Sage 300 2022 Release Notes

Thank you for choosing a Sage business management solution.

These release notes contain important information about Sage 300, including information about product changes that are not in the documentation.

Product updates contain modified versions of one or more Sage 300 program components. A product update is not a full upgrade or a product replacement. Each product update is valid only until we release the next product update or the next version of Sage 300.

Depending on your purchase agreement, some features described here may not be available in your product.

For more information about feature availability, see Sage Knowledgebase article 105946.

What's new in Product Update 8

This section contains a summary of fixes in Product Update 8.

General Ledger

When printing financial statements with Financial Reporter, all accounts are now included. (References #8009287428, and #8009659168)

System Manager

The Get Rates Macro error no longer appears. (References #8009970590, #8009973007, and #8009976019)

What's new in Product Update 7

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 7.

General improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

Accounts Payable

  • Five new fields have been added for 1099 purposes: First Name, Last Name, FATCA, Second TIN Notice, and Tax Withholding State. These fields also appear in Inquiry Reporting.
  • Sage 300 now supports Form 1099-Div in the AP 1099 Filing screen.

Program Fixes

This product update includes program fixes. See the list of fixed issues in Technical Information for more information.

What's new in Product Update 6

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 6.

Program Fixes

This product update includes program fixes. See the list of fixed issues in Technical Information for more information.

What's new in Product Update 5

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 5.

Program Fixes

This product update includes program fixes. See the list of fixed issues in Technical Information for more information.

What's new in Product Update 4

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 4.

Sage 300 desktop screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic desktop screens:

  • Form 1099 and Aatrix integration. With the 2022.4 update, Sage 300 desktop supports three types of Form 1099's:
    • Interest Income form: 1099-INT
    • Miscellaneous Information form: 1099-MISC
    • Nonemployee Compensation form: 1099-NEC
  • Important changes include:
    • More amount types were added to support the 1099-INT form.
    • The A/P Electronic Filing screen was removed.
    • Some fields on the A/P 1099 Filing screen were renamed, and new buttons were added:
      • Process - Button added
      • History - Button added
      • Title - Field added
      • Transfer Agent - Field added
  • The following report can be used to integrate with Aatrix:
    • 1099 Filing report: A/P Vendor Reports > Select 1099 Filing
    • Complete the applicable fields and continue to the 1099 Setup Wizard.
    • The integration between the 1099 Form and Aatrix is as follows:
      1. From the A/P 1099 / CPRS Codes screen, set up your codes and map them to the correct amount types.
      2. From the A/P Vendors screen, assign a 1099 Code to the vendor.
      3. Enter the A/P Invoice for the vendor with 1099 amounts and post the invoice.
      4. Apply A/P Payment for the invoice and post the payment.
      5. From the 1099 / CPRS Inquiry screen, verify that the 1099 amounts for the vendor is correct.
      6. When the user is ready to file the 1099, go to A/P 1099 Filing, enter the information and click on Process. Follow the steps through the Aatrix Wizard.

What's new in Product Update 3

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 3.

General improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

  • Sage 300 is more secure. We've made some technical upgrades and enhancements to improve overall security. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Sage 300, you may need to make some corresponding changes to your system setup. For more information, see Sage Knowledgebase article 116170.

What's new in Product Update 2

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 2.

General improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 classic screens:

  • Updated 1099 tax reporting. Accounts Payable supports 1099 tax reporting requirements for tax year 2021. To report amounts as Fish Purchased for Resale, you must manually set up a 1099 code for this and assign the new code to related vendors.
  • Vendor tax numbers are more secure. In Accounts Payable, we have made tax numbers for vendors (such as SSN and SIN numbers) more secure. By default, tax numbers now cannot be entered or changed, and are masked so that only the last four characters in the number are displayed. For example, a nine-digit tax number looks like this: *****4484.

    Also, by default the following screens and reports do not appear:

    • A/P Print 1099/1096 Forms Screen
    • A/P 1099 Electronic Filing Screen
    • A/P Print T5018 (CPRS) Forms Screen
    • A/P T5018 (CPRS) Electronic Filing Screen

    To enter or change tax numbers, to see full (unmasked) tax numbers, and to see the the screens and reports listed above, a user must be assigned the Tax Number Maintenance security authorization for Accounts Payable. This security authorization is new, and is not assigned to any users automatically; you must assign it to any users who need to maintain tax numbers.

