all the pay periods in the 15C table, load your printer with blank paper, and then click the Print 15C button.
  19. Produce the ROEs in one of these ways:
    • To print the ROEs, click Print or Print All. Clicking either button opens a new window which allows you to review the ROEs and gives you the option of either printing the forms or eFiling them.

      You can "proof" the ROE by printing first on plain paper to verify that the information is correct. If the printed forms contain incorrect data or if they are not aligned properly, do not approve the printing. You can correct and reprint the forms as many times as necessary.

      When ready to print the final copies, load your printer with preprinted ROE forms, and click Print to print the displayed employee’s ROE, or click Print All to print ROEs for all the employees in the selection.

    • To generate a file for electronic submission to Service Canada's ROE web application, click ROE Web.
  20. Produce the ROEs by generating a file for electronic submission to Service Canada's ROE web application. For more information, see Electronic Filing for Record of Employment.
  21. When printing is complete When the ROE file is generated, indicate whether the ROEs were produced successfully.
    • If you produced ROEs for employees with a status of Inactive ROE Pending and Terminated ROE Pending, a message prompts you with the option to change the employees' status.
    • If you want to change employee status manually, click Close.
    • If you choose Proceed, Inactive ROE Pending is changed to Inactive and Terminated ROE Pending is changed to Terminated.
    • If you produced ROEs for employees with a status of Active, you can change their status to Inactive or Terminated. You must also enter the inactive (or termination) date.
    • If you approve a printed ROE and then find you need to reprint it, use the Employee Payroll window to change the employee’s status back to Inactive-ROE Pending (or Terminated-ROE Pending), and then print the ROE again.
    • If you approve an ROE and then find you need to generate it again, use the Employee Payroll window to change the employee’s status back to Inactive-ROE Pending (or Terminated-ROE Pending). You can then generate the ROE again.
  22. When finished, click Close.

To review historical forms

Click on the History button, and another window for Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix opens with forms you have completed in the past.