  • User passwords are more secure. We've made some changes to user passwords to make Sage 300 more secure. In Sage 300 Database Setup, on the Advanced Security Settings screen:
    • A new Increase required complexity option lets you require that passwords include at least one of each of the following:
      • Lower case letter
      • Upper case letter
      • Number
      • Special character (such as * or #)

      Note: If you use Sage Fixed Assets integrated with Sage 300, do not select the Increase required complexity option, because Sage Fixed Assets does not currently support passwords with the increased level of complexity.

    • If you specify a minimum password length, it must be at least 8 characters.

    For more information, see Setting Up Global Security.

  • Email documents using Microsoft 365. You can now set up Sage 300 to email documents using Microsoft 365. To do so, select Microsoft Graph in the new Email Service field on the Email tab of the Company Profile screen.

    For more information, see Setting Up Email.

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300cloud web screens:

  • Enter job-related documents in Accounts Payable. You can now enter and work with job-related documents on all A/P transaction entry screens.

Sage 300 desktop screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic desktop screens:

  • Send test emails using Microsoft Outlook. When setting up your company profile, you can send test emails using Microsoft Outlook (on the Email tab of the Company Profile screen).

What's new in Product Update 1

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in Product Update 1.

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300cloud web screens:

  • Enter job-related documents in Accounts Payable. You can now enter and work with job-related documents on the A/P Invoice Entry screen.
  • Improved process for printing custom reports. For customized SAP Crystal Reports® opened from the Reports list, printing now works the same way as for other reports. When printing, a preview of the report is not displayed in the SAP Crystal Reports® viewer. Instead, the Export Report screen appears in a new browser tab, and provides options for saving the report to a file. To print a physical copy of the report, save to a PDF and then print to your printer from the PDF.
  • Improved way of entering information in some fields. For selected fields, new buttons are available that allow you to specify a value more quickly and easily by going to the first or last value, or to the next or previous value. For example, the Vendor Number field on the A/P Vendors screen:

    An image of the Vendor Number field with new buttons

  • Improved experience when signing in. We’ve improved the experience of signing in to web screens, including a fresh new look. And if a problem prevents you from signing in, you’ll see a more informative message explaining what went wrong.

What's new in Sage 300 2022

This section contains a summary of new features and changes in the 2022 release.

Integration Access Pack (IAP) licenses are no longer supported

For applications that previously used IAP licenses to access Sage 300 programs, a LanPak license is now used instead of the IAP License.

General improvements

This release includes the following new features and improvements in both Sage 300cloud web screens and Sage 300 desktop screens:

  • Enter negative additional costs on P/O credit notes. When entering a credit note on the P/O Credit/Debit Note Entry screen, you can now enter negative amounts for costs on the Additional Costs tab (for example, for shipping or restocking fees you paid as a result of returning an item). Such negative additional costs are recorded as debits when you run day-end processing.
  • Easily set the expected arrival date and location for all details on a purchase order. Two new buttons are available on the Order tab of the P/O Purchase Order Entry screen:
    • Set Arrival Date. Clicking this button sets the expected arrival date for all details on a purchase order to be the same as the arrival date for the purchase order.
    • Set Location. Clicking this button sets the location for all details on a purchase order to be the same as the ship-to location for the purchase order.
  • Easily set the expected ship date and location for all details on an order. Two new buttons are available on the Order tab of the O/E Order Entry screen:
    • Set Ship Date. Clicking this button sets the expected ship date for all details on an order to be the same as the expected ship date for the order.
    • Set Location. Clicking this button sets the location for all details on an order to be the same as the default location for the order.
  • Reserve LanPak licenses for specific users. A new Reserve a LanPak License option on the Users screen allows you to reserve one LanPak license exclusively for a user.

    Information about reserved licenses (how many licenses are reserved, and how many reserved licenses are in use) is available on the Current Users screen.

    Reserving LanPak licenses reduces the total number of licenses that can be used by other users, because a reserved license can be used only by the user for whom it is reserved.

  • Improvements to bank feeds. On the Reconcile E-Statements screen:
    • When automatically reconciling transactions from a bank feed, the system now tries to match transactions in more ways than it did previously. Transactions will now match if certain information in Sage 300 is in the Comment 2 field in the e-statement, even if the Comment 2 field includes additional information (for example, if the payment description in Sage 300 is Check 900 and the Comment 2 field in the e-statement is Invoice 2286 Goods - Check 900).
    • Transactions downloaded using a bank feed have a Bank Cleared Date based on your local time.

      Note: In web screens, the "local" time comes from the system where Sage 300 is running, which may be different from the time on your system.

  • Sage Data & Analytics. If you use Sage Data & Analytics you can now start it from within Sage 300, in the following ways:
    • In desktop screens, click Sage Data & Analytics on the desktop ribbon.
    • In web screens, open it from Business Intelligence Reporting on the navigation menu.

    To start Sage Data & Analytics as described above, you must enter your Sage Data & Analytics web address subdomain on the Company Profile screen (in a new Web Address Subdomain field). For more information, see Company Profile Screen.

Sage 300cloud web screens improvements

This release includes the option to install Sage 300cloud web screens: modernized versions of Sage 300 screens that you can use in a web browser.

Web screens run in parallel with Sage 300 desktop screens, so there's no need to choose between desktop or web. Everyone in your organization can use the interface that best suits their needs, while working seamlessly with a single shared set of company data.

Here's a quick overview of what's new in Sage 300cloud web screens:

  • New Reminder List web screen. This release includes a new Reminder List web screen that you can use to remind users to process scheduled tasks.
  • New G/L Chart of Accounts web screen. This release includes a new Chart of Accounts web screen for General Ledger, which you can use to list accounts in the general ledger and view specific information for each account.
  • New A/R Customer List web screen. This release includes a new Customer List web screen for Accounts Receivable, which you can use to extract customer information from your database.
  • Project and Job Costing web screens. This release includes select Project and Job Costing web screens:
    • Cost Types. Use this screen to define classifications for cost reporting that are not available by default.
    • Opening Balances. Use this screen to enter opening balances so that you can transfer contracts to Sage 300.
    • Costs. Use this screen to post miscellaneous cost transactions without affecting Accounts Payable.
    • Material Returns. Use this screen to return unused materials (items) to Inventory Control.
    • Material Usage. Use this screen to record costs of materials (items) used on a project. The costs of the materials are transferred from Inventory Control to the project.
    • Material Allocation. Use this screen to reduce the amount of material stored for a project as the material is used.
    • Post Transactions. Use this screen to post transactions to contracts.
    • Transaction Listing Report. Use this screen to produce a record of your Project and Job Costing transactions.
  • Improved Finder. The improved Finder that we introduced on some screens in Sage 300cloud 2021.2 is now available on all web screens. The redesigned Finder improves filtering and makes it easier to navigate through large sets of results. Improvements include:
    • When you open the Finder, initial selection criteria are set as follows:
      • If you have previously used the Finder in the particular context (say, for a specific field), it has the same selection criteria that you last used for the Finder in this context.
      • If you have never used the Finder in this context, selection criteria show all available records.
    • You can change the size of the Finder to make finding records easier. For example, making the Finder bigger lets you see more results at a time.
    • Keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate through results and select records.

To learn more about new web screens and features available in this release, see the following documentation and resources:

Important! To use Sage 300cloud web screens, data must be protected with Secure Socket Layer (SSL). When using Sage 300cloud web screens over an external network or the internet, additional security measures are required, such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN). To determine appropriate security measures, consult with your information technology (IT) professional or Sage Business Partner.

Web screens are available in English, French, Spanish, and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional). Help and documentation for web screens is available in English and French.

Sage 300 desktop screens improvements

This product update includes the following new features and improvements in Sage 300 classic desktop screens:

  • Financial Reporter now supports Microsoft Excel 64-bit.

Microsoft 365 integration with Sage 300

The Sage Contact app (for viewing and managing Sage 300 customer information within Microsoft Outlook) is no longer supported.

Technical information

This section provides information about program fixes, product contents and requirements, recommendations, and other technical information.

Product Update 7 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 7.

Intercompany Transactions

Fixed a problem that prevented the user from processing the Update Company function. (Reference #8009773509)

Product Update 6 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 6.


Fixed a problem in bank reconciliation where a withdrawal amount would get stuck in the withdrawal field after reversal. (Reference #8009658363)

General Ledger

Fixed a problem with the printing object in Financial Reporter. (Reference #8007288528)

Common Services

Fixed a problem in Common Services to avoid fiscal periods from prior years become unlocked after upgrade. (Reference #8009502528)

Product Update 5 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 5.

System Manager

Fixed a problem for which the user incorrectly receives a message indicating the maximum number of concurrent users have been reached even though there is sufficient user counts available. The issue appears to occur when there is an increase in activity via third-party add-on. (Reference #8009476339) (Reference #8009583454) (Reference #8009580890)

Fixed a problem on Web Screens where relevant information may be missing during import failures (Reference #8009467685)

Accounts Payable

Fixed a problem for which the Aatrix upload function does not take into consideration Vendor 1099 Tax Number Type.  (Reference #8009462978)

Fixed a problem for which the Aatrix Upload function uses Vendor Name instead of Legal Name (Reference #8009491289)

Inventory Control

Fixed a problem where Inventory Control Internal Usage does not display Location Segment Override G/L Account (Reference #8009363711)

Order Entry

Fixed a problem in Credit/Debit Note Entry web screen where the data may get corrupted when the Credit Note number is manually entered instead of letting the system generate the number. (Reference #8009481877)

Project and Job Costing

Fixed a performance problem when drilling down to a Job Costing Timecard Entry from the Job Costing Billing Worksheet. (Reference #8009529899)

Lot Number

Fixed a problem in O/E Shipment Entry web screen to correct the lot expiry date of an item if the Qty Shipped field for the item is zero (Reference #8009571355)

Intercompany Transactions

Fixed a problem where Finder crashes when selecting Vendor on 2nd Entry of Invoice Batch (Reference #8009464750)

Product Update 4 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 4.

General Ledger

Fixed a problem where the Journal Entry import does not check if the Entry Date is valid or not in the import file, causing it to import invalid dates in the details.

Purchase Order

Changed the behavior in P/O Invoice Entry. Previously, P/O Invoice Entry allowed the user to post the invoice even when there is a duplicate invoice number. Now, it will give an error when the invoice for the vendor already exists.

Item Inquiry

Fixed a problem that may cause slow performance when navigating to the Bill of Material tab on the I/C Item Inquiry screen.

Accounts Receivable

A change was made to Sage 300cloud web screens A/R Invoice printing. It now defaults to the last invoice report file you printed.

Product Update 3 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 3.

Retrieving records that include a G/L account number

In many Sage 300cloud web screens, transactions or records that include a G/L account number are retrieved faster. (Reference #8009246827)

Bank Services

Fixed a problem on the Reconcile Statements screen that prevented you from clearing transactions for a customer or vendor if you posted the transactions and then changed the customer/vendor number before clearing the transactions. (Reference #8009184903)

Accounts Payable

Fixed a problem on the Payment Entry screen in Sage 300cloud web screens that could occur when adding a detail line in the table. When you clicked Add Line, instead of adding a new detail line, some information in existing detail lines would be changed to incorrect information. (Reference #8009274937)

General Ledger

Fixed some problems that could prevent you from using Financial Reporter. You can now use Financial Reporter if:

  • You do not use Optional Fields. (Reference #8009120576)
  • There is a space in the path of the Sage 300 program files.

Order Entry

  • Fixed a problem in Sage 300 desktop screens that could prevent you from approving prices or credit checks if your system is set up to require complex passwords. (Reference #8009196429)
  • Fixed a problem on the Copy Orders screen that could occur if you use Pricing Unit as the Default Order UOM (this is set on the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen), which prevented you from copying orders for a customer if an inventory location is not specified for the customer (on the Invoicing tab of the A/R Customers screen). (Reference #8009215442)
  • Fixed a problem on the Order Entry screen in Sage 300cloud web screens, which could prevent comments and instructions for order details from being saved. (Reference #8009231401)

Sage CRM Integration

  • In Sage CRM, the following fields on the A/R Customer screen now use the current date by default (instead of the Sage 300 session date):
    • Statistics tab: Fiscal Period and Fiscal Year fields
    • Comments tab: Date Entered field (in the table)
    • Credit Status tab: Age As Of field

    (Reference #8008611017)

  • If you create a new company in Sage CRM by importing a Customer from Sage 300 (either manually or using automatic synchronization), the correct contact information appears for the company in Sage CRM. (Reference #8009130716)

Item Number Change

Fixed a problem that could prevent you from combining item numbers. (Reference #8009233392)

Product Update 2 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 2.

Printing Reports in Web Screens

Fixed a problem that could cause Sage 300cloud web screens to stop responding if you printed a large number of reports. (Reference #8008991907)

Changing the Session Date

Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could prevent you from changing the session date.

Note: If you change the session date, the new date is not used in screens that are currently open. To use the new session date in these screens, you must close the screens and then open them again.

Emailing Documents

When you email documents from Sage 300 using SMTP, emails are now sent using TLS 1.2. (Reference #8008914787)

Bank Services

On the Bank Reconcile E-Statements screen, when manually matching a deposit by deposit slip, the Match Transaction to Bank screen opens faster. (Reference #8008948886)

Accounts Receivable

  • If you use multicurrency accounting, the Outstanding Balance email message variable ($OUTSTANDING_BALANCE) shows amounts in the customer’s currency, not the functional currency. (Reference #8009066514)
  • Fixed a problem in multicurrency systems that could cause mismatching functional-currency amounts for the shipment clearing account to be sent to G/L from an O/E Shipment and the corresponding A/R Invoice. (Reference #8008969611)

Accounts Payable

In Sage 300cloud web screens, when you export the Aged Trial Balance report in Excel Record format, information on the report is aligned correctly. (Reference #8008906831)

Order Entry

Fixed a problem in Sage 300 desktop screens that occurred if you use Ops Inquiry, which prevented you from drilling down to Ops Inquiry screens from O/E transaction entry screens (Order Entry, Shipment Entry, Invoice Entry, Credit/Debit Note Entry). Now transaction entry screens show the Item Drill button, and they also show drilldown buttons beside the Last Shipment No and Last Invoice No fields. (Reference #8008969429)

Customer Number Change

Fixed a problem that occurred if you use the Multiple Contacts (M/T) program, which caused some contact information for a customer to be lost when you changed the customer number. (Reference #8008991541)

Vendor Number Change

Fixed a problem that occurred when you combined two vendor numbers, which caused some information (such as payments) to be lost for one of the vendors. (Reference #8008735717)

Product Update 1 program fixes

The following sections describe program fixes included in Product Update 1.

Printing Checks

When printing checks from the Print Checks screen (for example, for an A/P payment or an A/R refund) using Checks Then Advices as the stock type, two fields – Check Form and Advice Form – appear allowing you to specify a check form and an advice form. (Reference #8008374342)

General Ledger

  • On the Journal Entry screen, Sales Tax and Purchases Tax journal entries automatically include optional fields that are set up to be auto-inserted for transactions. (Reference #8008834226)
  • Finders in Financial Reporter now work when using Microsoft Excel 64-bit.

Inventory Control

On the Location Details screen in Sage 300 desktop screens, you can now see longer item descriptions (beside the Item Number field). (Reference #8008841968)

Order Entry

  • In Sage 300cloud web screens, emailing quotes and orders from the Order Entry screen is now faster. The increased speed is most noticeable if you have a large database. (Reference #8008803761)
  • On the Order Entry screen in Sage 300cloud web screens, the order discount (shown in the Less Order Discount fields on the Totals tab) is always updated if the order subtotal changes. Previously, the order discount was not updated if you changed the order subtotal and immediately posted the order without first viewing the Totals tab. (Reference #8008851326)

Project and Job Costing

Fixed a problem on the Contract Maintenance screen that could prevent you from importing a contract. (Reference #8008895155)

Ops Inquiry

Item descriptions appear on the BOM tab of the IC Item Inquiry screen. (Reference #8008228043)

Sage 300 2022 program fixes

Sage 300 2022 includes program fixes for some problems that exist in the most recent previous version (Sage 300 2021 Product Update 2). The following sections describe these program fixes.

Signing in to Web Screens

Fixed a problem that could occur when signing in to Sage 300cloud web screens, which required you to sign in twice.

Accounts Receivable

  • Fixed a problem on the Create Interest Batches screen that occurred if you have optional fields that are set up as required. Regardless of whether or not you entered information in these fields, an “optional field is missing” message appeared and prevented you from creating interest batches. (Reference #8008709438)
  • Fixed a problem on the Receipt Entry screen in Sage 300cloud web screens, which could prevent you from viewing or modifying optional fields. (Reference #8008699063)

Accounts Payable

  • Fixed a problem on the Clear History screen that prevented you from clearing history for fully paid documents. (Reference #8008608203)
  • Fixed a problem in Sage 300cloud web screens that could occur on the Invoicing tab of the Vendors screen, which prevented you from entering information in the Distribution Code, Distribution Set, or G/L Account field (if one of these methods is specified in the Distribute By field). This problem occurred for vendors who are part of a vendor group that has no default method specified (on the Invoicing tab of the Vendor Groups screen) for distributing invoice amounts to general ledger accounts. (Reference #8008607790)

General Ledger

  • Fixed a problem on the Create Allocation Batch screen in Sage 300cloud web screens, which could prevent you from making a selection in the Create Batch For field. (Reference #8008256472)
  • Fixed a problem that occurred if you use multicurrency accounting, which caused incorrect exchange rates to be entered in G/L transactions for bank entries. (Reference #8008689707)
  • In Sage 300cloud web screens, when you export the Transactions Listing report in Excel format, information on the report is aligned correctly. (Reference #8008805145)

Inventory Control

  • If you select the Allow Fractional Quantities option on the I/C Options screen, when you save your changes you are asked to confirm that you want to allow fractional quantities. (Reference #8008728369)
  • On the Lot Numbers Inquiry screen, the Lot Number Finder displays correct information in the Quantity Shippable and Quantity On Order fields. Previously, these fields displayed incorrect information if the Use the Qty Ordered field in OE for the Allocation of Lot Numbers option is selected on the Lots tab of the I/C Options screen, which also caused related data integrity check errors. (Reference #8008757900)

Order Entry

Fixed a problem that could prevent an item’s unit price (specified in Inventory Control) from being automatically entered in the Unit Price field for details in O/E transaction entry screens. This problem occurred only if:

  • On the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen, the Default Order UOM field is set to Pricing Unit.
  • On the I/C Item Pricing screen, the item is set up as follows:
    • On the Prices tab, the Base Price Type field is set to Base Price Calculated Using a Cost.
    • On the Discounts tab, the Selling Price Based On field is set to anything other than Discount or Markup on Markup Cost.

(Reference #8008665468)

Sage CRM Integration

  • In Sage CRM, you can enter and change information on the Customer Bill-To Address screen. (Reference #8008598406)
  • In Sage CRM, the Company A/R Promote and Company A/P Promote security authorizations control which features users see for promoting customers and vendors to Sage 300:
    • Users with neither security authorization do not see the Promote to Sage 300 tab.
    • Users with at least one of the security authorizations see the Promote to Sage 300 tab where they can open the Promote to Sage 300 screen, and on that screen they see the features they are authorized to use (for example, a user with Company A/R Promote security authorization sees features for promoting customers to Sage 300 but does not see features for promoting vendors).
  • Fixed a problem that occurred if you changed the address for a company while promoting that company from Sage CRM to Sage 300, which prevented the address change from appearing in most Sage CRM screens (though the address change did appear in Sage 300).

General information

Compatibility with other programs

Compatibility changes in this release include:

  • Sage 300 supports Windows 11.

For a complete list of compatible programs, database platforms, and operating systems, see the Sage 300 2022 Compatibility Guide, available from Sage Knowledgebase article 26777.

Known issues

Installing Sage 300

For detailed instructions on installing Sage 300, see the Sage 300 Installation and Administration Guide.

  • To avoid possible data corruption issues, if you upgrade to a later version of Sage 300 or Sage 300cloud, you must install all released product updates for that version before activating your data.

    If you use Sage 300cloud web screens, you must also:

    1. Activate data for all company databases that use the same system database before signing in to web screens.
    2. Run IISRESET as the Windows administrator user.
  • Sage 300 Payroll 7.3 is compatible with Sage 300 2022. However, it must be installed separately.

Installing product updates

After installing a product update:

  • If you use Sage 300cloud web screens, you must use Database Setup to configure the Portal database again.
  • If you use Sage CRM integrated with Sage 300, you must upgrade your CRM integration as follows:
    • Install the Sage CRM integration for Sage 300, which is available on Sage Knowledgebase article 45434.
    • Uninstall and then reinstall the Sage CRM Synchronization Component. (Use the Sage CRM Workstation Setup screen in Sage 300 to install the Sage CRM Synchronization Component.)
  • If you use Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud, you must customize some Sage 300 program files, and then you must reset IIS. For more information, see Sage Knowledgebase article 84722.
  • You should clear your browser’s cache. (Some fixes included in the update may not take effect until you do.)
  • On any workstations you use, you must reinstall workstation setup as the Windows administrator user if:
    • The product update includes changes to workstation setup.
    • An earlier product update includes changes to workstation setup, and you have not previously installed that product update or any other subsequent product update.

      Example: Suppose that the current Product Update is 5. Product Update 2 includes changes to workstation setup, and the other product updates do not. You have been using Product Update 1. You did not install Product Update 2, 3, or 4. You have now installed Product Update 5. To update your workstations with the changes to workstation setup that were included in Product Update 2, you must reinstall workstation setup.

    The following product updates include changes to workstation setup:

    • Product Update 2

Removing Sage 300

Before removing Sage 300, you must:

To remove Sage 300 2022 programs:

  1. In Windows' Control Panel, click Programs And Features.
  2. Open Uninstall Or Change A Program, and then:

    • To remove all Sage 300 programs, double-click Sage 300 2022.
    • To remove individual Sage 300 programs:

      1. Click Sage 300 2022, and then click Change. (Do not double-click Sage 300 2022.)
      2. Click Modify, and then use the Select Features screen to select the programs you want to install and clear the selections for programs you want to remove.

Sage 300 Payroll

Sage 300 2022 includes Canadian and US Payroll. For more information, see the related release notes, which you can find on the Sage 300 Product Documents website.

Note: Canadian and US Payroll may not be available in all regions.

Sage 300 Intelligence Reporting

Sage 300 2022 includes Sage 300 Intelligence Reporting. For more information and help with getting started, see Sage Intelligence Learning.

Known issues

Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud

Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud is a financial reporting tool integrated with Sage 300cloud.

To use Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud:

  • You must customize some Sage 300 program files, and then you must reset IIS. For more information, see Sage Knowledgebase article 84722.
  • Each user who will use Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud must be assigned to a security group with Financial Reporter security authorization for Sage 300 General Ledger and Sage 300 Web API security authorization for Sage 300 Common Services.

We recommend that you configure Sage 300cloud web screens to run in a secured environment using digital certificates. If you do not, warnings will appear in your browser each time you start Sage Intelligence Reporting Cloud. For more information, see Sage Knowledgebase article 84797.

Sage 300 Software Development Kit

This section lists improvements and fixes for the Sage 300 Software Development Kit (for desktop screens) and the Sage 300 Web Software Development Kit (for web screens).

Product Update 3 improvements and fixes

Fixed a problem that prevented viewAttribs calls from reflecting changes to field values.

Product Update 2 improvements and fixes

When retrieving information from the Sage 300 Web API, the POReceipts endpoint now supports only the POST operation. A new POGetReceipts endpoint supports the GET operation for existing P/O receipts.

When using the POReceipts endpoint, you can now create a receipt from an existing purchase order by specifying the purchase order number in the POST operation.

Sage 300 2022 improvements and fixes

  • Sage 300 Software Development Kit:
    • Improvements to the view entry point BrowseWithOffset:
      • This entry point is now extendable, like all the other entry points.
      • On the base view, this entry point now works when it’s subclassed.
    • In fileFirstBase, the template checks for the incorrect return code under JOIN_SUBCLASS.
  • Sage 300 Web Software Development Kit:
    • Kendo is upgraded to 2021.1.224. The upgrade addresses a low security vulnerability issue and supports JQuery upgrade.
    • JQuery is upgraded to 3.6.0. The upgrade makes Sage 300cloud web screens more secure and includes fixes.
    • Simplified grid finder definition. Removed FinderDefinition.CustomFinder and ColumnDefinition.HasFinder. You can define a grid finder in a JSON configuration file by specifying ColumnDefinition.Finder, either inline or using FinderDefinition.CustomFinderProperties set to an object or function defined in another file.
    • Improved grid performance when loading large numbers of records. Added GridDefinition.PageByKey and GridDefinition.ColumnsFromConfig optional settings. If PageByKey is true, grid paging performance is improved at the cost of removing the following:
      • Total number of records count.
      • Page input from the grid pager.
    • The grid now supports multi-column headers by specifying column groups that incorporate inner column structures.
    • When retrieving information from the Sage 300 Web API, you can:
      • Use enum filtering to refine which records are found as results.
      • Specify what information is retrieved from the records that are found as results.